Cast Couch - The Low Down On Casting Couch Exposed Casting Couch Stories - Who Else Wants Las Vegas Porn?

by AundreaBerkman833590 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Part 22 Sorry I haven't posted sooner, this vacation has gotten a bit crazy (but awesome fun)… anyways…

Part 22

When I woke up it was just before 2 in the afternoon. I felt surprisingly relaxed and rested. I wandered over to the ensuite and looked myself over in the mirror. I found my kitty was pink and a bit swollen but not sore, though it was definitely puffy and a bit rubbery feeling in places from all the attention it had gotten. I put a finger into myself just in case, but not only was i not sore it felt good. Since Lady Janet was no where to be seen so I used the washroom then went to find her. The house felt strangely quiet and cold, wandering around nude made it feel a bit spooky.

Lady Janet was in the great room, nude as i was, dusting. She noticed me right away…

"Good you're awake, we've got about 2 hours before the guests start to show up, and I'll need an hour to get us properly ready. For now go take a bath, not a shower a bath, when I'm done I'll come find you."

I just nodded and went back to the master suite. I ran a hot bath and let myself relax in it. Lady Janet came in some time later, carrying a tray of sandwiches.

"Here, eat up, hope egg salad is ok?"

"Oh, yes, thank you Lady Janet"

"Just Janet today Lilly, there is no submission today, understood?"

I nodded and ate, all while relaxing in the warm water in the tub. We shared a lemonade and she showered. When she was done and dried she helped me out of the tub and dried me.

"You are a bit pink" she said as she dried my kitty "sore?"

"No, it's puffy but it's not sore"

"Good, I want you to enjoy yourself tonight"

"What is…"

"Shh, no spoilers, now lets get you ready" and she led me our into the bedroom. She had me stand on a towel on the floor in front of the vanity and got some makeup on me, then she brushed my cheeks, shoulders and breasts with a gold glittery blush, then highlighted my cheeks more with silver blush. She did my hair up and wrapped me with belt made of wheat and branches, it wasn't the most comfortable thing but it wasn't bad either. Final touches to my face with eyeshadow and lipstick and she seemed satisfied. She let me look at myself in the mirror… I looked like something out of an adult fairytale. She put a wreath of branches on my head and smiled.

"You look perfect Lilly, all you need to do is hold a tray for me before the fun starts tonight, once that's done you will get to pick someone to take this" and she rubbed the belt thing "off you"

I had no clue what she meant but nodded and smiled.

She got her own makeup done, which was very ordinary, and then she put on a big black cloak.

"Alright, its 4, guests should be here between now and 5, wait here until I come for you, just sit on the stool do you don't smudge up your makeup"

I nodded and she kissed my forehead, then left.

The stool wasn't comfy so I kind of half sat half stood waiting. I could hear voices and laughter but couldn't make out anything specifically.

Janet came back to the room and motioned me to come with her.

"It's time Lilly, don't speak until I tell you to pick someone, just hold this" and she handed me a tray with a stone bowl and what looked like a knife in a sheath.

I followed her into the great room. There was some clapping as we entered, I noticed 11 other women there, all totally naked. I recognized Candice, and the girl I'd seen Frank with over webcam, Sam, but no one else. Everyone was drinking and seemed to be having a normal girls night except for the fact that the only clothing in the entire room was the cloak Janet was wearing. I found it odd there were 13 of us, but let the superstitious side of my mind go silent…

Lady Janet led me to a point in the middle of the room and placed me facing her.

"Ladies, welcome to my 7th Festival of Mabon. This night should be the Autumnal equinox but we're a bit late this year…" and she went on and on about rituals and harvest… "But when it comes to us, I long ago discovered I am tuned to the sexual energies, and as Mabon is a night of transmutation I found it ideal as a night to have women generate all the sexual powers they can. Tonight I will be your conduit and we will all enjoy the purest sexual energy of women!"

