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Part 3 is here. I'd really like some feedback. Gisele looked down at her phone a third time. She couldn't believe her eyes. 'Can I come over?' the text read. What was she going to reply? She couldn't tell him no. Gisele took a deep breath and started tapping on the phone. 'I am at your service sir. You can come over anytime you like.' she replied to his text. "Who was that?" a friendly voice called out as Gisele returned to the livingroom. "It's probably her secret loooover." another voice chimed in. The two girls sitting in the couch laughed together. "Oh.. it was... it was nothing." Gisele replied to her friends. "Oooh keeping secrets are we?" the first girl teased her. "Stop it Stacey!" Gisele gave her a sharp look. The two girls laughed again. John slammed the car door shut and put his keys in the ignition. The car engine started roaring as he put pressure on the gas. After being put into gear, the car started rolling. John was excited. He had waited for this moment for almost a week. He had spent all last night going over all the rules that he would have her agree to. She would finally belong to him. "So, what do you girls want to do today?" Stacey asked. "Oh! I know! Let's go to the beach and see if the water is warm enough." Amber replied. "Erm... I don't know if I can go with you." Gisele admitted. She tried not to reveal to much information. "What? What are talking about?" Amber demanded. "You said you would hang out with us." Stacey exclaimed. Gisele took a deep breath. "I promised someone that I would be home today." Stacey and Amber sat quite in the couch, confused or defeated. Suddenly the doorbell rang, echoing loudly in the sparsely furnitured apartment. Amber raised her eyebrows and looked over at Gisele. "Could that be 'someone'?" she teased. Gisele panicked. Her heart was racing. She ran out into the hall and slowly opened the door. There he was. John pushed the door open and stepped inside. "Um.." Gisele tried to make sense of the situation "I have something to admit, sir." she said in a quiet voice. "What's that?" he replied calmly. "My friends are here." she closed her eyes and felt stupid. John but his bag of toys down on the floor. "You didn't tell me about your friends on the phone." he stated her blunder. "I know. I'm so sorry." she replied. Despite predicament, Gisele felt calm. As if everything was alright as long as John was there. She knew he would find a way to solve this. "Take your top off." John looked her in the eyes and gestured to her blue tanktop. Without a moments hesitation, Gisele obeyed. "Now your jeans." he continued, and she complied. Gisele stood before him in a white bra and matching panties, shivering with excitement. "And where is your place?" he asked gently. She dropped to her knees in an instant. This was going alot smoother than he would have tought. "Do your friends know about this part of your lifestyle?" John asked gently. Gisele looked down at his feet. "No they don't sir." she replied. "Take your bra off." he demanded. She did as he told her, this time with a bit of hesitation. "Now I want you to crawl out to the livingroom." John looked her deep in the eyes with a firm look. "What?" she exclaimed "My friends are out there." "Exciting, isn't it?" he replied with a big smile. "Please sir." "You are going to crawl in there and tell them everything about this lifestyle." John demanded. Gisele took a deep breath and nodded. Gisele slowly started crawling toward the livingroom. Her arousal kept getting more intense for every inch she took. Johns was walking slowly behind her, keeping some distance between them. As they entered the livingroom, John could see the back of a couch with two girls in it. One was a blonde and the other a redhead. They hadn't noticed yet. Gisele, now visibly shivering, put one hand in front of the other and continued crawling toward the couch. She rounded the corner, without the girls noticing, and kneeled before them. John stood back, waiting for their reactions. