Places To Have Sex In A Car - Picture Your Loud Screaming Porn On Top. Read This And Make It So

by LynneHansell840732 posted Oct 16, 2015


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There’s had been a foolish kind of relationship. Not a relationship at all really, just some dirty talk over a bottle of gin four provinces apart. But sometimes, when the mix of lime, gin and tonic was just right, the juices did flow in more ways than one. They met online 11 years ago. They had been long-distance friends all that time, though there were periods where they didn’t talk at all. Life happened. Then one day she was browsing Facebook and saw a photo of a beautiful silver ring being advertised for sale by him. She messaged him best way to have sex in a car about it and he told her he’d post it to her. Suddenly she became more intrigued. She always thought, throughout those 11 years, that "A" was a suave sort of fellow. There was something alluring about him, in a laid-back, easy-going, manly man sort of way. He was dependable, yet wild in his own right. The kind of man who could get his hands dirty but still know how to talk to a blowjob in the car woman. One night he introduced her to the pleasures of gin and tonic. She’d always been a whiskey girl, but the gin had an effect on her that was immeasurable. Her senses became blurred and it was nothing for her to randomly message him while he was at work with pictures that would make Dan Blizerian blush. The time difference between "A" and her made all the difference. He wasn’t innocent either. He’d text her before she was even awake in the morning, waking her up from her dreams with morning wood in a different kind of way. "You cheeky bastard," she’d reply. "Why don’t you come here and show me that instead of tease me the way you do." His reply, a simple ;). Months went by with their teenage ways, and then summer arrived. It was a hot July day at The Basin Aerodome when she was waiting for her next batch of clients to shuttle to her companies de Havilland Beaver for flight into their five-star fishing lodge. She played with the silver ring "A" gave her while she waited in the hot and stuffy van outside of the depot. When she hears the two-way radio signal that the guests were on their way, she quickly straightened her blouse and re-applied her favourite Ruby Woo lipstick. They might be all old geezers, but you never know who could turn up sometimes. When she stepped out of the van to introduce herself to her guests she had all but collapsed to her knees, "A" had been standing in front of her, Metallica shirt, cut-off kackis and summer Red Wings and that beard.. oh that beard. How often had she thought of pulling hard on that sea captain style beard to meet her anxious cherry lips. She knew she had to contain herself, there were more guests around, so she calmly introduced herself to everyone and left "A" for last. When she grabbed his hand to introduce herself, he gingerly placed his lips upon her hand and said, "you must be M, I’ve heard a lot about you." She’d figured out quickly that they were going to play a little game. They packed all of their belongings into the back of the van and off they were to meet the pilot at The Basin. Once they arrived her boss had been waiting for her. He requested, albeit short notice, that she accompany the guests to the lodge to take some promotional photos for later use on their website. She agreed, though she didn’t have time to go and pack a bag. Two guests had boarded the Beaver leaving her and "A." She motioned for him to get onboard but he replied, "ladies first." She gave him a cheeky grin and said, "no offence sir, but I’m no lady." And with a wink she nudged him forward so she could get in last and close the door behind her. Flying over the lakes below was always a fascinating view. But this time she was more preoccupied. The pilot and the other guests in front of them were busy talking and planning on which spots they would scout the following morning in search for the famous brook trout that the area was known for. Meanwhile, in the back seat, she was feeling the heat of the summer sun on her legs, and the heat of something else entirely rising within her. She kept trying to sneak glances at "A" but did not want to get seen by the guests in the front seat. "A" had a different idea. She was startled at first by the warmth of a hand on her leg, and when she realized what was happening her face began to turn red, and her heart raced with anticipation. She had always been a nervous flyer, so it was normal for her to grab the seat ahead of her with both hands when bracing for turbulence. This time, it was a different kind of jolt. She whispered to him that no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t be apart