The others clapped, obviously this wasn't new to most of them. Janet continued on about pagan rituals and harvest then took fake casting couch the bowl from the tray I held and held it up high over her head, then put it on the floor at her feet. She then shed her cloak and took the knife out of the sheath. It was a dagger, very real and I could only guess sharp. Janet took her hair and cut a tuft off with it, then placed it in the bowl while saying something I couldn't even try to understand. then she put the dagger back on the tray.

"Ladies night has almost fallen" She picked the bowl up and faced the window "it is time for the energies to flow…" and again she went into a long winded speech about balance and power. Finally she casting couch 2013 placed the bowl on a table under the window and stepped back, then turned to me. "Ladies, it is time for introductions. For those of you that haven't met her, our Nymph tonight is Lilly. She is new to the circle but most welcome."

"And I, Janet, am your priestess tonight. Now each of you should introduce yourselves in turn, please stand to do so so we all get a good look at each other"

Candace started, I was happy she was there.

Next was Kelsey, she was very busty with long straw blonde hair, she was the only one shorter than me, probably mid 30s.

Then Kate, Miss Kate I realized, probably early 40s with curly black hair, short, fit and very well spoken.

Next Bobby-Jo, very light brown hair tied back in a long pony tail, not much older than me, early 20s for sure, fairly average height, small breasts but big brown eyes.

Next up was Becca and don't call me Becky. Very pale skin, long straight black hair down her back, tall and thin, small breasts with huge pink areola and long nipples, 30ish.

Sam came next, she was shorter than I'd thought, but otherwise had the same round but fit body I'd seen, her hair was much shorter than it had been.

Then came Gemma, the other dom, she to my surprise was a Latina, tan skin, dark brown hair with a lot of grey, huge breasts and butt, with tattoos all over her back.

Trina was next, she was a very dark skinned black girl, I mean like charcoal, biggest breasts in the room, H cups maybe but almost no butt, very tall, no sure about her age but 30-35 would be my guess.

Utopia, tallest girl there, also black but lighter than Trina, nice breasts, over 6 feet tall easily, younger than Trina, late 20s I would guess, very lean, looked to me like an athlete but not sure.

Then Jenny, the only redhead, long and slightly curly, and a total ginger with light skin and freckles. small breasts, brown freckles all the way down between them, maybe 30, also average height, green eyes too, like i said total ginger.

The last girl was Alex, British accent, shoulder length blonde hair, younger probably mid 20s, big round breasts, and an intricate tattoo up her leg and around her body of a serpent, the head under her breast, big blue eyes.

That all done all eyes turned back to me…

"It's time to choose someone Lilly, choose someone to start tonight's sexual release as you make them orgasm!" Janet instructed…

I gulped, Candace would be the easy choice, but my heart pounded for a different choice… "I choose… Bobby-Jo"

Everyone started clapping and Bobby-Jo came over to me. As she got to me there was a final instruction from Janet "Everyone, as soon as Bobby-Jo has an orgasm, we should all start to share in each other's pleasure. Until dawn tomorrow there are no reservations, no restrictions beyond those of good sense. Enjoy the night ladies, enjoy your pleasures and enjoy each other's bodies! Toys are available, I've put some in every room. To be clear we have but three rules: Bathrooms are not for sex tonight, keep them for what they are needed for. Second food is in the kitchen, please keep it there for cleanliness. And the golden rule, no means no, stop means stop. Are we ready?"

Everyone chanted yes together. Bobby-Jo took my hands in hers and squeezed them. We then kissed deeply. It was strange feeling all those eyes on me. Bobby-Jo helped me take off the belt and the crown which Janet took and placed on the table in the middle of the room. I helped Bobby-Jo lay down on the soft carpet then got between her legs. She spread her legs wide and I didn't hesitate, I went straight for her clit with my tongue. She began to moan and writhe, she was soaking wet, and I could feel her legs squeezing my skull. She came hard and quick, obviously very aroused already it didn't take much to push her over the edge. As soon as my head came up all I could hear was moaning and laughter. Candace came and took me by the hand and led me to the side, Bobby-Jo followed and Jenny was there.

