10 Things That Your Business Plan Should Have For Your Online Custom T-Shirt Business

by RayDuckworth2266 posted Oct 16, 2015


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If you're looking to start your own online t-shirt business, it's always good to have a business plan, whether you're looking to get a small loan or not.

Having a business plan will put you in the right direction to go with your online business. Here are ten things that are critical in order for you to succeed in doing that:
1. Company's mission statement - What is the purpose of your company? Why should people buy your custom t-shirts? How can your custom t-shirts help others?

2. Summary - This part of the business plan discusses what your company is about. It also talks about what kind of products you will be marketing and selling. It doesn't have to be a lengthy summary, just something that discusses the direction your online business plans to go.

3. Market Studies - Explain ways that you're going to check out your competition. You have to have an idea of what they're doing so that you can stay on top of things. For instance, you don't want to put your website up and be a duplicate. The more you find out about your market, the more different you can be with your custom made t-shirts.

4. Products and Services - In addition to the t-shirts, what kind of designs or applications will you offer your customers? Are there some that will be banned? Will you custom t-shirts be based around Christianity only? How much extra will you charge for special lettering per t-shirt?

5. How to price - What price range are you looking at? You may want to check out some other online retailers that make custom t-shirts and see what their prices are. Whatever price you decide, it can't be too low and it can't be too high. You have to account for expenses such as shipping, taxes, accessories, etc.

6. Marketing and sales - If you're starting from scratch, there are different ways that you can promote your online custom t-shirt business. You'll have to determine what kind of advantage you have over your competitors. Develop a strategy as to how you're going to get through the market.
What kind of methods will you use to get customers to come to your site. You don't want them to just come and look, you also want them to buy. You can also use methods such as article marketing, pay per click to advertise your business.

7. Method of operation - You will need to know about how many employees you will have. If it's just you starting out, then that's fine. You may have to do the hard labor for a while until the profits roll in. Know who your suppliers are going to be and your expenses related to that.

8. Organizational chart - Provide the names of the owners, CEO, President, etc., and other officers as needed.
9. Financial projections - Write down expected cash flow for each month. You must include a monthly budget so that you will know how much you can spend. Also, include a profit and loss section. Compare this with your marketing strategies to see which ads failed and which did well.

10. Appendix - This is for anything that you've used to assist with your plan. This can include research or market studies on similar items.
Your business plan is a guide to help you move forward in your online custom t-shirt business. Planning ahead is key to getting your online business off the ground and running.

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