A few weeks had passed since my crazy few days that culminated in my night spent at Yan’s apartment and the biggest revelation that came out of the night was that my wife Debbie was seeing Linda, the beautiful sexy 25 year old from my accounting department, on her own on a regular basis. I realized they made a connection the night they met at that industry dinner and throughout the evening in our hotel room, but I did not know until then that they had been seeing each other on a regular basis. Since my discovering that the two of them were out the night I ended up staying at Yan’s apartment, Debbie has not hid her meetings with Linda that are now occurring three or four times a week and she spends one or two nights with her. Linda is very beautiful and has a crazy sexy body so I understand the physical attraction. I also am really in no position to complain as I have been fucking everything I can at my office from 20 year old interns to late 40’s sluts. Debbie and I have still been having sex almost every night we are together but she really seems into Linda as they talk and text each other all of the time. This reached a head this this past Monday morning when Debbie told me that she and Linda were going away for a long weekend together to a spa out of state and that would be gone from Friday morning until late Monday night. She told me to do whatever I like over the weekend as her and Linda were going to be enjoying themselves. This was the first time in our open marriage where we would spend multiple days apart from each other and one of us would be with another person. We had both spent the night with another person on multiple occasions and there was never an issue with either of us being jealous, in fact we encouraged each other to do it whenever the opportunity became available. She was really pushing me to spend as much time with another woman when she was gone, I think it was her way of not feeling guilty about spending four days having sex with a hot woman without me. I spent a good portion of the day on that Monday trying to figure out who I wanted to spend time with and well if I was going to do it I wanted to do it right. I was going to get a room at a real nice hotel in the wine country, rent a limo to go to wineries and dine at the best restaurants. The hard part was figuring out who I could arrange this with. My assistant Tina was married and we get along great and have fun but there is not a great connection. Angela just started dating a guy so our meetings in the storage room had come to a stop. "Cock sucking Katie" had also started dating a guy so she was off of the market. Sue is fun and attractive but she is such a slut if she though the waiter at dinner was cute she would be fucking him in the back of the restaurant before we got desert. There are my two interns Courtney and Yan. Courtney is now obsessed with me fucking her in her tight little ass. She always carries a tube of lube in her purse so I can pound her ass a few days a week, but she is too young to spend the whole weekend with. Yan is also too young and her English is not the best so even though I find her very attractive it would be hard to spend the whole weekend with someone where the communication is not the best. I would love to go with Kim as we get along so well and sex with her is fantastic, but she is married and I do not see her being able to get away for the weekend. There is Vicki who I have never been with, not that I don’t want to, she is beautiful, has a perfect petite body and she is my best friend in the office. We talk all of the time and get along great, but she has a boyfriend and she is monogamous. This left me with Ashley, who like Linda is in her mid 20’s, she is beautiful, has a great body, with huge wonderful tits, she is allot of fun and we have always had allot of fun when we have fucked. So she would be my first and best option, figuring I would fall back with Courtney and spend the weekend fucking her at my place and save on the trip. I made a point of running into Ashley later that morning. "So Ashley, I am free this weekend and I was wondering if you would like to get away with me, I was thinking of going to the wine country and I know how much you love wine I figure you would be the perfect person to go with" "That sounds great, I would love to, and I have always wanted to get you alone for a night or two, but I am going out of town to a wedding with my family." She said and then leaned into me and whispered in my ear "Thinking about being with you all weekend has gotten me wet, I really want that big cock of yours right now." I was halfway hard asking her to go away with me and her telling me she was wet sealed the deal and I wanted her right now. "Quick come with me, I know where we can go to take care of your situation" I led her downstairs to the storage room that Angela and I would frequent. And we went back behind the shelves, our lips locked and she immediately started working on my belt and zipper to