Candace hugged me and kissed me deeply, then did the same with Jenny. "Lilly, I was Jenny's first girl too…" I looked at her and she at me, we smiled at each other. "Ladies I think we are a nice little group for fun, shall we find a bedroom?" We all nodded and smiled, then giggled. I led us to the green bedroom.

We all just sat looking at each other for a minute, then I had to have Candace and pulled her to me. We kissed and my hands roamed her body. I felt someone cup my breasts and looked around, it was Jenny. Bobby-Jo had her legs spread and was slowly fingering herself. I went back to Candace but Jenny moved in to kiss her. I rolled over and pulled Jenny over my face. She got the idea and straddled me, lowering herself onto my face. In started to lick her and she seemed to like it. I felt Candace move around and got in front of her above my head kneeling with her legs on either side. My legs were hanging off the bed and I felt a hand cup my mound. I knew it had to be Bobby-Jo. I felt her push a finger down my slit and then deep into me. I just concentrated on Jenny's slit licking it up and down, then swirling her clit. I could feel her loosing control and felt her start to shake. She fell over to my side and I was left with Candace looking down at me and Bobby-Jo kneeling with a finger flying in and out of me. I looked over at Jenny who was laying on her back panting, I couldn't see her face but Candace looked over at her, then at me and smiled and cradled my head.

I stopped Bobby-Jo and we re-positioned in a 69, with me on top. I licked at her, she was still very wet and aroused. I felt movement on the bed and looked over to see Jenny on her back next to us, Candace sucking on her nipples. I went back to licking Bobby-Jo and she writhed and squirmed again. I felt my own orgasm building and came on her tongue, she came herself soon after and we broke the 69 and watched as Candace licked Jenny who was positively crying with pleasure. I got over her and sucked on her nipple,Bobby-Jo jumped over the other side and took the other one. We took Jenny to absolute pieces sucking on her nipples at the same time while Candace licked her clit. She came at least 3 times, thrashing her head around so hard it made her red hair a total mess, sticking in sweat across her face. She finally pushed us off and begged us to stop. We all stopped and rested, I asked Jenny and Bobby-Jo about their relationships with their doms. Jenny was with Justin, though hadn't seen him as much lately because of timing issues. Bobby-Jo was with Walter, the only dom I had yet to meet. Candace filled me in on the others: Alex, Trina and Utopia were with Lady Gemma, Sam and Kelsey with Andrew, Becca was with Miss Kate, and the other women from the circle hadn't come for whatever reason, though Candace alluded to the fact some were not invited, I decided not to probe why.

Jenny and Bobby-Jo went off on their own after a bit, leaving Candace and I alone. We slowly kissed and lay down facing each other. She cupped my kitty and squeezed it gently.

"I was happy when I realized she used you as her pre-orgy fun when I couldn't make it. Did you fall asleep on her?"

"No… Travis did but I stayed awake till dawn"

"I'm impressed, I never managed to, she worked me so hard every year, poor Travis usually needs a couple weeks to recover. Are you sore?"

"Not really, I mean I feel a bit off but it's not sore"

"Good, cause I want to make you squirt!"

I smiled and rolled onto my back. Candace went to work with her tongue on my clit and 2 fingers inside working that spot. I came hard again within a couple minutes then again a few minutes after that. Candace kept going, working my gspot as she licked my clit… and it happened, that letting go feeling and I felt the wet drops on my legs. I looked down and saw a very wet faced Candace smiling back at me… and then a whispered "wow" from the door. I looked over and it was Kelsey. I beckoned her in and she came over to the bed.

"I've never… seen anyone squirt before, that was really amazing!"

Candace pulled her close and kissed her.

