Allure Porn - The New Fuss About Hd Pov Porn

by SherrieMerrill9502 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Chapter 5 - The Construction Crew "Hey Steph, what's up girl?" Steph was not a friend that called me often, I was hoping she wasn't in trouble. Steph was in my program in university but she also moonlighted as a stripper and prostitute, I didn't have a problem with that but it was a lifestyle I never wanted, even though I knew I could do amazing at it and basically did it for free now anyways. "Look here Riley, I know that you've said no to me every time I've asked you -" "No. I'm not doing it." I cut her off. "Hear me out girl, this is right up your alley." "Ok fine what is it? The answer will be no though." Steph scoffed then started again. "Look, you know that new condo they're building near your place?" "Yeah." "Well the manager has hired me and four of my friends, but we need a fifth girl. He hired us to 'motivate' his employees, basically strut around the construction site all day and look sexy." "Just walk around and look sexy?" "Well, ok not quite. Also, you know, if anyone working there wants any - extra encouragement - we are there to serve." "So you want me to blow and get fucked by an entire construction crew?" "Well, you and 4 other girls." "Fine I'll do it, how much are you offering?" "Five grand." "Each!?" "Yep." "Holy fuck. Okay make it 6 and I'm in. I know you can do that." "Fine Riley! So long as you're in!" "I am." "Yayy!" Steph cheered. "Awesome! Meet us at the gate at 6am tomorrow, and dress slutty." "You know I can do slutty no problem, but 6am?" "Yep, they want us there all day." "Fine." I couldn't lie, I was super fucking excited and totally would have done it for free. The next morning I met the other 4 girls at the front gate of the construction site. It was a typical new condo build, a frame with about half the walls up, and big solid wooden fences surrounding the building. A dump truck rumbled past as we stood there drinking extra large coffees and smoking cigarettes. I wore a baggy cut off shirt, the kind that shows off one shoulder and my toned belly. My short jean skirt showed off my ass cheeks and long tanned legs, my blonde hair was up, puffy at the top and pulled into a loose ponytail in the back. I had on colourful striped knee high socks and white high heels. Steph was a knockout like always, she wore all black, a tight low top, a tight skirt and knee high boots, her jet black hair hanging to the left side. Courtney wore brown pigtails and a yellow bikini, Sandra was a blonde wearing a blue bikini and short blonde hair and Samantha was a short Chinese chick with huge tits falling out of her short low-cut white dress. The foreman walked toward us, he was a tall Russian man, wearing jeans and a dirty white tshirt, an orange safety vest on and a white hard hat, he was carrying a clipboard. "Hello ladies, thank you for joining us today." He said it in a thick Russian accent, while eyeing us all. "Come with me." He gestured us over to a trailer at the side of the building, we walked over in single file behind him, up the wooden stairs and inside, he closed the door. It was a musty little trailer, with a small metal desk in the corner and a ratty old couch in the corner. "Ok, I want you, Stephanie and you -" pointing at me. "What is your name?" "Riley." "Okay, Stephanie and Riley stay here, the rest of you go and get to work. Treat my men good, they need - uh - extra motivation to finish building on time." Once the other three girls left, it was just the three of us. The foreman walked over to the couch and undid his belt. "I want you two now to work me first, I get first dibs here." He said, smiling as he pulled down his jeans and sat on the couch, his tighty whities still on. We knew our duties. Steph grabbed me and started making out with me, giving this guy a show. We slowly stepped toward him, then got down on our knees, smiling up at him, my big blue eyes focused on his. I went down and kissed his dick through his underwear, while Steph massaged his balls. I opened my mouth and put it on his dick, I could feel it growing. I used my teeth and bite down slightly, I could tell he liked it as he grew even harder. Steph reached into his underwear and pulled out his cock, she slapped it on my face a few times then stuck it in my mouth. I started off moving my head up and down, staring up at him still with my big blue eyes. Steph grabbed his underwear and pulled it off the rest of the way, then swung her hair to the side, getting some out of her eyes with her perfectly manicured fingers, then she started licking the side of his shaft and balls, staring up at him too. I lifted my head off his cock and made out