Pics Of Hot Girls Naked - The Unadvertised Details Into Found Nude Pics That Most People Don't Know About

by Jim748030880714256082 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Part 4 – Lesson 5 – Deprived, Denied and Used As i said at the end of Part 3 im skipping the 4th lesson as nothing really exciting happened. But the 5th lesson was a different story... I arrived at Franks place right after 2. He didnt open the door right away, I had to knock a few times before he did. He didnt say a word, so i took off my coat, went and went straight to shower. I dried off carefully like always and found Frank on the sofa. He was unusually hot naked teen girls already and hard. Before anything else today Im going to fuck you Lilly... come over here and sit next to me... I plonked myself down on the sofa. It was strange him wanting to fuck me right away. He slipped his hand into my kitty... I was wet I admit I was horny. Good, get up on all fours, face the back of the sofa, legs as far over the edge as you can I put myself in that position, it wasnt easy and I couldnt be quite straight, but Frank seemed happy. I heard a condom wrapper being opened, then his cock at the entrance to my vag. He pushed in very slowly, I could feel myself open to his cock, it took him a full minute at least to enter me fully. He started to pound me hard and fast almost right away. Lilly, Im sorry but Im not going to make this good for you... The comment itself seemed strange, it was good for me... then I understood he was fucking me for his pleasure, not mine... He kept pounding in and out, it seemed to go on longer than normal, but then again it was strange not being very aroused before being fucked by Frank. He was moving in different ways too, he was pulling out fully at times, rubbing himself on my pussy, and in between by butt cheeks too. He would enter me then seem to thrust to the side, then the other, then down, then up... again not like usual. He kept going, it was certainly longer than normal... much longer. I finally felt my own orgasm building, but he stopped so many times that it would die off and start coming back. He kept at it, I lost track of time totally, I just tried to get my own orgasm to come. Frank knew that and kept it from getting even close... this was all new, I didnt understand how he was doing it, hed never held off with me before, but he was doing it very well. Alright Lilly, I cant hold out anymore, Im going to shoot my cum on your back On my back? Well ok. He pounded me more, in a more normal way now, he was getting close for sure, I felt him loosing rhythm. He pulled out, I felt him stretch over my backside and then felt the splatter in the small of my back as he came. Stay right there Lilly until I tell you otherwise. Do not touch yourself. It was hard to not reach down and tease myself to orgasm, I was very close. I held my position. I felt his cum start to dry, start to pull on my skin. I could feel it up my spine almost to my shoulders now. I was happy my hair had all slid down around my face, I hate cum in my hair. I couldnt hear or see Frank... I stayed still. I felt a drop of his cum roll down my side slowly, then drip off onto the sofa. Frank finally came back, but surprisingly I felt him put his cock into me again. He started to fuck me again, but this time he didnt hold back. He pounded away at me again. This time I felt myself building... building... the edge coming... and he stopped again. DAMN is all I could think. I heard the condom come off again and could sense him jacking off. Then I felt him get next to me on the sofa, and then felt him cum on my back again. This time i felt cum rolling down right away, hed aimed alot of it low onto my side. Again he vanished from my senses. Cum dripped down, one big drop rolled down my side, onto my breast and started to slowly drip off as i watched it. Again time seemed to drag on. I could feel all the cum drying on my skin, pulling and making me itch. But still I held still. Finally Frank came back. Lilly hold your hair up then slowly get up I grabbed my hair as he said and got up slowly. I felt cum run down my back as i did. Keep your hair up, come with me, dont touch yourself He led me back to the bathroom, he turned the shower on, took the hand wand, turned it to the sharpest setting. He beckoned me into the shower with him. Now listen, I am doing to wash you, you will not touch your body in any way... in fact keep your hair up with both hands. No matter what you are not to orgasm. I nodded, me motioned me to face away from him. I felt the water hit me, COLD water, I felt him rub soap on my back, then a rough cloth, then the cold rinse. I felt him tap my shoulder and I turned around,he carefully cleaned where the cum had dripped down my side, and VERY carefully and roughly cleaned my breast. He shut the water off and indicated I should hold still. I was FREEZING, a cold shower and then standing there dripping, I was so cold. He finally held up a towel Ok come out, back into the towel I jumped out, and quickly backed into the towel. He dried my shoulders and back, and carefully dried my sides, but he didnt reach around to dry my breast or my front. Come with me Lilly He led me to the bedroom, it was warmer but i was still cold. Lay down on your back, spread your legs, do not touch yourself, keep you hands on your head I did as he said. Frank then left the room, turning out the light as he went and shutting the door. The curtains were closed, it was almost totally dark. I looked over for the bedside clock that had