Porn Videos Sex Tapes - Why Kids Love Casting Couch Free Xxx

by SusieHurwitz308 posted Oct 16, 2015


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The way he told this story about last time (also the first time) we were together really turned me on. So, I thought I would share it with you. These came in a series of texts/emails for continuity sake I'll keep both of our sides of the conversation in the story and I won't edit the drunk typos. This is from last night. He's at a business conference out of town. Him: Holy crap they just bought me another one. Me: Holy crap! How many drinks have they bought yo so far? Him: I had three... then they started giving me drinks in glasses twice the size. Why do you ask? Me: Trying to keep up Him: I hit on you sober so how can you tell I've had a few... ish. Good luck with trying to keep up. You may just need to smoke instead. Or whatever gets you hornier. Yup, there it is. That's why you asked how many I had Me: It's not like I mind. I'm a bit surprised I didn't end up naked in the shower with you when we last saw each other. Maybe next time you should come over earlier, or maybe we should just come back to my house a bit earlier. Him: I do like water when I'm drinking. Well... I probably like you naked even more than water. If you join me in the shower when I'm high I bet you end up liking the 2ater when you're altered also. I guess I shouldn't brag, you know better now. Me: Like I said, I think next time we should find a way to make it back to the house sooner... Him: ou know part of the reason I like flirting with you so much now? We hung out for months before I talked like this and still was always anxious to hang out with you. Me: Why? Him: Anticipation can make it better but even more so most guys will try to hop on you for a reason, not all will wait a bit for you. Good thing to remember as a girl. Plus if sometimes you might have gotten along well but if you just make it about sex before knowing much about each other all it ever is is sex. It's just much more fun for me because I like you as a person. Sorry, didn't mean to get sappy on you when we're having fun. Back to the shower! Me: I actually think that's part of the reason why it was so... Good last time. I hope you don't mind me saying that Him: So you're saying I wasn't very good at it but the anticipation saved it? If you don't mind me saying,, you seemed to like it more than just having to wait. It may have helped a bit but I was a little shy about it. Next time I won't be. I guess I'll have to prove it now... if you don't mind. Me: I wasn't saying that at all and you know it Him: I remember that night. I don't usually brag but you seemed pretty happy. Maybe I should tell you how that happened Me: I was there remember? :p Was there something I missed? Him: I don't mean the technical part, just how it started. Me: If you want to tell me I'll listen. Him: I have one last drink on the way then I'm heading up. Once I'm in my nice private room I think I'll tell you why I suddenly couldn't help myself. Me: Alright. Enjoy your drink. Him: I'll make it quick. we finished playing pool and I went to the bar for a last drink and I have a couple of cougars eyeballing me. No, not my imagination. I usually figure chicks don't like me until it's obvious. I'm really good at calling it for others, usually figure it's my imagination when it's me. Me: So cougars checking you out made it happen? I think you've lost me Him: Made what happ3n? I think you've lost me. I'm just a bit drunk. Forget the cougars, I'll just tell you why I got all handsie last time Me: lol okay Him: Almost done then I'll head to my room and tell you why I went from a little bit flirty to touching you in rather personal places... and enjoyed it. Usually a couple of attractive cougars checking me out would be interesting but you've got me waaaay to distracted. Now I'm more interested in telling you... Me: I'm listening. Him: Done with my last drink, having a smoke and heading to my room. So anyway, confessions. Between getting the impression that you don't want me hitting on you and being careful because I didn't want to cross any lines and then have you tell me you guys are making up I didn't worry about pushing any limits. The last time we went out I felt I didn't feel like I was getting in the way of anything and I just wanted you so much that I was ok with you just rejecting me. But I still didn't want to push it so I just dreamed. At that point we had a few nights I'd think about more than just friends type thoughts as I was driving home. But I still didn't want to push it because you seemed to like flirting but also seemed to warn me not to push it. So I said I needed to lay down for a bit. I thought you told me to go lay down in your room so I did. So I went and laid down and you followed me in. You left the door open so I didn't think anything but when you laid down beside me my thoughts raced. Then you seemed to scoot in closer. I wanted to put my are around you but didn't know if that's what you wanted. I decided I didn't care and I just