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Stacey screamed out. Amber rushed to her feet. "What are you doing Gisele?" she asked. Gisele looked over at John, who nodded approvingly. "I am a slut and whore. I am to be used and abused by those superior to me." Amber and Stacey looked shocked. "I am kneeling here before because I follow my Masters every order." The two girls instinctivly turned the heads to John. He found it hard to gauge their reaction. "In his presence you may do whatever you want with me." Suddenly Amber started giggling. "Anything we want?" she asked. "Yes Amber any-" "Ah-ah!" John reminded her. "I mean, yes Ma'am, anything you want." Gisele corrected herself. Amber turned to John and repeated her question. "Anything we want?" John nodded. "Go ahead." A sly grin spread across Ambers face as she pondered the possibilites. She turned to Stacey and the grin spread to her as well. The two of the stood up and walked over to Gisele. She looked nervously at John. Amber kneeled down next to Gisele and looked her deep in the eyes. "Hands behind your back, bitch." Just the fact that John was in that room, watching her, made those words seem as if they were in fact spoken by him. Giseles hands left her thighs and landed behind her back. Stacey kneeled down behind Gisele and held her hands in place. "Do you know how fucking bad I've wanted to do this?" Amber asked. Before Gisele could answer, Ambers open hand struck her cheek. "You like that? You little bitch." Amber teased her. "I know we're friends, but you always think you're so much better than us." Stacey chimed in. "Yeah, consider this a way to even us out." Amber laughed. The other side of Ambers hand struck Giseles other cheek. Gisele kept quiet and looked down at the floor. "Look at me." Amber demanded. Gisele looked up at her, slowly. Amber smiled and let her left hand travel down Giseles stomach to her pussy. Gisele shivered. "Oooh sensitive huh?" Amber teased. She let her hand slide inside Giseles panties and started gently rubbing her clit. Gisele started breathing deeper and look down at Ambers hand. "I told you to look at me!" Amber exclaimed. She raised her right hand and slapped Gisele. "I'm so sorry Ma'am." Gisele cried out and looked back up at Amber. Stacey leaned over Giseles shoulder and whispered in her ear. "So that's your man huh?" "Yes Ma'am." Gisele replied. "Do you love him?" Gisele remained quiet. Stacey let go of her hands and stood up. She walked over to John and grab his hand. John followed her as she walked back over to Gisele. Stacey positioned John at an angle infront of her. She then kneeled down next to Amber. Gisele struggled to keep her eyes fixed on Ambers. She could her the sound of a zipper being opened, just a few feet to her right. "Please!" she cried out "Please Ma'am." Amber smiled. "What?" she pretended "Do you want to watch?" "Yes Ma'am. Please let me watch Ma'am." "Are you sure you want to see your man getting his dick sucked by one of your friends?" The combination of curiosity and her clit being stimulated, mixed with the recent sound of slurping, was too much for her, so she gave in. "Yes Ma'am. I want to watch my Master getting his dick sucked by one of my friends while I get my clit rubbed by you Ma'am." "Alright then." With her right hand, Amber took a firm grip of Giseles hair and turned her head toward Stacey, forcing her to watch. Gisele watched as Stacey took all of Johns dick into her mouth and gagged. She felt outraged, betrayed. But then she looked up at John, who looked back at her. Suddenly everything felt better. She knew that this was all part of his plan for her. She wasn't doing this because he wanted her to, she was doing it because she wanted to. "You think you can take it that far down your throat?" Amber asked Gisele mockingly. "I don't know Ma'am." Gisele replied. "Stacey! Let her try." Johns dick left Staceys mouth with a loud pop. "No way is she going to be as good as me." Stacey laughed. Amber waddled over to Johns bag of toys and pulled out a ring-gag. "Maybe this will help?" She got back to Gisele and raised the gag to her face. "Open your mouth wide." she demanded and Gisele obeyed. Amber put the ring-gag in place and fastened it against the back of her head. Inspired by Ambers find, Stacey started looking through the bag. "Mmm this will help her be a good girl." Stacey exclaimed and held up a hitachi wand. John took a step forward and let his dick rest on Giseles face, covering one of her eyes. He could see the other looking right back at him. Stacyed plugged the hitachi wand in and placed it between Giseles legs. In the meantime Amber kneeled down behind Gisele, placing both her hand on the back of Giseles head. John let his dick slide down Giseles nose, then her chin, then over her lip and into her mouth. He could hear Giseles gurgled moans as she slowly leaned forward to take his dick. Halfway in, Johns dick was to much for Gisele to take and she instinctivly pulled her head back. But soon Amber pushed back. Once again Johns dick reached the point were Giseles couldn't take it. This time she couldn't pull back. Amber put her entire upper body onto the back of Giseles