free my cock. I undid her blouse and unfastened her bra. I needed to release those big tits of hers. She pulled off her blouse and bra so her tits were free and she dropped to her knees to suck my cock. She stroked my dick with one hand and licked my shaft finally taking about half of my cock into her wet warm mouth. She started bobbing on my cock and I started thrusting into her mouth holding both sides of her head as I drove into her inviting mouth. She was gasping and tearing as I face fucked her, but she did not want me to stop as she was grabbing my ass with both hands and helping me shove my huge cock into her mouth. She finally pulled off, her eye makeup ruined from her tears and gasping for air. She wrapped her tits around my cock so I could fuck them. Thrusting away in her large fleshy mounds felt fantastic, my huge cock pounded up into her face with every thrust. "Oh yes fuck my titties, fuck my titties with that big cock, fuck them" she moaned over and over. After a minute she released me sensing she could make me cum doing this but she wanted more. "Fill my wet pussy, I need your big dick in my pussy" Ashley said as she stood up, undid her pants, pulled them down to her knees and bent over, revealing her wet pink pussy. There was no hesitation on my part I slid my big dick into her and she took all of it, she loves my fat dick. "Oh fuck your cock feels so good, give it all to me" she begged. I fucked her hard, giving her my cock fast and furiously. She had me so hard from fucking her tits, her pussy now felt so good. She was so wet and hot and I fit in her easily but she was still plenty tight. She couldn’t hold out any longer and let out a loud moan and came. I then bent over to feel her tits that were swinging from my thrusting which made her feel even tighter on my cock and with a few more thrusts I shot a huge load into her pussy. I could see it dripping out of her pussy when I pulled my big cock out of her. It all dripped down out of her stretched out hole and into her panties that were around her knees. She wiped up my cum with her finger and licked her fingers clean. "Wow, too bad I can’t go with you this weekend, we sure would have fun" she said while sucking on her fingers. She then milked the last few drops of cum from my cock onto her hands and wiped the cum onto her big nipples before stuffing her huge soft mounds into her bra and putting on her blouse. "You know I may have an idea for you, trust me on this, you will be happy if it works out, very happy. I will let you know by tomorrow morning, just trust me" Ashley said with a big smile on her face as she leaned in and kissed me. The next morning I came into work, eagerly awaiting to find out what Ashley was scheming. I did trust her, so I was very curious. About 8:30 I got a text from Ashley, "meet me in in the kitchen" I replied "OK" and headed down to meet her. She was sitting at a table with Kim. I sat down and joined them, "You two look as beautiful as always, what is up" I asked. Ashley started "I got to thinking, I was very flattered you asked me for this weekend, and like I said I would love to but I have a family wedding that I need and want to go to. But I also know you and my good friend Kim here have a real connection, I have seen how you look at her and she has told me how much she likes being with you." She said with a big grin "So I got thinking in my little head, I told Kim to go home and say that I asked her to go with me to my wedding and she could go away with you for the weekend" "So what do you say you want to go away with me this weekend" Kim asked, blushing a little. "More than anything in this world, no offense Ashley" I replied "None taken, glad I could help you both out" Ashley added. "I really owe you one, if you ever need anything I am there for you" I said to Ashley and turned to Kim "I can hardly wait I wish we were going today. I will let you know the details and we can plan where to meet so we can drive down together, god I want to kiss you right now" I said looking into Kim’s eyes. "Me too, I am so looking forward to this" Kim answered "I can’t wait to be alone with you all weekend". We all went back to work and the rest of the week I avoided the other women in my office. I wanted to save everything I had for Kim and this weekend. I made sure to book lunch meetings out of the office every day and was out most of the time meeting with customers. Tina knew my schedule so we did not get together at lunch, I saw Sue on Wednesday and Thursday wearing a dress, which was our normal signal that she wanted to fuck, but I was gone too much. And Courtney wore increasingly shorter skirts every day in hopes of meeting me and giving her my big fat cock. She looked really fucking hot by Friday and I was tempted to give her what she wanted, but I was only in the office for a few minutes, I was determined to save myself for Kim as we were meeting after work at Ashley’s apartment complex, so Kim could leave her car there and we could