Then Kelsey leaned over and kissed me, lightly at first then her tongue found it's way between my lips. She tasted of apples, something I hadn't noticed kissing anyone else.

"Nice to meet you Lilly"

"You too, having fun?"

"Not really… I kind of got left out in the great room, when I saw the other 2 coming from this way thought I'd see what was going on in here… and well wow!"

"Mmm, so no one else here can squirt?"

"Not that I've ever seen, Candace?"

"Gemma can, but rarely will let herself go that far"

"You haven't cum yet?"

Kelsey shook her head, Candace and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's fix that" I had to say…

We positioned her on her back, I got to work on her clit and slipped two fingers into her cunt to find her wrinkled g-spot while Candace kissed her and worked her big breasts with her hands. She was soaking wet but it took quite awhile to get her to cum. Though when she did she came very hard, crushing my fingers inside her. After she came down I slowly stroked at her gspot while looking at her. Candace knelt next to her. She had a look in her eyes of pure lust, she wanted more, so I put my mouth back to her clit and she immediately tensed and started to moan loudly. Candace tapped my shoulder and she took my place. I lowered myself onto Kelsey's face and she licked at me as Candace worked her hard. I felt Kelsey cum again and she pushed me off.

"Wow, ok you 2… those tongues!"

I giggled, Candace right out laughed.

We all just laid down and talked a bit on that huge bed. Kelsey dozed off so Candace and I left her there. We went back to the great room. Only Gemma was there, asleep on a sofa. We went to the kitchen and had a snack. Becca came in as we were and joined us.

We went back to the great room, Gemma had left at some point leaving it empty. I pulled Candace to the soft carpet and pushed her onto her back. Becca started to suck on her nipples, but I needed to make her cum and hard. I went to work on her clit again, then pushed a finger in, then another, but i was shocked when she said to put more in, so a third slid in… then a fourth…

"Do it sweetie, I want it all, put your fist in…"

She wanted me to fist her… I'd never done it but I'd seen it in porn Amy liked. I slowly worked my thumb in and pushed in, curling my fingers and after a few tries it all popped into Candace's cunt.

"yes sweetie, don't stop, twist it in me"

By this time Becca had stopped and was watching intently as i turned my wrist. It was so tight it actually hurt my hand, but then Candace grabbed my arm and pushed it deeper into her. I had no idea she was into this, and it was amazing to see, much less be doing it! I felt her shudder and she let go of me. My fist popped out by itself, covered in her juices.

"Good job sweetie"

"I didn't… i mean… you liked that?"

"Mmm, it's not something i do often, but yes, sometimes I like it"

Candace invited Becca to try and she did, I just watched. As they were doing it, another person came into the room. It was Trina, the tall black girl. She was covered in sweat and obviously had had a bit of a workout with someone. She plonked herself down in an armchair and watched Jenny working her hand into Candace. Becca had her whole fist in Candace before long, obviously new for her too, but she worked it around a bit more aggressively than I had. It went on for some time before Candace pulled the Becca's hand out.

Trina had watched the whole escapade "Fuck girl, I never seen dat!"

Candace just smiled contentedly…

Trina came over and joined us on the soft carpet. She looked and me lustfully, I just decided to kiss her, so I did and she kissed me back. Before I knew it I was fingering her dark pink kitty. She was very tight and it was taking alot of effort. I moved in to lick her clit and she came as soon as I flicked it with my tongue. I lay down next to her and Becca cuddled up on the other side of me. Candace had vanished, I hadn't noticed her leave. Before long 3 others appeared in the great room. Kate, Alex and a very exhausted looking Sam.

Alex and Trina went to the Kitchen to eat, while Kate and Sam joined us. I ended up on a sofa with Kate, Sam and Becca on another across from us. We sat and joked a bit, Sam was obviously well drained though because she excuse herself to find a bed. Becca helped her and went too, leaving me with Kate.