of the mile high club because the Beaver only flew at 2000 feet. They both laughed loudly without being noticed because of the roar of the single engine plane. The plane landed at Missie Marie Lodge. It was sex on car a gorgeous day to be on the water. They then met with their guides and figured out where they wanted to spend the remainder of the evening. The sun was nearly going down, but the lake was just getting started with the evening hatch and "A" had spoken about wanting to try out his new fly rod. "Can Meagan take me out?" "A" asked the head guide. "Sure," he replied, "She’s got just as much skill in a boat as any of the guides here. Probably more." She was not surprised by "A"s request, but still had to do some prep before they left. She asked him to load the canoe with a few things and quickly went to her room at the lodge to change into a comfortable pair of cut off jeans and a white tank and hooded sweatshirt. "I don’t know how tonight’s going to go," she spoke aloud to herself. "But this girl is always prepared." She re-applied her Ruby Woo lipstick and re-braided her long brown hair. When she arrived at the boat "A" had packed everything in neatly, arranging the tackle so he’d have to sit close to her. She made quick plans and set an arrival time with the head guide and off they went. They rounded the corner at Lover Boy Point and it was then that they were truly alone. She stopped the motor they both sat in silence for nearly five minutes. The sun was just going down over Missie Marie hill and the crickets were starting to sing. "Why didn’t you tell me you were coming," she said. "A" replied, "Where’s the fun in that?" He took off his jacket and began to put together his rod. "I’m not gonna lie, I really want to catch a trout before the night ends." They both laugh, nervous as hell, but clearly ready for something to happen. She studied him as he casted. He whipped the rod back and forth, no doubt from memory of fishing videos before his trip. She recommended he not force so hard on the rod and worry more about his back cast. It got her a grin, but no words. "Typical man isn’t good with instructions," she said. "Depends on what’s being instructed," he replied. Just as she was about to come back with her own saucy comment the line whipped across the water. "I’ve got one!" "A" yelled. "Tighten it up!" she replied. Slowly but surely he reeled it into the boat. They weighed it carefully, a 6.5 pound brookie. They were both impressed, and quickly released it back into the water. He wound up his reel for another cast. "I know you’re nervous," she said, "But are you gonna kiss me or not?" "A" put his rod down gently and turned to her. He knew that if he kissed her things wouldn’t slow down, she was that kind of girl. But he went for it anyway. Her soft supple lips met his in a crash, they were kneeled down in the bottom of the canoe now. His hands around her waist, and hers around his shoulders. They’d waited what seemed like an eternity for that moment, but it was worth it. "I don’t know what happens next," she said to him, his smile widening by the second. "I think you do," he replied. His hand found the button on her jean shorts and popped it, and then slid the zipper down. Her breath quickened. "Are you sure you want to do this out here in the middle of the lake?" she said. "Oh yeah, I’m sure. I think we’ve waited long enough, don’t you?" She slid his shirt over his head and put it on the bow. His khakis were next, and then her shirt. It was nearing 10 at that point and the moon was peeking out from behind the mountain. The moon created a milky glow across their skin. Their hands finding each others flesh and meeting in frenzy. They were on the bottom of the boat now, and the weight of his body was just right. She grasped his beard and pulled him down closer. "You always find a way to rock the boat, don’t you?" she giggled. He found himself transfixed by her sultry eyes. They manoeuvred around the boat as best they could, and finally ended with her on top of him, riding slowly but steadily, head tiled back to watch the dark night sky. "Look up," she managed to mouth quietly to him. They both looked up at the vast night sky at the thousands of stars that lay above, and then glanced down, both at once, to meet in one final kiss. It was the kiss that felt like an ending. That one final kiss that says goodbye without words. They both let go at once, relaxing then into the pile of clothes at the back of the boat, and held each others hands in silence. "What’s next?" she said. "Hendricks?" "A" replied. "Solid plan," she replied. The got back into their summer clothes and began the half our ride back to Missie Marie Lodge. She had a feeling this would be a summer she would never forget. advancedvixxen