take the hour drive to the hotel. I could tell that Debbie was less than thrilled when she learned who I was taking away this weekend. She saw the connection between Kim and I when we were together that night we all spent together in the hotel. I saw her connection with Linda and she saw how much Kim and I enjoyed each other. Debbie was not thrilled but she also did not really care because she was doing what and who she wanted all weekend. I met Kim at Ashley’s right after work, grabbed her bag from her car tossed it in mine and we hit the road. She looked as beautiful and sexy as always. She was wearing a long flowing skirt that was below her knees in length and a tank top under a light sweater that was tight enough to show off her large breasts and a nice amount of cleavage that was being pushed up by her bra. Her long flowing hair looked beautiful and she was just beaming with excitement. I had such a feeling of happiness and excitement I could hardly contain myself. Once we got into the car we kissed deeply for at least a minute out tongues locked together both showing the other how excited we were to be here with each other. As soon as our kiss broke I pulled out needing to get to the hotel so we could be together. We drove and talked the whole way there, never having an awkward pause in conversation. She took off her heels and sat in the passenger seat with her legs crossed holding my hand on her thigh the entire trip. I was so hard by the time we pulled in I just wanted to run up to our room. I pulled into this grand old hotel that I had booked and the valet took our bags and parked my car. I walked in with Kim on my arm, feeling on top of the world and checked in at the desk. "Yes sir, we have the honeymoon suite all set for you and your lovely new wife" the desk clerk announced. I was a little nervous that Kim would be upset by this but she played along. "Oh you are too kind, I am sure me and my husband will find everything just perfect" she replied as she squeezed my arm tighter and kissed me on the cheek. We went up to the room, I carried her across the threshold to keep up our game in front of the bell hop and I gave him a tip and we were finally alone. "The honeymoon suite, that was a nice touch" Kim said as she walked around the room and kicked off her heels. "I wanted a room with a big Jacuzzi, because the first time we made love was in your hot tub so I thought it would be a nice touch" I said, looking at how incredibly sexy she looked as she walked around the room. "Well this is perfect, I love it, and I love being here with you" she said this as she pulled her sweater over her head and then pulled off her tank top and undid her bra dropping it to the floor. I stood there taking in her beauty and lusting after her large soft breasts. She then unzipped her skirt, dropped it on the floor and crawled on the bed only wearing a pair of white lace panties. "So are you going to get over here and consummate our marriage" she said laughing. I was naked and on the bed in an instant. We locked together in a deep kiss, pulling her body tight against me. The sensation of her large breasts pressing against me is something I was longing for. I gently caressed her thin tight ass and pulled down her panties. Kim pushed me on my back and pulled off her panties and tossed them onto the floor and crawled on top of my legs so my cock was standing straight up pressed against her stomach. She reached down and pushed my throbbing manhood tight against her. "We have all weekend for foreplay, I need to feel you inside of me" she said as she propped herself up aligned my cock with her pussy and slid down on top of me. "Oh god I have been dreaming of this feeling, I have missed this so much" I said as I pushed up against her driving me deep into her pussy. She was so warm and wet and there is something about Kim that being inside of her is where my cock was meant to be. This was the first time in months that I had gone a few days without sex and it was worth it, as my sensations were intensified now that I was where I wanted to be. I reached up with both hands and fondled Kim’s large soft breasts that were swaying with her every movement while grinding on my cock. She kept me deep inside of her and pushed down on me grinding back and forth. The sensation of my huge cock inside of her and her grinding her clit against me had her in total bliss, She flipped her head back and moaned in ecstasy as she was close to coming. "Oh you feel so good I have needed this so bad" she groaned and pressed her hands down against my chest digging her nails in as she orgasmed. "Sorry about that, I was lost in the moment, fuck you feel so good inside of me, now I need to take care of you" She said looking at the nail marks she left on my chest. She repositioned herself so she was squatting on me with her feet on the bed, never releasing my cock form her pussy. This allowed her to slide up and down the entire length of my hard shaft. Nothing in my life had