As soon as they were gone her hand moved to my kitty… "I want you Lilly, I'm gonna make you scream" I spread my legs and her fingers found my clit. She knew what to do, her fingers had exactly the right pressure and I started to cum very quickly but she stopped just before I went over the edge. "Oh no, not so soon…" She pinched my nipple hard then kissed me, sucking my tongue into her mouth. I let my hand fall to her breast and squeezed it, she moaned into the kiss as i did.

She got up and came back with a dildo, not too big but long. She put it to my kitty and pushed it in. It was enough to push me over the edge and I came, crying out as i did. She smiled and went to town with the toy, pushing it all the way into me and pulling it back out fast, over and over. I let myself go and got close to cumming again. She stopped as I reached the edge and rapidly removed the toy from inside me, pushing fingers into me in its place and licking the toy.

The fingers didn't move, they were holding me open and were very still. She leant in and sucked my nipples in turn, then pinched them hard. It felt so amazing, she knew exactly how to build and then stop the orgasm. Finally she pushed my clit hard with her thumb. It hurt and i yelped. She smiled and let up on it, then leaned down and licked it, pulling her fingers out of my cunt finally. I came very very hard on her tongue. She smiled, got up and just left me there panting.

I lay there for some time. I heard the clock chime and looked over, it was 4am. I hadn't seen anyone else in awhile so I got up to find them. I found Alex and Trina asleep in one bedroom, Becca and Sam in another. Jenny, Kelsey and Gemma were in the 3rd bedroom with Utopia, all 4 very much awake and licking each other in a circle. The 4th bedroom held a very deeply slumbering Kate so I went down to the toy room.

Even before I opened the door I could hear sexual moaning. Inside I found Candace on a bench with a toy in each hole, Bobby-Jo working them. I went to join them, and Bobby-Jo got up and pushed me down onto the other bench.

She didn't say a word but immediately pushed my legs apart and started to work a vibrator into me. She she sat so she could reach both Candace and me and turned the vibrator on. I casting couch tube could hear Candace moaning and guessed there was one in her too. Bobby-Jo seemed to be having fun making us squirm. I came again and finally just went limp. I could feel the buzzing inside me but nothing was happening to me from it. Bobby-Jo got the message and pulled the toy out, helping me sit up.

We all just collapsed on the padded floor, and I dozed off. I came to with Candace shaking me. "Come on, sun's coming up"

Walking down the hall I felt sore. Every joint in my legs ached and my kitty burned. We found most of the others in the great room. A few others straggled in behind us. Janet picket the stone bowl up again and placed it on a table in the middle of the room. She added grain and seeds to the hair already in it, then pushed the dagger down into it and stirred it.

"I hope you all enjoyed yourselves?"

I sleepy clap came from everyone, like me all tired and drained no doubt. Janet somehow looked wide awake and energetic.

"Good, Mabon comes to a close with the first rays of the sun…" she tapped the dagger on the bowl 3 times then placed it next to it before muttering something again in a unknown language. The whole casting couch first time anal thing was unsettling to me, but I just sat there and tried to look respectful.

The smell of 13 sweaty sexually satiated women is honestly not that pleasant. And I wasn't the only one finding it a bit too much to take. Janet kept on and on about the dawn coming and ending the night, changing the energy and releasing it or some such. Finally she put the handle of the dagger between her breasts and dropped it to the floor with a loud clank. "And so ends Mabon…"

Everyone clapped, and then started to get up, some heading for the entry, others to bedrooms. Janet found me and thanked me again, said to rest and she'd drive me home later that afternoon. I went back to the green bedroom and found Jenny there, her hair in a towel, obviously she had had a quick shower. We got into the bed and fell asleep next to her. She was gone when I woke up… Lady Janet did drive me home that afternoon (and yes by then it was Lady Janet again). I was so sore for a week it was hard to even wipe myself after peeing, much less think about sex… but like everything I healed (with some help from Amy) and my next session with Frank loomed…

submitted by LillytheSexStudent [link] [1 comment]
