Watch Free Videos Of Porn - 10 Stylish Ideas For Your Casting Couch Watch

by LaurieHogben77657918 posted Oct 16, 2015


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My gf stumbled on reddit stories quite awhile ago and has been trying out the different "flavors" if you will. She and I have experimented with D/s in the past, both ways, but she has always had an acts of service streak in her anyway. I have tried explaining to her that D/s is what one makes of it, it doesn't have to be the full on whips and chains and slave mentality, but it wasn't until she stumbled on all the D/s stories on Reddit did it finally sink in. So she sends me a snapchat at work one day telling me all this and that she wants to experiment with this side of herself. She laid out some very basic and minimal ground rules, no pulling out of her and straight in her mouth, she's not into pain....that was it. So that night we messed around with it some. The next day at work she told me via snapchat I was "too nice and forgiving" and that she wanted more forceful....she wanted to be used(her words). I told her I could do that, but that side of myself scared me. She told me to bring it on. Let me start by giving a brief description of my gf, she's 30, but doesn't look it, 5'5", auburn hair, very defined waist, 34C boobs with very small nipples and aureoles only slight bigger than her nipples, and a long torso. And a very nice ass and legs....which I am an ass and leg man so I am a VERY happy man. So that night, after reading reddit all day, I told her she was to go into the bed room and play....bring herself to the edge twice, then give herself an O. She bargained with me....we are still working on her listening to me lol (she has admitted that she is wanting to find out just how far I will go so she fights me sometimes)....she wanted me to mess around with her first, then while I took a shower she would do as directed. I agreed to this so we headed back to the bedroom. I started out sitting behind her and playing with her boobs through her shirt and bra while she continued reading reddit. After little bit I pulled off her shirt and bra and cupped her boobs in my hands and began rolling her small nipples between my thumb and finger. She can literally cum just from that, but I was not going to allow her to cum tonight until the very end. (This was something she had asked me specifically to do as we had done it before and it sends her into deep subspace) So I pinched, pulled, and twisted on her sensitive nipples until she was trembling on the edge of orgasm then would let go and lay my hands on the bed not touching her while I whispered in her ear "Don't cum baby doll, don't cum! You're not allowed to cum tonight, only I am." I found out later she released a flood of juices into her panties when I said that. When she came back from the edge I started just gently rubbing my hands over her rock hard nipples until I felt her getting close again, then I laid my hands on the bed again telling her she couldn't cum, only I could tonight. Just to prove my point I rocked my hips, rubbing my jean clad penis against her bare back until I had a dry O. (I have learned how to O without ejaculating. I can have multiple O's that way, which makes our play even more intense) I got up then and told her she was to follow her directions while I took a shower. I finished my shower in record time, then walked out to find her laying on the bed, her head rolled to the side, out of her mind in subspace, her toy laying beside her. On the other side of her was a note telling me she was mine tonight to do what I wanted use her in all three holes however I wanted for as long as I wanted. I immediately straddled her chest and put my half hard penis against her lips. She moaned, worked her mouth to produce enough saliva, then opened it and gobbled in my penis. In moments I was rock hard....she was working her head back and forth, urging me to gush in her mouth, but I was no where near ready for that so I gently placed my hand on her head and told her to just use her tongue. (she has told me before she doesn't like her head being held, much less held while the man strokes in and out) But when I let her head go she started bobbing it again, so I stopped her again and told her to use her tongue to make me cum. So she skillfully played her tongue across my frenelum and head of my penis until I started to use short strokes into her mouth until I came again without ejaculating. I moved my hand immediately as I had held her head pretty hard while I came....I couldn't believe I had done that, I never saw myself as being that kind of man. She FREAKED, moaned and shook her head and swiped at my hand with hers, I put it on the back of her neck and pulled her to me and she moaned blissfully and relaxed.....I said "Are you sure?" and moved my hand again....she freaked again so I cupped the back of her neck and head and began feeding myself to her, stroking in and out, stopping every once in a while and ordering her to use her tongue to bring me off. She was moaning blissfully the whole one point I totally lost control and pulled her to me as I pushed my penis into her skillful mouth. She opened her mouth further and gulped me down then we both froze as I dry O'd against her lashing tongue. I LOVED the everything about that instant....until she pulled back hard and started to cough and gasp for air. I felt REALLY bad for a second (long story from my past) until I saw the blissful look on her face and the lust in her eyes....I realized it hadn't scared her at all, in fact it had turned her on like crazy! I have never used her mouth like that, I have always made it a point to keep my hands off her head and let her control the oral....but here she was so deep in subspace she was letting me do literally anything I felt like! That was the most intense moment in all our time together, she was fully mine! I could fulfill whatever dark fantasies I might have. As I reached for her head to feed my rapidly swelling penis back into her mouth (it had shrunk from the