ever felt better, she was so wet, warm, tight but yet loose enough. She was perfect and I was going to explode after just a minute. "Oh that is incredible" I yelled . "You like that, fuck you feel good, now give me your cum, I want to feel you shoot your load into my pussy" After just another moment I obliged and filled her with everything I had built up over this past week. Kim collapsed on top of me, my now softening cock remaining inside of her, I amateur allure tgp could feel my load oozing out of her and down onto my balls. We kissed deeply and laid there for a while just holding each other and me stroking her hair and softly caressing her back. She finally pulled off of me and headed into the bathroom. I heard her start the water running for the Jacuzzi. "Why don’t you order us some room service and then join me in the tub" I called down and ordered us dinner, a bottle of champagne, a couple bottles of wine and told them to bring it up in about an hour because I did not want to rush things in the tub with her as I was starting to feel my cock grow just thinking about her. I went into the bathroom and found her laying in the tub, soap bubbles covering her body and her hair pinned up on top of her head. She looked so sexy laying there, my cock stiffened more. "Well you like what you see, don’t you" she said looking at my growing cock. "No, I love what I see, you look so sexy and beautiful" I replied. She moved across the tub and reached out to and grabbed my cock, pulling it toward her inviting mouth, and swallowing all that she could. She gently stroked my cock and licked it and swallowing. Even though she could not take all of me what she was doing felt fantastic and I was now fully hard and wanting her. "Why don’t you get in her and join me" Kim said invitingly. I slid into the tub and she crawled on top of me wrapping her legs around me and we met in a deep kiss. I pushed her back and lifted her onto the edge of the sunken tub, soap bubbles clinging to her naked body. I needed to taste her and wiped away the bubbles from her freshly shaved pussy. I started on her clit and worked down to her sweet hole, the fragrant soap and her natural smell were intoxicating. She tasted sweet and wonderful and a touch of my cum was still amateur allure girls leaking from her as I licked my tongue deep into her making her clench and hold my head tight against her. I wanted to make her cum and to taste her juices. She did not disappoint, after just another moment she let out a loud moan and her pussy moistened. I pulled her back into the warm water on top of me, held her in a tight embrace and we kissed. My cock pressed against her stomach making her aware of how ready I was to be inside of her again. Never releasing our kiss she slid up onto my throbbing cock and slid me into her inviting pussy. We held each other tight, kissing and hardly moving, just enjoying the sensation of me filling her. Our kiss finally broke and I cupped both of her buoyant breasts in my hands and Kim started sliding up and down my shaft causing the water to splash out of the tub. "You feel so good, I missed your cock inside of me so, I want to make you cum again, I want to taste your cum, fuck you feel good" she said building in ferocity as she spoke. I now grabbed both of her ass cheeks to help her accelerate the driving of my cock in and out of her pussy. She grabbed my head and pulled it into her cleavage and held me there tight as I thrusted into her "OH Steve, you are going to make me cum again, fuck you cock feels good, OH FUCK!!!" she yelled and came gripping my cock tight as her pussy contracted. "Quick sit on the edge" she said as I sat where I had just ate her pussy. She grabbed her big soft floppy boobs and wrapped them around my cock riding them up and down. "Shit that feels good, that is going to make me cum" I moaned "Oh, fuck here it comes" Kim grabbed my cock and slid it into her mouth just as I released my load. She kept licking, sucking and swallowing until I was dry and limp. We sunk back into the tub, added some hot water and held each other until I heard a knock on the door for our room service. We both grabbed the complimentary hotel robes and welcomed in our room service attendant. Kim played it up that we were on our honeymoon and I gave him a nice tip. I think him seeing Kim in nothing but the robe was tip enough for the guy, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The rest of the evening we ate, drank the wine and champagne, sat out on the rooms balcony talking and went to bed, making slow passionate love one more time and drifting off to sleep holding each other’s naked bodies. The next morning we slept in, when I awoke Kim was out of the shower and getting ready for the day, wearing the hotel robe. I joined her in the bathroom and kissed her. "Oh, shoot it is later than I thought I have a limo booked for a wine tour today, let me hop in the shower and get ready" I said. "Sounds great, I will get dressed and we can get