been there before, it was gone. I had no idea how long I lay there. I know i got dry and started to feel warmer. My clit throbbed to be touched, but i kept my hands on my head. I waited... and waited... and waited... I think i drifted to sleep... Then I heard the door open, light came in for a few seconds, then it shut again. I felt Frank moving to the bed, then getting on it, then I felt him between my legs. Oh no... hes going to fuck me again went through my head. And thats exactly what happened... I felt him slide his cock into my pussy. Hed put lube on this time, it felt strange, but i had gotten dry so it was a good thing. He pounded me... Dont cum Lilly, whatever you do, do not cum What?! Still... I couldnt believe he was asking me to keep from letting my body orgasm. I wanted it more than anything... but i tried... i resisted that urge, I tried to think of anything but his cock thrusting in me, sliding over my most sensitive bits, feeling his chest teasing my nipples... I held back from the edge, I tried to relax, to think of unsexy things... He kept pounding... it was too much I started to edge over... and he stopped. He pulled out, I felt him pulled the condom off and shuffle up over me. I felt him jacking off, then I felt cum on my belly. He got up and left again. The door opened and closed. I was alone in the dark again. Some of his cum ran down my sides. I lay there waiting... I couldnt hear anything, all I could smell was cum and my own sweat. I was cold again, I shivered a little. It dragged on again... I waited... the dark gave up no secrets... I had no idea how long it had been... my bladder was starting to feel full. Finally Frank came back in the room, turned on the light, he was hard again... He put a condom on... I couldnt believe it, how long had it been? He was going to fuck me a 4th time? Dont cum Lilly, try not to cum like your life depends on it... He climbed onto the bed and slid his cock in me again... It was unreal. Not only was he fucking me for a fourth time, I had to not cum while he did. His cum was still drying on my belly, and it moved and dripped and he thrust into me. I felt my breasts move, I did everything I could to ignore the feelings again. I was so close to cumming. I felt his pelvis slamming into mine, his legs chaffing mine, his arms pushing into the bed next to me... I was coming soon I couldnt hold back much longer. Lilly Im going to cum, cum with me Lilly, let it go now I didnt need encouragement... I flew over the edge and started cumming hard. I nearly convulsed, my back arched, it was the most intense orgasm id ever had. Somewhere my mind registered him tensing on top of me. He rolled off of me and we both lay there panting. I think I fell asleep for a few minutes, then Frank was touching my hand. Lilly you are an amazing girl, really... I honestly didnt expect you to hold off... but you did it. I smiled weakly at him, I felt weak, on the edge of shaking. Come on, lets feed you something... youve had a long day He led me down to the kitchen, made me toast. I finally saw a nudeblackteens clock, it was 3am! 12 hours since Id arrived. You are surprised its so late? Yes Im not surprised... what I needed from you today included not letting you know how much time was going by... now you body is going to hate me. Your pussy soon will throb and be sore... so would you like to cum again before that makes it impossible? I... yes... hell yes please! He smiled at me. I finished the toast and he got under the table. He spread my legs and started licking me. My pussy was already sore but it felt so good. I came quickly and felt so much better, more relaxed. He climbed out from under the table and kissed me on the forehead. You can stay here till later this morning... come back to bed with me I went back to the bedroom with him, we crawled under the covers. I fell asleep almost right away. When I came around Frank was gone, the window shades were open a little, it was fully light out. I made my way out of the bedroom to the bathroom and drained my bladder. I then found Frank in the living room. He was actually jacking off. Morning Lilly, how do you feel I felt sore... really sore... Sore... I figured... he looked down... but I need you to finish this. I groaned, but made my way over to him, I got on my knees and started sucking him. He put his hand on my head and started to control the speed. He wasnt demanding anything. I looked up at his face and it was tilted back. I kept sucking, until I felt him start to tense. He came in my mouth, not too hard but enough. I swallowed it all and let his cock out of my mouth. Good girl... ok go shower, take your time, we are done but you dont have to rush... Ill contact you later this week It was 11am... 21 hours since Id arrived. I showered, dressed and went to the bus stop. I had to limp up the stairs and found no seats open. I stood the half hour back to the campus, it was so hard. I dragged myself to the dorm, Amy was tapping away on her computer when I got there. Jeez girl, where have you been With Frank I started to undress, she saw I was obviously sore. How many times? Four... and he didnt let me cum until the end Jeez.. ok hang on... She ran off to the bathroom while I got the rest of my clothes off. She came back with a pill bottle and a jar of cream. Take two pills, rub the cream on your pussy every couple hours The pills were ibuprofen, I swallowed them, got on my bed, lay down, and fell asleep... Didnt swim that week... LillytheSexStudent

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