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by DoloresEggers19 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Instead of continuing to hit refresh all afternoon waiting for an orange envelope (you know who you are and you know just what you're doing to me...) I decided I'm overdue for a post over here. There is one epic story that I've been holding back, lazy about writing up and editing, so here goes something – To this day I've yet to have a threesome. I did, however, have a foursome in college. Call me an overachiever :) My boyfriend at the time knew I also liked girls but didn't want me to get down behind his back. I also knew he'd had sex with a guy friend and his wife once and was jealous that I hadn't ever had a threesome. So we decided to remedy the situation and started researching swinger clubs. They seemed....intimidating. We found the relevant sites though and made a profile seeking another couple. We got a lot of responses but were being very picky, still not sure exactly what we were open to. We were pretty young, I guess only 20 or 21 at the time, and most couples on the site were a lot older than us. Or I'd be attracted to the girl but the guy creeped me out. It went on like that for a while. Eventually we exchanged messages with a couple that seemed just right. The guy was good looking enough, tall, fit, clean cut. The girl had a similar body to me but was a bit heavier, bigger tits. For the record (or as a reminder), I'm 5'7", more fit now than I was then but I've always been a little heavier than average, very curvy. I'm Irish/Italian and have a great big ass, long dark hair, brown eyes, freckles, 36Cs. She was curvy too, pale, short dyed red hair and lighter eyes. So we exchange a few messages with this couple and agree to meet up at a sports bar just to kind of feel each other out (I know, the puns). These two were not much older than us but they must have been pros at swinging by then because they just knew exactly how to make us comfortable. The guy was attentive and kept slipping into conversation how beautiful I was, hugging his girlfriend and saying "isn't she cute, sweetie?" We sat across a booth from one another, each couple with their partner at their side, but by the time we left he and I were having a semi-private conversation across the table, his hand massaging mine. We decided to go back to my place and jump in the hot tub. All clothes were quickly lost and she and I started making out. It was a communal hot tub in a gated community though. We didn't expect the security guard to come out and hassle us. He had quite the shock rolling up on two naked girls making out in the middle of two guys in a hot tub (or maybe he saw that every weekend, not sure). I remember standing there in a towel, totally naked underneath, and apologizing (as the person who lived there) and promising that we would clean up and head home. My boyfriend later commented that the guy was pervy and was just eyeing me the whole time. I don't think that's pervy per se, I mean, there was a naked coed in front of him? Where else do you look? If I made that guy's night any better than so be it. We went back to my place and it was a bit awkward for a moment. The interruption had spoiled the mood so I drank more, needed liquid courage. We had an awkward run in with one of my roommates (oh yeah umm...these are our friends...who you've never met before...and all four of us are going to go hang out in my room....excuse the noise!) We moved the party into my bedroom and she and I started it off. We made out while the guys watched and then took turns going down on each other. I'd kissed girls before, messed around a bit, but this was my first time eating pussy. It's a bit of a blur now but I remember being fascinated at how much different hers was from mine. My boyfriend moved behind me during this and lost the rest of his clothes. Her boyfriend was at her head, touching her tits, coaxing her as she neared orgasm. Then my boyfriend entered me from behind. Our first official "group" act. She started sucking her boyfriend off and I paused for a moment to take in this ridiculous sex chain we'd created. You ever do that? Take a snapshot of your life and go "jesus christ I'm in the middle of a porno....starring me...hooray!" Her boyfriend took his cock out of her mouth and bent to speak into her ear, they had a short conversation and then his hands were on me and my boyfriend was moving to take my place between her legs. I was making out with her boyfriend and stroking his cock when I looked over and saw him put a condom on. I smiled at him, gave a nod, and watched him enter her. I remember being shocked at how NOT jealous I felt watching him fuck another girl. I was just happy and overwhelmed with lust. It's a good thing I didn't mind watching because her boyfriend eventually had me bent over the bed, doggy style, fucking me hard and fast while they fucked in missionary on the bed, inches from my face. I reached to help, rub, caress, anything but it was futile because I was being fucked so hard. In retrospect I think this guy had popped a few viagra or something because he and I went long past my boyfriend and his girlfriend, til I was raw and panting and begging for cum. His girlfriend was happy to oblige when he was ready, opening her expert mouth and taking it all down. That of all things, I remember, made me a bit jealous. Go figure. We threw clothes on, drove them back to the bar we met at, and said our goodbyes. It was awkward again but pleasant. We spoke of getting together again but they broke up shortly thereafter and, while I was tempted to play with her alone, didn't think that was a good idea. I haven't had any group fun since, the opportunity just hasn't presented itself. But I chalk this up as a success and a nice stepping stone in my sexual history. Thanks for reading :) 1AY8E82 nikkiblue6767 1NLV2yA 1NLV2yA[2 comments]