going when you are ready, I wanted you to get your rest after last night and I figured we would have a long day ahead of us." As I showered I could hear Kim getting ready. When I stepped out of the bathroom she was ready to get going and she looked beautiful. "Do I look ok to go, I was not sure what to wear" she said hesitantly. She had her hair down, and had on a soft pink dress that was just above her knees, the fabric flowed freely as she spun around for me to take a look. The top of the dress had built in support in the front to push up her breasts, which jiggled with her every move and two strings that tied behind her neck that were straining to hold her together. The back of the dress, well busty pov there was no back to the dress just a low v-cut that stopped a couple of inches above her butt. "You look fantastic, just beautiful" I said as I stepped towards her still with just a towel wrapped around me and kissed her. "Thanks, I went shopping with Ashley the other day during lunch, she thought you would like this, besides I had to buy a dress for the wedding I was supposed to be going to. Oh, I do see that you like it" Kim said blushing a little as my now hard cock was bulging out of my towel. "Put that away, I am sure he will get plenty of use today, after all I am on my honeymoon so let’s enjoy the day and we will see what comes up" Kim said laughing. We headed down to the limo and went to the first winery which was only a few minutes away. We tasted every wine they offered, bought a couple of bottles and went on to the next one that was right down the road. We once again tasted everything and buy now we were feeling the wine and Kim was getting frisky. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. Every other guy looked at Kim when we walked into a room, she was stunning and sexy without looking slutty. We returned to the limo and the amaeture allure driver told us the next winery was about 20 minutes away. "Perfect" Kim announced as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the Limo. She pushed the button for the privacy glass to go up and told the driver to take his time we were on our honeymoon and not in a rush. Kim sat next to me and untied the straps on her dress and pulled down her top to release her bountiful breasts, I immediately started fondling and sucking on her tits and slid my hand up her dress, surprised to find that she was not wearing any panties and she was dripping wet. "I just figured they would get in the way" she said sensing my surprise about the easy access to her pussy that I love so much. Kim then dropped to her knees in front of me and unzipped my pants, I surprised her as I was going commando. "I just figured they would get in the way" I said laughing and she slid my cock into her warm, wet inviting mouth. After a minute I pulled Kim up on top of me, kissed her and spun her onto her back, her dress flipped up exposing her bare pussy and I got on top of her and slid my cock deep inside of her. We locked in a kiss enjoying the feeling we both craved of my huge engorged cock deep in her wet pussy. I began to slowly drive in and out of her. Kim started to let out loud moans of ecstasy as I kept thrusting, building towards a climax. A few more thrusts and she screamed as she came and I released inside of her at that same instant. I fell on top of her and we kissed one more time. We sensed that the limo had stopped and quickly pulled up my pants, zipping in my half hard wet cock. Kim grabbed a napkin from the bar wiping my dripping cum from her pussy and leg and straightened her skirt and leaned over and kissed me. "You ready to go?" she asked smiling at me. "Hell I am all set and we will probably get a few bottles of wine free if you go in like that" I said, not being able to hold back laughing. In Kim’s haste she did not realize that her top was still down and her big breasts were freely bouncing about. "Oh shit, I should probably put those away" she said laughing with me. We spent the rest of the day going to a few more wineries and started to slow down on the drinking. Between wineries we made out in the back of the limo and felt each other up, I gave her another orgasm by eating her sweet little pussy one more time and on the longer drive back we slowly fucked all of the way there me filing her with one more load. That night we ate dinner at the fine restaurant at the hotel having a wonderful gourmet meal and enjoying each other’s company. The hotel gave us free desert as we were on our "honeymoon". That night we just laid in bed and talked exhausted from the day and fell asleep with me spooning against her. In the morning I awoke to the most wonderful sensation, my cock in Kim’s mouth. Once she noticed I was fully awake she stopped for a moment "I hope you don’t mind I woke up feeling your hard cock pressing against me so I couldn’t resist" she said as she returned to swallowing my manhood. "Mind, how could I mind, that feels incredible, I could wake up to this everyday" I