Backroom Casting Sex Video - Finding The Best Asian Casting Couch Porn

by TyreeSturt07957384 posted Oct 16, 2015


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How I met Frankie
Hello GWS, I saw a story on /b/ that was similar to my own, and that gave me the inspiration to write down my experience. I debated labeling this post, and free porn casting video ultimately decided to, even though I did want to catch some of you with a plot twist. Hit me pretty hard at the time too. Sorry for the long intro, but I plan on this having multiple parts, it gets much juicer, don’t worry.
It started back in high school. I was a senior, and some of my friends had gotten me into Magic: the Gathering over the summer. I was never a serious player, but I had fun with it and liked playing with my friends. I always used a fire/swamp deck, for no real reason other than those were the only cards I had. Once school rolled around, my buddies wanted me to join a club they were in. It met after school, and it was a group of people that just played Magic together. Initially, I couldn’t, as football practice got in the way. But, in October, I ruptured a disk in my lower back, sideling me for the season. I went to practices on Thursday before the Friday games, and Monday for the recap, but other than that, I rehabbed with our trainer and was released early.
Well, now I had time to check out their club, so I decided to go with them. Surprisingly, it was a pretty normal crowd that was there. There were about 10 of us that were there, all of them guys. My first game, I was paired with a guy named Frankie. Frankie adult porn casting fell into the scene category: eyeliner, painted black nails, one of those beanie caps like this, skinny jeans, and a band sweatshirt that I had never heard of. He had a baby face, and his black hair was short, looked a lot like a pixie cut, actually. You can see where I’m going with this description. I remember seeing him and hearing Aerosmith’s "(Dude Looks Like a) Lady" in my head. Frankie didn’t talk much, and when he did, it sounded like he had a bad cold or something, or like he was hoarse from yelling.
Another thing I noticed about the group was that everyone was very protective of Frankie, always coming over to see how he was doing, asking about his day yadda yadda yadda. I figured he might have been someone’s younger brother, or something like that, so it didn’t strike me as too weird. Well, Frankie was pretty new at Magic as well, so we were a pretty good match for one another. I played with him all of the time, except for when he didn’t show up, which was only a few times a month.
One day, after everyone was packing up and ready to leave, Frankie asked me if I wanted to hang out with him that weekend. I said sure, as I didn’t have anything else going on, and I had started to become pretty good friends with him over the two or three months we had been playing together. We exchanged phone numbers, and went our separate ways. That Saturday morning I got a text from him, asking to meet at a local mall to see a movie. I don’t remember what movie it was, besides the fact that I really wanted to see it, so I agreed. We were going to have ourselves a little bromantic date. I’m from Minnesota, and for those of you who don’t know, it’s fucking cold there in winter. So it was a balmy 0 degrees (Fahrenheit, for you metric bastards) outside. I bundled up and made my way over to the mall. The theater was on the second floor of the mall, so I waited by a railing. After a few minutes, I got a text on my phone, telling me to turn around. I did, and looked around to find him, without success. What I did find, however, was an absolute bombshell. The girl was wearing a black dress with those Ugg boots on, her coat was off and over her arm and her purse was across her body, making her cleavage pop out more than it already was (I’d estimate a solid C cup, my favorite size). back room casting video I’m pretty sure you could hear my jaw hitting the floor from across the mall. "Frankie?" I managed to ask feebly, as I picked my jaw up off the floor, and mopped up the drool. "Look who finally figured it out" she said, as she came over to give me a hug.
I was still trying to process what was happening. As it turns out, Frankie was not short for Francis, rather Francine. She did, in fact, have an older brother who started the Magic club, and she had gotten into it that year. She didn’t like the excess attention from new people to the group, so she went with the androgynous look, but people in the group still knew. Sometimes, people figured it out, most of the time actually. I guess I’m just a little slow. Normally, she did go with the whole hipster/scene look, but as she put it "I can be a lady too, if the mood strikes me." We walked into the movie, and I was struggling with an utter confused (and hard as a rock) boner. The guy who I had started becoming friends with, was not in fact, a guy, but an amazingly hot girl. Moreover, it had just dawned on me that she might have actually asked me out, at least that’s how I explained the dressing casting couch tubes up bit.
Well, we got into the theater and found our seats. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice her grab my hand. "Hello, earth to Mike. Anybody home?" she said as she waved her hand in front of my face. "Isn’t this the part where you are supposed to make a move?" That did a pretty good job of snapping my out of it. I put my arm around her, in a classic confused high school boy way, and she snuggled in closer to me. About midway through the movie, she moved her and my hand off the arm rest and into her lap. I’m pretty sure she could feel my heart rate skyrocket. You see, I had never had a girlfriend before, and the farthest I had ever gotten was making out on a couch after some sophomore year dance or mixer. I would later learn that Frankie had dated one guy pretty seriously (or as seriously as high schoolers can get) for about a year and a half, and was much more experienced than I was. Evidently, she also went after what she wanted. I guess the shyness in the club was just an act.
"So, what are you going to do now Mike?" she said to me. I’m pretty sure if my heart was beating any faster, I was going to have a heart attack. I hesitated for probably a little too long, because she then said "I’ll give you a hint, Einstein, it involves my lips." Moving my hands to her face quickly so she wouldn’t see them shaking, I kissed her. I could feel her tongue slide past my lips and meet mine. After about a minute she piped up again "Aww, that was sweet of you, but I wasn’t talking about the lips on my face." I didn’t think I could get harder than I already was, but it turns out I could. She went back and began to attack my face, while she guided my hand up her dress with hers. I could feel the smoothness of her thigh as she guided me higher and higher until I could feel the lacy material of her panties. She gave a little moan when my fingers brushed against her slit from outside of her panties, which I suspected was more for my benefit than hers. Unsure of where to go from there, she used my hand to pull down her panties, and told me how to start rubbing her.
I’m was freaking the fuck out, because we were in the back of a theater which was pretty empty, but still had people inside of it. I was now knuckle deep in a girl who was sucking my face, and then she does what I thought was unthinkable. She broke the kiss for a minute to completely remove her panties, and then she shoved them down my shirt. Holy fuck, I was about to jizz in my pants. This girl was a freak (and I didn’t know the half of it yet), and I loved it. She kept giving me direction until her breathing got heavier and moans began to escape her lips. Finally, I felt her squeeze down around my finger and her body shudder.
We made out for the rest of the movie, and then we walked out into the blistering cold (her panties making an awkward bulge in my pocket). She didn’t have a car (a friend who slept over the night before dropped her off), so we walked back to mine. It was freezing cold inside of it, but I started it up and asked her if she wanted me to take her home. Her next line was pretty lame, but I’ll never forget it "No, but I want to take you home with me." My dick, which had shrunken back into my body from the cold, sprang immediately to attention again. I’ll never forget what she said, because immediately after, she grabbed my zipper, pulled my dick out and began to stroke.
Stay tuned for part two, stuff is going to get a lot hotter ! It takes me awhile to write these, so I would love some feedback, comments, PMs, whatever, just to show people are reading them.

