4 Reasons Your Business Is Kwas Hialuronowy Zmarszczkiing

by FlossieBoyes293011 posted Oct 16, 2015


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kolagen na paznokcieCopyright (c) 2013 Ally Thompson
One of the biggest and most common mistakes, and in my opinion the most damaging, is becoming trapped in the marketing cycle of the social consciousness.
That is, the perfect life they try to sell you on television, radio, the Internet and in magazines. You know the adverts -- tooth whitener, skin care products, clothes, cars, houses, jewelry, furniture, tampons boxed in various colours, trinkets of all shapes and sizes, and even plastic surgery.

The inherent message being that if you buy their products you will look better, feel better, have more fun, have better relationships, have the perfect children, live in the perfect house and of course live the perfect life.
In reality, however, if we measure ourselves against this ideal, very few of us would meet the mark, because the message is just marketing hype to sell as many products as possible. Never-the-less, the message that that we don't have enough, that we are not beautiful enough, THAT WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH is being consciously and sub-consciously sold to us everyday.

Of course this is a great marketing strategy to make the potential buyer feel pain in their current existence and offer them an apple full of promises, like that of the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve. The consequences were dire for Adam and Eve so it may be worth asking "Is the perfect life that the brochure tries to sell me, truthful, desirable, responsible or even what I want? Will it make me happy?"

Please don't get me wrong, I love a good trinket just as much as the next person and I have a vision board which has many of these things on it -- a new house, a new car, a holiday, but it is when our self worth and happiness is based on the accumulation of these things, that the picture starts to look askew.

Let's remember something important though. The marketing industry is designed to make you want things. They are good at their job, otherwise they don't get paid, but sometimes the marketing promises are just that. Promises. They sell you a "lifestyle", when in reality the product is just a product.

Let's face it. Will you have a better life because you buy Sunglasses Brand A as opposed to kwas hialuronowy do twarzy Sunglasses Brand B? Maybe but let's look at a typical scenario. Sunglasses Brand B decides to spend a lot of money on a campaign to sell more. The conscious and sub-conscious message they have decided to go with is that you will be more popular, cool, trendy and be able to hang out at lots of cool places.
But what if this brand is in fact more expensive and is not as good as Brand A at protecting your eyes from the sun? So here is the trap. Deep down you know that the protection and health of your eyes is paramount. You also know that glasses Brand B are outside your spending budget but deep down inside that sub-conscious voice, that has been trained constantly by our media and advertising, is now in a high state of conflict and lets face it, not many of us function well or are happy if we are dealing with constant inner conflicts.

On the one hand, your intuitive voice says, "Brand A is the way to go. Your eye health will be protected and of course you will not over spend." Then our other well-trained voice steps in. "If you don't buy Brand B, you will be a looser. You will not fit in with your friends. Brand A is daggy (for those non-Australians out there, daggy means unfashionable, especially from a young person's point of view) and nobody likes that brand. You can't buy those, no one will like you."

Now this happens, every time you go to purchase something or even considering purchasing something - the constant tugging as your intuitive voice (who knows the most appropriate answer) fights with your well-trained voice (the one that places the fear, uncertainty and doubt in your mind).
I know this happens when you go and grab a can of Coke out of the fridge at the milk bar, instead of the bottle of water you know you should drink.

OMG. No wonder people are miserable.
When you are able to remove the connection of the attainment of happiness with "things", it is amazing how your level of happiness improves immediately because the inner conflict has been removed. The discussion between your voice of intuition and your well-trained voice, no longer needs to take place.
The conversation now comes from a place of inner truth. It is now about what is best for you, rather than what is best for someone else's bottom line.

Being a creative soul, aesthetics is highly important to me, just as much as function but without the connection to the marketing, I can make those decisions of functionality, affordability and aesthetics without conflict. I feel more genuine when I know it is pleasing to me, works perfectly for the purpose I require and I know I don't have to worry about speaking to the bank for another extension on my mortgage because I am buying things I can't afford.

Another derma roller 540 tytanowych igiełek do skóry twarzy oraz do ciała added benefit is that you become more authentic and you attract people who also come from a similar place to you. These people adore you for your nature and authenticity and love you for you, rather than the brands you decide to buy. These people are also happier like you because they do not live with the constant conflict in their inner voices.

As you become happier, you attract happier people and being around happier people leads you to maintaining your happiness.

So next time you are looking at a glossy brochure, put a smile on your face and admire the beautiful things, knowing that you are no longer bound by your well-trained voice to the cycle of false deprivation and repeat the mantra --
My Happiness Is Not Dependent On The Accumulation Of "Things".

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