replied and just laid back and enjoyed the sensation. After a few more minutes of her licking and swallowing my cock in her moist mouth and massaging my balls I needed to give her some pleasure. I guided her hips up towards my head and positioned her so we were 69’ing. I love the taste of her pussy and she was so wet, obviously turned in from sucking my big cock. I gently caressed her ass and hips as my tongue gave her pussy pleasure. Her moaning vibrated on my cock that was halfway in her mouth. She finally released me from her mouth as her pleasure built, stroking my cock and leaning into my face she let out a loud moan and came. Then collapsed onto the bed next to me. She looked so beautiful laying there looking at me, her soft smooth skin, large soft breasts spread across her chest and her legs opened invitingly in front of me showing her glistening pussy. I climbed on top of her sliding my throbbing cock deep into her pussy and put my arms around her holding her tight and kissed her deeply, while slowly thrusting in and out of her pussy that I loved so much. Our kiss broke and we intensely stared into each other’s eyes fully enjoying the feeling of her hot wet pussy stretched around my thick cock. At that moment as I stared into her eyes, slowly fucking her I realized that I had fallen in love with her, I did not say it but I could sense she felt the same and I kissed her again. I never wanted this feeling to end and I kept slowly fucking her like this for a long time, keeping it slow so I would not be driven to cum. It was working for Kim as she came two more times. Our eye stayed locked on each other and we kissed for long periods. After her second orgasm Kim whispered to me, "I want to feel you cum inside of me one more time, can you do that for me". I kissed her and pulled out and rolled her over on her stomach and pulled her hips up in the air towards my wet hard cock. "This will make me cum and I know how much you have enjoyed me being in you from behind" I said as I slowly slid my cock into her inviting pussy making her let out a loud moan. I slowly sped up my thrusting until I was pumping into her fast enough to hear me slapping against her. "Fuck you feel so good cum in me fuck you feel good, cum in me, I love you Steve, yes I love you, cum in me" Kim screamed. Surprised by what she said but I did not stop and a few more thrusts made me release inside of her filling her with all of my cum. We collapsed on the bed and I looked deep into her eyes. I could tell she was nervous about what she screamed out. "Kim, I love you too" I whispered to her and she smiled and we kissed. When our kiss broke I noticed she had a tear running down her cheek. "What is the matter?" I asked "I do love you, I realized it days ago when I knew we were going away together and my feelings have just grown over this whole weekend, being with you makes me so happy. That is why telling you this really hurts me" She said very sadly "Tell me what" I asked quietly "I decided to move back to my hometown a few weeks ago and I was going to put my notice in at work tomorrow. My parents need my help and they have nobody else and it is a great place to raise the kids as they get older. I found a good job so everything made sense about me going there except for you. I love you and love being with you more than anything, you make me happy" she said now crying. I comforted her and said everything would be OK and that I fully understood that she was making a decision that was best for her whole family. I was crushed knowing that we would be apart, but I also had Debbie and I was wondering how I could be with her and have Kim at the same time. Kim started feeling better and we packed up and headed home, enjoying just being with each other. I dropped her at her car and headed home. I was in no hurry as Debbie said she would not be back until Monday. I arrived home and went into the house. I was shocked with what I found, most of our things were gone, thinking I was robbed I went through the house quickly and realized when I went to the bedroom all of Debbie’s things were gone. Still confused as to why her things were gone and why if someone broke in they would have not taken the televisions I went into the kitchen and found a note. "Steve, I could not bear to see you in person when I did this I knew it would be tough on you and I admit to not having the courage to see you. Linda and I did not go away for a weekend trip, we signed a lease on an apartment together and we are moving in together. We love each other very much and I have decided she is what I have been searching for. Linda has found a new job so you will not be seeing her at work. We feel that we are so lucky to have found each other and we love each other so deeply. I will always have a place in my heart for you and I hope you can find someone to love as I have. Love, Debbie" I did find someone to love but I am still alone. Scast716585

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