with Steph, stroking his shaft while she massaged his balls. Steph pulled back and brushed away her hair again as she put her lips on just the head of his dick. I moved down to his hairy balls, I started lightly sucking them, using my right hand to rub Steph's head, I pushed her down a bit onto it, he groaned. Steph finally lifted her head up and flicked the tip of it with her tongue, I grabbed it in my hand and stroked, then smacked her in the face with it. I took the head in my mouth, swooshing my tongue back and forth. It didn't take him much longer after that. The foreman stood up, with his cock still in my mouth I leaned back a bit. He grabbed it and started jerking it over my tongue, finally ejaculating directly in my mouth. I held it on my tongue, Steph moved in to lick the last of it off his dick and give him a few more sucks. I leaned in and grabbed Steph's face, and while kissing her we swapped the cum back and forth, letting him see everything, until we each amatuer allure girls had about half. We both sat back on our feet and knees, swallowing it while looking up at him with puppy dog faces - we had done this a few times together before and had our whole routine down - it worked every amature allure blog time. He stroked it a few more times in front of our faces, then said "good work ladies, I picked the right ones. Now go out there and make my men feel this good too. The next 8 hours were an absolute shit show. We definitely all had some breaks, and I was thankful for the few guys who just wanted to talk, but for the most part I was sucking and being fucked pretty much constantly, and I loved it like always. The foreman had a strict condom policy so we were all protected from getting pregnant or any diseases in the vagina. Holy fuck was it a great time there! After blowing the foreman, almost immediately I was approached by a young guy, probably about 20 and a 50 year old man with him. "Can you suck us both off?" The young guy asked. "Of course, that's why I'm here!" I said enthusiastically while applying pink lipgloss. I smacked my lips together as they led me over to a picnic table beside the trailer. I sat on the edge of the table while they unzipped in front of me and pulled out their cocks. I immediately put my lips around the young guy's dick, it tasted like pussy, he had probably just fucked one of the other girls. I gave him some good suction to start, then bobbed my head up and down while stroking the older man's cock. After a minute I switched over to the older guy and started giving him head too, he came almost immediately in my mouth. I switched back to the young guy after swallowing the old guy's load, he pulled my head down deep on his dick, thrusting in my throat. All my makeup was waterproof today. He fucked my throat for another minute or so before pulling out and jerking off, so I opened my mouth and let him jizz all over my tongue. "Thanks boys, now get to work!" I jumped up, the old man slapped my ass as I walked away shaking it from side to side. I went inside the actual building, electrical wires hung from the ceiling, vents were unfinished, piles of drywall leaned against the wall and there were nails and screws all over the dusty concrete floor. I walked through, not seeing anyone. I took this walk as a break for my mouth, 3 cocks down in 25 minutes, not bad. I walked up a flight of stairs, I heard Portuguese being spoken loudly down the hall. 'Another job for Riley' I thought, smiling. I walked toward the noise and turned into one of the unfinished rooms. I saw Samantha, the Asian with huge tits and the white dress on her back on a bench, getting pounded by a few guys, there were six guys in the room, all yelling at eachother in Portuguese. Her white dress still was on, pulled up for her pussy and down for her boobs. "Need a hand Sammy?" I asked. All the guys turned and looked at me, obviously there just weren't enough available holes in the room. I strutted over to the circle. "Where do you want me boys?" One of them grabbed me and bent me over a barrel, another one hopped on a step stool in front of me and the barrel. The one behind me was old and rough looking, covered in faded tattoos. He sported a huge handlebar mustache and a few piercings in his ears. The one in front was about the same age, with faded tatts also, including a teardrop on his face. I heard a condom snap onto the one behind me, then he just shoved it in, gripping my hips tight as he started thrusting inside me. The one in front smacked my face with his thick cock, then stuck his balls on my tongue. They were turtling like it was cold out, I ran my tongue up and down and all around them as the guy behind me hit me hard in my wet pussy. I moaned