Girl Chat - The Secret Of Porn Couples That No One Is Talking About

by ZaraGeorgina65564 posted Oct 16, 2015


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I posted this cross post incorrectly originally so I have deleted that post and now have this text only post of my story. Sorry, I am new to reddit and still learning all the nuances of posting. She was an hour into overtime trying to finish a client file so she could meet the girls at happy hour. Her feet were killing her from a full day of giving tours of the penthouse in three inch heels. Her boss had told her that she had to dress to impress and that had meant trading in her signature flared skirt and flats for a skin tight pencil skirt and high heels. After the last client left she had let her red hair down from the severe up-do her boss had requested and let it fall in big messy curls as she worked on data entry. Under her desk she had removed her heels, her blazer rested over the back of her chair, and she didn't even notice that the top button on her blouse had come undone when she heard him clear his throat. Startled, she looked up and all she saw was business. A sharp, clearly custom, business suit and tie draped perfectly over his tall frame. Dark perfectly messy brown hair made a sharp contrast to his blue eyes and his 5 o'clock shadow made him look rugged. Zoe knew his type and hated men like him, overly aware of how handsome and powerful they are. Overly aware of how rich they are. "I'm here to see the penthouse. Cheryl said there would be someone here to give me a tour." He said with blunt agitation. "Of course, I'm so sorry.' Zoe fumbled over papers as she stood and reached out her hand to shake his, ready to introduce herself. "I'm Zoe. Would you like a – " He did not take her hand. "I would like to see the penthouse. Now." Zoe made her way around the desk and held the door open for him but all he did was stare at her. All he did was stare at her feet. When she realized what he was staring at she was mortified, her face turning as red as her hair as she went back to her desk to put on her heels. His face didn't flinch. There was no way she was going to make this sale. With heels on, she led him to the elevator and attempted to make sales person small talk. He barely responded, Zoe wondered if he was even breathing at times because nothing changed in his demeanor through all the "What brings you to the area? The penthouse is 10,000 square feet and has views of the entire valley, mountains, and even out to the ocean! Our olympic size saltwater pool is the envy of every high rise in the area." She was thankful when the bell rang, the doors opened, and she was able to lead the way to the front door. As she opened the door for him and gestured for him to enter she saw his eyes run over her body slowly, thoughtfully, and it stirred something deep inside her. "Feel free to have a look around." She said as she walked towards the open kitchen and took in the view from the kitchen, over the lavishly furnished living area, to the floor to ceiling windows with their view of Orange County twinkling in the moonlight. When she looked towards him again she saw he was staring at her, not the apartment. "I would prefer you show me around." And for the first time, she saw the faintest hint of a smile cross his face. "Of course, please follow me." She led him to the living room area and stood looking out the window ready to explain the view as he came up right behind her, so close she could feel his breath on her neck. Her knees weakened and her heart rate increased as she pointed out the different landmarks visible from this high up. "Lovely." He said. He wasn't touching her, but it felt like he was. It felt as intimate as you could be with a person. "What's Next?" He whispered in her ear. She led him down the hallway to the first guest room, a large white bed sat in the center of the room looking out at the floor to ceiling windows. She walked in and stood at the foot of the bed, she was almost frightened to turn around and look towards him so she kept staring out the window as she described the features of the room. "This guest room is one of three in the penthouse..." before she could continue on he was there again, right behind her, somehow closer than before but still not touching her. She could feel her panties get damp and she had trouble catching her breathe. "What's next?" He purred into her ear, she could almost feel his words on her skin. She led him down the hallway to the master bedroom. Her legs were shaking, she wondered if he could see how unsteady she was on her feet. She wondered if he noticed. When she entered the room she went straight to the window, and stood staring out again over the never ending view of lights from the city below. He came up behind her, just as he had before, so close that nothing had ever felt so intimate and yet, he did not touch her. She was aching for him, panties wet, and she could not even remember what she was supposed to say about this bedroom or the apartment or the high rise. She could barely breath, she was so overcome with desire and what had he done? Just stood there. "What's next?" This time it melted her and she melted back, right into him. He was strong and did not flinch or move as she leaned back into his tall, muscular frame. She could feel herself dripping down her legs with want. He simple took one hand to move her big red curls behind her ear and leaned his head in so close as he whispered the faintest "What's next?" She moaned as her head tilted back and her round firm ass pressed up against him. That's when she felt it, she felt his desire for her strong, thick, and hard. He moved his hands to her hips and pulled her into him so she could feel it even more. She bent at the waist and laid her hands on the glass in front of her. He bent forward to meet his lips to her ear and growled "What's next?" You can find the next chapter over at r/erotica or here writingzoewonder