wanted you close. So I put my arm around you and you slid in closer. I lim3d that... a lot. I told you earlier I'd rub your back but you pushed back. That was the second time I just wanted to relax you with a back rub. Well... I wanted to give you more. The first night I just rubbed your back a bit but this time it wss just... hotter somehow. So you had just a few inches between your skirt and blouse so I just rubbed there but you really responded. I caressed a bit and you purred and twisted. I loved it and it just made me want to rub a little higher... and lower. I rubbed a little higher and you responded as if you wanted me to. So I ran my fingers under your skirt and you acted like you wanted me to go much further. At that point you had me. You responded to my caresses in a way that was undeniable. So I rubbed a little higher and a little lower. I wanted you so bad at that point I just wanted to see you happy for a change. Actually at that point you seemed more at ease than before but I wanted to see you happy. You responded to my touch so much it just made me want to touch you more. Almost as if you had been anticipating it. Me: I had. Him: You had? You mean anticipated it? Me: Aren't you telling a story? Him: Are you anticipating the rest of this confession? Maybe you should get comfortable, I am. Ok down to a shirt and underwear. Ever go out to smoke? Me: I went out for a little bit. I think I'll get a bit more comfortable too Him: You never really answered my questions. So did you anticipate me touching you that night? You seemed to. The way you responded really got me going. You seemed to warn me against hitting on you before but when I touched you you responded as if you had been wanting me to for awhile. Like I said, it made me want to push it further so it did. I ran my fingers under your blouse, you responded. So I ran my fingers under your skirt and you twisted and moaned. So I ran them up your side and further down your skirt. The way you melted when I touched you made me want to go much much further. You slid you leg over me so I ran my hand down your thigh. And when I found nothing but bare skin on your upper thigh all I could think about was seeing what else was bear. I slid my hand up the back of your leg to your ass and found... nothing but quivering flesh. I realized it wasn't just my imagination and that you liked it so I ran my fingers down your butt to the top of your thighs. Then, without even really thinking about it I touched you and found you were very damp. Should I go on? Me: You're right about me wanting something. Do you feel like you have fully explained? If not please continue Him: I haven't finished yet. But if you want I'll stop. Me: We'll finish then. I'd like to hear the rest. Him: Once you touched you between your legs and found you wet, excited and obviously not stopping me I stopped worrying about anything and just did to you what I had wanted to for awhile. I'll go on in a minute, Taki g off my underwear. At every step once you laid down beside me you egged me on further without saying a word. After I felt how wet you were I just wanted to make you cum. So I ran my fingers up and down between your legs, spreading your wetness around the entrance I wanted to experience so much. When I couldn't stand it any longer I slid a finger inside you. At that point it was undeniable that you wanted me to continue so I just stopped thinking and started reacting. Maybe you're just easy to please but you seemed so happy. You had me so hot, I just wanted to make you cum. Back I the day I could usually tell, you seemed to be getting close quickly. I kissed down to your breasts and after that I just kept going. Now that I'm naked in a hotel room, after talking about how fun it would be to bring you and wishing you were here now it's almost hard to continue. Maybe I should just say I had other plans that night but you seemed REALLY happy and I was happy with what I could do for you so I just kept going. Me: I was very pleased. You, know it's not as if I kicked you out. You could have stayed longer. Him: Then I thought I shouldn't push it too much and if I could calm you down next time I saw you that was good enough. But you said you'd like to return the favor. That kept me going a bit and then you sent me something. I had a hard time not planning on trying to please you even more next time we were together. Then you said you may have been touching yourself while thinking about me. That was bad enough but when you sent me one more picture when I was having a bad night at the end of a bad week... well, you'll be happy next time I see you. Me: I just thought it might brighten things up for you and to be honest I definitely wanted more after seeing you last. Thus the photos. Him: It was good timing. When you said you may have been touching yourself while thinking about me I was tempted to drive over and show you what would be better than touching yourself. That's basically the end of last night's messages. I just thought I would share because the recounting made me really horney. myredditsockaccount