loud, the guy in front stuck his tool in my mouth and moved it in and out, both of them having total control of my body. The barrel scraped the floor, making a horrible, loud noise with every punch they gave me. The one in my mouth pulled out and blew a load all over my face, he stepped back off the stool and another one immediately took his place, I couldn't see what he looked like, my eyes were stuck closed. The next one in my face was thinner, he stuck his tool in my mouth and moved it around, making me chase it with my tongue. The one in my pussy pulled out, and stuck it in my ass unexpectedly, making me cry out. It took him a bit of work to get it actually in there, but once it was in, it was in. He started moving around in my asshole, softer at first until he found his groove, then he started punishing my little ass, pounding the shit out of it. The one in my mouth had pulled out some so I was just licking the tip, he seemed to love it when I chased it around, I kept trying to actually bring it in my mouth, but he just kept teasing me! The one in my ass finished after another minute, I felt my ass like it was exploding as he blew it in me. It took another minute for the one in my mouth to finish, he added to the last guy's pile and got it all in my eyes and face. "Anyone else?" I asked. "Lick it off her." I heard a guy say, so I stayed leaning on the barrel. I felt licking on my face. "Like a doggy, woof, woof!" Said a guy, Sam started lapping it from me, I grabbed her head and kissed her, getting a bunch on her face too, we had a few strings of cum connecting our faces as we giggled together for the men. I leaned in and licked it all off her, then she leaned in and finished off my face, while rubbing my breasts. I dropped myself down to the floor and lifted up Samantha's dress. I put my face up to her wet pussy and started licking her clit, she cried out. I circled and licked, pulling at her clit with my lips. She moaned and moaned, standing there holding my head as I made her cum, the guys around all cheering. I stood up once she had came, we walked out of the room together holding hands and giggling, throwing one last sexy look at the guys in the room. As soon as we got down the hall she said to me "oh my God, those guys are sick." "Really? I'm fucking loving this!" "Yeah, I can tell. Alright, I'll catch you later Riley." She went back down the staircase, I walked up another floor. As I ascended, a cute black guy was walking down, in a yellow hard hat carrying some lumber. "Ah shit you're one of our reward girls huh?" "Yes I am baby, wanna ride?" "Hells yeah, follow me!" He put the two-by-fours down in the corner and I followed him back up. He led me to an unfinished room, then into the unfinished bathroom. There were a few tarps piled up in a corner where a shower would one day stand, the walls were all drywall with some plaster painted on them. The only fixture in the room was a granite countertop with a hole for a sink. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed my lips and my neck, I reached down and undid his belt buckle and jeans button, then his fly. His pants fell to the ground. I lowered his boxers and grabbed his dick, it was fucking huge. He took off his hard hat and put it on my head, then removed his shirt, revealing a hairy, muscular chest which I kissed. I moved to go lower, he pushed me back against the wall. He took a few steps back and sat on the pile of tarps. "Ride me honey." I walked over to him and grabbed a condom I had stuck in my skirt. I squatted down and opened the wrapper, then placed it on his dick head and rolled it down slowly. I moved forward and placed myself on his hard cock, as I lowered myself down I felt myself filling up with his thick meat. I moaned and grabbed my breasts, he held my hips still and started thrusting in me, my legs pushing myself up and down along with him. He was softer and more gentle than most of the guys at the site, I felt like I was making love for the first time in a while rather than being fucked, that was kind of nice for a change, although I would take getting fucked over making love most days. He reached up and grabbed my tits, rubbing my nipples as he filled me up. I was moaning loudly, pretty much screaming, he was grunting loud also. I put my hands on my head, confident he would continue holding me as I bounced up and down, both our moaning intensifying until I yelled out as I came, he came at about the same time, I fell down into his strong arms and he just layed there and held me, it was kind nice. "You remind me of my girlfriend - well ex girlfriend." He said. "Aw baby" I said, and kissed his chest. This guy was obviously missing something big in his life. "What