Freewebcamgirls - The Single Best Strategy To Use For Cum Cams Revealed

by GenaBritt3667938 posted Oct 16, 2015


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So 5 years ago i met Estaban while on a trip to Cancoon, me and 2 friends were celebrating their birthdays. I was 19 at the time and pretty nieve. We went to a local bar where i had my fake I.D and my friends were 21 and 23 so they were legal!. We all went in and sat at the bar ordering shots; i kinda just threw them back. Before i blacked out my two gfs stopped me and took me to the dance floor. We danced and did the salsa, i was grinding and shaking my booty and then i saw him. A tall latin stud. He had slick black hair, with nice broad shoulders. He saw me dancing and made his way over almost immediately. Its like i was calling him; our bodies were. He held my waist why i slow grinded and we both got into the music. He licked my ear, i felt his tongue ring against my cartilage. It made me even more turned on, when we began kissing he roughly grasped my arse almost smothering me. (thats when we had to make our way out) I snuck away while my friends were drunk back at the bar smuggling drinks off desperate men. I remember him asking me in this sexy accent My place?, i nodded at that point i was just happy to be leaving. If you treasured this article and you simply would like to be given more info relating to nude girls chat please visit our own web-page. We hopped in a cheap taxi-cab the driver was a short hispanic man with bald spots. The whole time he was touching my leg creeping his fingers up to my thigh, i had to smack him away. Then he whispered Call me Estaban muy bella i thought it was funny (because i was buzzed) so i giggled. He tongued me down until we got to his hotel, then he paid the cab. When we got inside almost instantly he threw me on his bed. We sloppily kissed until he a got enough and wanted sex. I insisted i was too young, he asked my age i told him 19, i asked his and he said 28 (which i later found he was 30). He told me it was Okay he would take care of me and i finally agreed . Last thing i remember is us being naked and sweaty from the liqour fucking in his bed. He was so hard i was uncomfortable; he couldnt cum and was pounding me for it. My legs were wrapped against his we were dripping sweat (literally). He bent me over and got on his knees, pounding me as his pelvis hit my butt cheeks. It was a good hour or so before he came, he pulled out and nuted on my belly. For the next few weeks on the trip all i did was go to Estabans. I remember we had sex every day it was really good he had a big dick that never failed. His body was built like armor. I started noticing his tatoos, he had a heart with a knife through it and the name Marie on his chest. He also had a tatoo on his back saying In love, Out of love, back again . I was a little confused with the womans name so i asked him and he denied it. 2 days before my trip ended i noticed that i missed my start date for my period, i assumed it was just late and didnt worry. However my friends told me to get a test. I tested and it was positive (of course). I was feeling so dumb. How could i get knocked up by a stranger ? What would my parents think? So i decided to tell him. I knocked on his suit door and he opened it. He thought i was coming for sex and tried kissing me down but i rejected it. When we went to sit, i told him Im pregnant. He had this appauled look on his face like What the fuck? . I said it again Im pregnant. He nodded and looked down in disbelief as i expected. Are you certain? He asked, Yes Estaban! Ive been having sex with just you How could i know? I was a one night stand he questioned. From there i stayed a couple more weeks to determine my pregnancy, and it was true. After my doctor visit they told me i was 100% pregnant (no shit) me and him didnt use protection. When he got wiff of it he wouldnt have sex with me , he looked almost disgusted. Since i was young and dumb, my friends went back home and i stayed. We stayed in the hotel suit and he paid while i was pregnant. At about 5 months he started cheating, it turned out Marie was his other babies mother and they werent fully seperated. He had 3 children beside mine, and to make matters worse he would have his kids come to the hotel while he went with their mother (probably for sex). After giving birth to our baby girl Ameria, he was a monster. He would grab my wrist and pin me when he wanted sex, he would take our daughter away and leave me in the hotel alone while he spent time with his other children. I was way over my head in Cancoon by 20, i had a daughter and i was not happy. Upon deciding to leave because of mistreatment, he told me i couldnt. He told me i was kidnapping his daughter and he would hunt me down. I didnt take heed and left back home. My parents took me in and watched Ameria while i worked part time. 2 years later i got a call from him, he said he was coming to be a father for Ameria and that if i said no he would get the law involved. I allowed him to meet my parents and stay with me to raise our daughter. They were supportive. Ameria loved her father and cried when we faught. He was a loving man to her and fed her when i was too tired. Next thing i know were back at it again, banging, sexing, making love and babies. He had me in missionary with no protection, giving me every inch of him. I was so hurt and lonely i allowed it again! I ended up pregnant again, with his second love child. My parents were exhausted and gave me 60 day notice because of my actions. He was mad, he made matters worse by telling them they could never see Ameria again and any other children. They could care less and slammed the door on the 60th day. We got a small apartment, and i was miserable. Jobless collecting unemployment. And spending my savings on bills. While he sat around taking care of Ameria. I found out when i looked through his wallet that he had actually been 30 when i met him and was now 33!!! I confronted him and he started being agressive. Thats when i decided to take Ameria and leave, we left when i was about 4 months pregnant and stayed at an aunts. I paid her my unemployment until it ran dry and i was laying in the hospital bed with my second girl Katlyn. He was there, he showed up as she began to scream, and held her smiling as if he loved us. (I was mistaken) i wanted nothing to do with him, he had ruined my life and gave me 2 kids i couldnt afford. He chased me all the way home and troubled me. After Katlyn i decided to distance myself. Esteban was a bad influence on me, and i was tired from having kids. My parents even shunned me! 1 year later at 24 i moved in with my parents again, they decided to take me back as long as i cut him out of my life. I agreed. He came back, claiming Katlyn and Ameria where to live with him and his wife. It turned out he and Marie had just gotten engaged months prior. I denied him ordering a court restraining order to keep him away. Now, im taking care of my 4 year old daughter Ameria and her sister Katlyn alone without him. I realized that he was not good for me, and never will be! He moved back to Cancoon and him and Marie are probably married now. Im 25, and everything at 19 that i did... i wish i could take back. gorjeosmommy


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