head, forcing Johns dick deeper down her throat. Giseles eyes curled up and her eyelids started shaking. "Look at me!" John demanded. Gisele quickly opened her eyes and looked up at him. Johns dick was now 3/4 down her throat and once again her eyes started curling backwards and the world started to blacken for her. John pulled his dick out and slapped her across the face. "I think we've found her limit." Amber said. Stacey turned to Gisele. "Well, if you can't please him, I think it's only fair that I do." she said. "It must be so disappointing to have a slave that can't take your dick." Amber joined in. Unable to answer, Gisele just stood there on her knees with saliva dripping down onto the vibrating wand between her legs. John stepped out of the way and Amber layed to infront of Gisele with her face next to the wand. Stacey got down on all four and stood over Amber, with her face right infront of Giseles face. John took out a smaller sex with a car vibrator from the bag and gave it to Amber who started playing with herself. He then kneeled down behind Stacey and slowly inserted his dick into her wet pussy. Stacey moaned loudly. Mostly to mock Gisele. "You're going to watch me fuck your man and there's nothing you can do, bitch." Stacey whispered, only inches from her face. John heard the queue and started pounding her hard and fast. Every thrust was followed by a loud scream of pleasure. That's when Gisele realized. Everything she thought she knew had changed. Her she was, watching her best friends fuck her Master and just the thought that she is doing it for it him, made her so aroused. She would do anything for him and the more he asked of her the more aroused she got. Gisele looked at him, and he looked back. As always. He let her know that even though she wasn't included in any way, this was all about her. Suddenly Amber put the wand into a higher setting. Then yet a higher setting. It was too much. Gisele let her legs slide together, but it was no use. The wand was firmly pressed against her pussy. "Ma'am? Sir? May I cum please?" Gisele asked, almost screaming. "No! Not until I'm ready to cum." Stacey replied, denying her the sweet release she needed. "Mmm kiss me baby." Amber said and looked up at Stacey. Stacey leaned forward and kissed her deeply, passionately. "Sir please!" Gisele begged again. "You heard her!" he replied. "Aaaah! I'm gonna cum." Amber cried out. "Mmm me too baby!" Stacey answered. Stacey looked up at Gisele. "You wanna cum bitch?" "Yes please Ma'am." Gisele replied. "You like watching your friends fuck?" Stacey continued. "Yes Ma'am. I like it very much. May I please cum?" "Ooh... FUCK... No you can't." Stacey exclaimed between moans. Stacey reached out and turned the hitachi wand off. She then collapsed ontop of Amber as they both started shaking, the orgasms taking over their bodies. John quickly got up and hurried over to Gisele. "This is your time to shine. Prove me how far you can take it." He put his dick on her tounge and let it slide down her throat. By grabbing hold of her hair, he was able to push her further than ever before. With the ring-gag Gisele had no choice but to take his entire dick down her throat. As Johns balls slammed against Giseles chin, he couldn't take it anymore. He let go and released string after string of hot, sticky, creamy cum into her throat. After the first three string of cum John could see the panic in her eyes. But he didn't let go. After another 4 strings she started shaking violently. John released her hair and took a step back. Gisele practicly vomited the cum out of her mouth onto the two girls in front of her. Most of it landed on Ambers lesbians in a car face, but some landed in Staceys hair. "WHAT THE HELL!" Amber tried to wipe the cum off her face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU BITCH?" Stacey cried out. Gisele could nothing but pant in response. As revenge, Amber wiped some cum off with her hand and smeared it all over Giseles face. That was not enough for Stacey. She got up and grabbed a ziptie lying by the TV. Stacey used the ziptie to tie Giseles hands together behind her back. She then turned the hitachi to the highest setting. "We're going to take a shower, since you got us all messy." Amber said, looking down at Gisele. "You better be here when we come back." Stacey joined in, knowing full well that Gisele couldn't move on her own. "Come on baby." Amber gestured for John to take her hand. The three of the walked out into the hall and up the stairs as Gisele was left at the mercy of the hitachi. MrGurken

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