happened?" "She, she died in a car accident last year." I just let him hold me, I felt a tear drip down his face and onto mine. "I know baby, amataur allure I know." I said to him in an understanding tone. "It's like, I just don't even understand the world anymore he said, his voice quivering. "You're, you're my first since her. And I don't even know you're name." "My name is -" he cut me off. "Can I just call you Jamie?" "Sure honey. And what's your name?" "It's Rick." "Alright Rick." I let him hold me for another few minutes. "Hey Rick?" "Yeah baby?" "I've gotta go to the bathroom, then back to work. But I'll definitely see you back around here today okay?" "Ok, sure thing Jamie." He kissed my forehead, then lifted my chin and kissed me softly on the lips. I stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Rick to himself in the unfinished room. Even though he wanted me as his replacement girlfriend, I had dicks to suck and fuck throughout the site. I actually had to go to the bathroom too though, so I hurried back down the stairs to the rows of porta-potties outside. I had to stop and blow a Chinese guy on the way out, luckily he was quick and released on the floor beside me within two minutes so it didn't stop me from getting to the bathroom quickly. I got downstairs and found the rows of plastic outhouses just outside, I ran in and quickly relieved myself. As I walked out I saw Courtney leaving the toilet beside me, she was the brunette with pigtails and the yellow bikini. "Hey girl, enjoying yourself?" "Whatever, it's a job" she said. I was about to reply when another porta-potty door swung open, an old hairy guy was sitting on the toilet, he looked like Ron Jeremy. "Hey ladies, get in here." "Ok!" Said Courtney enthusiastically, she could sound super bubbly when she wanted to. She skipped toward him, her boobs bouncing in her bikini. I followed, trying to look as happy as she did. It was hot out and those toilets stank. We both joined him in there, thankfully we were both tiny because we didn't have much space in there at all. Courtney shut the door behind us as the smell hit my nose. "Turn around, let me see those sweet little asses girls." We both spun around and stuck out butts in his face. He reached over and took a big handful of each of our asses. "Mmm I must be the luckiest man in the world." He said that in a very creepy sounding voice. "Now turn back around for me ladies." We did it. "Mmm now show me those titties." Courtney pulled her bikini top down to under her breasts, pushing them up a bit. She had full and supple D pov porn mobile cups, with nice small nipples. He pulled her in and motor boated her. I took off my shirt, putting it on the toilet paper holder in the side. Courtney and I were giggling and touching each other like school girls. "Now get down on your knees girls." We dropped down in front of the old, hairy man, I put my hand on his hairy leg and pulled myself up to his dick, putting it in my mouth. I wrapped my lips around it and flicked my tongue across it, he put his hand on my head, and his other hand on Courtney's, pulling her in closer so our faces were touching. He moved himself up closer so her could pull his legs apart more, Courtney moved in so we could share it, we both ran our tongues along the sides like a popsicle, then kissed each other with the head of his dick between us, still using our tongues just like God intended them for. "Oh my God you girls are amazing! Holy fuck keep going!" He pulled Courtney in closer to take over, grabbing both of her pigtails he pulled her deep onto his cock, gagging her. I pushed her head down too with my left hand, while rubbing his leg with my right hand. "Mm mm oh yeah bitch, keep it up!" He let go of her after fucking her face good for another minute, and beckoned me in. I pushed Courtney aside and licked the bottom of his cock with a spinning motion, over and over and over, until Boom! he blew his load up my nose and onto my eyes unexpectedly. "Ahahahaha" he laughed at me, Courtney pulled herself in and started licking my face. She got it all in her mouth, then held my face back. I opened my mouth and let her spit it in my mouth, she let it dangle, I sucked in and took it all from her, swallowing it down. "Ho-ley-fuck." He rubbed both of our heads. "You girls are phenomenal. Stand up pigtails let me grab those titties of yours." Courtney stood up and shoved them toward him, he squeezed them both and slapped them. "Now get outta here girls and go spread that magic!" We left and split up again, I fucked and sucked more for the next few hours, until finally getting home and sleeping for a damn long time, I was exhausted and all used up! Up next: Chapter 6 - 911 sammyslut