moment of panic) she turned her head searching blindly for my erection. She actually wanted it back in her mouth after I had just choked her with it! WTF was going on?! I wasn't going to question it! I fed my penis back in her mouth. pulled her to me until her forehead rested on my stomach and and fed my pulsing erection as deep as she could take it.....over and over again until I had a massive dry O that wouldn't stop and she kept lashing that most sensitive of spots on the underside of my penis to keep me going. It was intense! So intense I had to pull out before I blew my wad in her warm, wet, mouth. I reached back and started to play with her by now soaking wet wet there was a wet spot on the sheets under her amazing ass already. I ran my had up and down her slit, not wanting to build her up to quickly as I needed the rest. lol She started rocking her hips up to meet my finger, I reveled in the feel of her soft, slippery folds under my fingers as I pushed her to the edge of O. Just as she was about to explode, I pulled my hand away and watched as she fought off the massive O I had built up in her trembling body. I realized she may fail and that would not do as it would crush her so I grabbed the back of her head and pulled it towards my raging hard on. She welcomed the distraction and opened her mouth eagerly, her tongue leading to lick off the pre-cum that was leaking from the tip. Again I pulled her to my stomach and pushed in deep, then ordered her to use her tongue to make me cum....which she happily did as the impending orgasm slipped out of her body. I did that twice more before I finally took pity on her and moved down her body and between her legs. I slipped into her easily from all the lubrication she had produced from being used so hard....normally I take a little bit because she gets quite tight even overnight, but this night I just ploughed into her hot folds and bottomed out grunting loudly at the sensation. I could literally feel her dropping into lower levels of subspace as I forcefully took her body for my pleasure. I didn't slow down, I plunged in and out of her, pulling her to me violently as I raced towards another dry O. Once I did cum I stopped and looked at her to make sure she was OK....she was more that OK, she wanted more! She mouthed to me "Yes, use me! Take your pleasure, please Sir, use me to cum again!" So I did, pummeling her into the bed. She practically passed out from ecstasy as she felt me dry O again. I leaned over her as I needed to rest a little, as I did, she reached up and caressed my arms, which felt great....but she suddenly started babbling "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." I asked for what and she said it was because she had touched me without being told to or asking. I kept trying to tell her I liked that she did that, but she kept babbling "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Finally I got frustrated and told her I would have to punish her if she didn't listen to me. She didn't, she just kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over. So I roughly pulled out of her and ordered her to roll over....which she did with no argument. I caressed her left ass cheek for a second then drew my hand back and smacked her ass. Not hard, but enough to turn it red. She jumped, moaned in a mixture of pain and ecstasy, and curled up....I rubbed the red mark for a second or two, then drew my hand back and swatted her again. She jumped again and this time didn't make a sound, just started breathing hard as she tried to fight off an O. I drew back and swatted her other cheek quickly then began caressing her back to distract her so she wouldn't cum. Didn't want to crush her by pushing her too far. Once she calmed down I explained I had punished her for not listening, not for touching me unasked. She said she understood. As a reward I pulled out some baby oil and began gently giving her a back rub....I couldn't take that gorgeous ass stuck up in the air like that though, so I lined myself back up with her soaked slit and plunged back into her. I nearly came as I bottomed out, but was able to redirect it into just a dry O. At that point she asked if I had cum and I said "No." She said "Well, there's something wet on my leg! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" "Sorry for what?" "I peed on you!" I couldn't help but laugh....."No baby doll! You just squirted fluids when I spanked you, that's all." Well, now she knows what I'll do if pushed. lol I don't know how long I fucked her from behind that night, but it was a long, LONG time and felt wonderful. I kept grabbing her hips and driving myself relentlessly into her welcoming depths until my body was racked by another massive dry O. Finally I rolled her back over on her back, grabbed the toy and told her I needed to finish before I couldn't. I was actually getting tender! My penis was beginning to ache from being so hard for so long and from being used so much....I was afraid if I didn't finish then I wouldn't be able to because it would hurt too much. So I pinned her hips to the bed and began to drive into her in earnest, reaching for that ejaculation O....the big one. When it finally came it was probably the most intense one I have ever had. Because of who I am, I am rarely able to finish without wondering did I make her happy, did I perform well enough, will she want me back....this time all that worry was gone....her happiness, my performance, all of it, to her was tied to what I wanted to do. Had I done what I wanted, had I used her body in all the ways I wanted....she needed nothing else than that knowledge before she had her big toy O to finish that night. Another revelation I had from that night was while she may not like pain, she LOVES discomfort because it adds to her feeling like she's servicing me, like I'm just using her....which is exactly what she wants. Which was why she loved it so much when she nearly ran out of air and choked from me being so deep in her throat. I will be glad to answer any questions anyone has. ntcowboy67 [2
