Hottest Nude Girls - The Foolproof Sexy Erotic Pics Strategy

by XAYHugo00232580 posted Oct 16, 2015


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This is the story of how I had sex with my sons best friend (Cameron). However before i begin i should first give you a little backstory, i am 42 years old and married to a wonderful man, however, as cliche' as it sounds he works a lot. He is a Nurse and does 12 hour shifts, most of these shifts are at night so when he gets home he sleeps during the day and then gets back up and goes to work so we don't have sex as often as i would like. I have blonde shoulder length hair, c cup breasts and a fairly decent ass (i think its my best quality). I work out a lot and eat well so i am fairly fit. Cameron (my sons friend) is a champion swimmer for our state, as is my son, they met eachother through swimming when they both started on the same team since they were 14 and have been the best of friends since then. Cameron is really fit because of all of the swimming, he has solid shoulders, smooth chest and amazing abs that really make an older women tingle, if you know what i mean. The first time i ever felt sexual attraction towards Cameron was when i went to pick my son up from Camerons 18th birthday party, Cameron was really drunk, had no shirt on and was 'jokingly' grinding up against me.. i giggled and wished him a happy birthday. At the time there was nothing more i wanted to do than to lick every inch of his upper body. I also have two other children (three in total), they are 9 and 14 so they are at school for most of the day. I think thats enough backstory so now onto the 'meat' of the story. This happened a week or so ago, its school holidays and my younger children were sleeping over at a friends house, my oldest son had Cameron over for a sleepover at our house since his younger brother and sister weren't home. It was 11pm and i was in bed, just had a shower and reading a book, i usually read for 20 minutes before i go to bed as i feel that it relaxes me, my son and Cameron were asleep because i heard them turn the tv off. I thought nothing of this at the time so i continued to read my book, it had been a few years since that night where Cameron grinded against me so i hadn't thought about his body in a while. I was approaching the 20 minute mark and was about to put down my book and go to sleep when i realised that my throat was unbelievably dry, I put on a robe over my nightie and tip toed, barefoot, into the kitchen. It was dark and i didn't want to turn a light on and wake up the dog so i found a glass and poured myself a glass, I stood there for a minute enjoying the cold water sooth my very dry throat when i saw a light coming from towards my sons room. It was Cameron using the light of his phone to navigate around the house, i cleared my throat to announce myself as it was very dark and i didnt want to scare him (hehehe). I looked up at me. "oh Tania you scared me haha, i didn't see you there" [him] He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, i dont even think he was wearing underwear as i could see the outline of his cock shining off the light on his phone. "oh really? im sorry darling i was just getting a drink, my throat is so dry!" i whispered in an attempt to keep my son asleep. [me] "yeah ahaha, i didn't think anyone would be up this late" [him] "i was just reading a book, i was actually just about to fall asleep but im not all that tired anymore.... so what are you doing up this late?" [me] He took a few seconds to respond. "oh me? i just really needed to go to the toilet, i feel like im going to burst" [him] i giggled because i could see how awkward he felt after saying that. "Why didn't you just use the toilet in (my sons) room?" [me] "He's was using it so i thought i would come and get a drink while i wait for him to finish... he's probably done now though.." [him] "You could use mine if you like?" [me] "oh no no i dont want to keep you from sleeping" [him] "nonsense follow me" [me] I smiled at him and signalled him with my finger to follow me, looking back on this it was done with no intention of being seductive however now im glad i did. I led him into my room (my husband is working) and showed him where the toilet is. He went into the toilet but didn't shut the door all the way, i tried to take a peek at his cock but is was facing the other way, i could however see his amazing back muscles in the light. He flushed the toilet and i moved away from the door and back into bed. He walked out of the bathroom, turned the light off and thanked me for letting him used it but insisted that he let me get some sleep now. "Cameron could you actually do me a favour?" [me] "Sure, anything" [him] "Could you maybe stay in here and chat with me? I can never get back to sleep easily and im not all that tired to be honest" [me] At this point i genuinely just wanted to chat about what ever sparked interest, i had only slight interest in fucking him but i never actually imagined that he would sleep with me, i tried to take a peek at his cock because i was curious. He agreed to stay and chat and he sat next to me on the side of the bed where my husband would usually sit, we talked about normal things like how university is going for him and swimming, things like that. He asked me about how i was going with work and how is the book that im reading, so far it was just normal things, but all of a sudden he threw a curve ball, it was a normal thing so say but it caught me completely off guard. "How often do you work out Tania? You're looking very fit!" [him] I giggled and smiled at him, all of a sudden a hundred things raced through my head such as "oh my god he is totally coming onto me", I felt like a teenage girl but then i realised that i am married and have three children. I then proceeded to tell him my workout routine, he was very amazed by how much i actually do but assured me that it definately pays off. I was really happy by this, this was the first time that a man had actually taken interest in my body in a while. My husband, however means well, is always so busy and just doesnt have the time to satisfy me. "You're are looking very fine yourself, i can tell you've been keeping up with swimming training" [me] "Oh you really think so? thank you so much" [him] "yes i really do! very sexy indeed" [me] i paused for a second because i didn't actually mean to say "sexy", i suddenly felt sick because i didn't know if he felt uncomfortable by it. i couldn't look him in the eye so i had to lower my head in shame... when i did though, i noticed that his cock was hard, i dont know how i didn't notice this before but it was really solid, it wasn't a massive tent but it was to the side and the outline was really visible through his boxers. "Can i tell you something Mrs Williams?" [him] (yes, my last name is Williams, smith is just a fake name.) "sure" [me] "I've actually had the biggest crush on your ever since your son first invited me over when we were 14.. i remember seeing you swimming in the pool and when you got out i couldn't help but stare. Your wet body made me extremely hard, i can still remember the pink bikini you were wearing, it has been the subject of many of my masturbation sessions. I can even remember later that day when your son and i went into his room, locked the door and looked up porn on his computer, all i could think about was you. Since then whenever i come over i am always burying my face into your underwear, licking the wet spots and rubbing them with my penis. I got so exited when you asked me to stay and chat, i dont know why im telling you this, maybe its the hormones or adrenaline or something but i am so aroused right now and you are the reason for it" [him] I was shocked, but not angry, i was really confused because i had no idea he felt this way, if he told me this on his 18th birthday while he was drunk i would have devoured his cock right there and then. Is it wrong for a married woman with three kids to think this way about my sons friend? All of a sudden i could feel his lips against mine... i was so wet. I grabbed his tongue with my lips and he layed me down on the bed, the passion was so amazing, our lips were covered in saliva and i was almost dripping from the pussy but it was so amazing. He took off his boxers to reveal his cock it was so hard, he looked at me and i looked at his cock, i grabbed it and squeezed it tight, looked him right in the eyes and said. "Cameron, make me your whore" He once again buried his tongue into my lips and my tongue in his, he was grinding his cock up against the silk of my nightie, i had flashbacks to when he was drunk. He started to lift up my nightie and i helped him by taking it off completely, i was lying there in my underwear, they were my sexiest black pair and he was there completely naked. We switched places, he is now lying on the bed and i am looking down at him, i kiss him on the lips and slowly make my way down to his cock, i cover it in spit and saliva and lick the tip, i could feel it tingling. It felt like he was about to cum so i stopped and went back to kissing him. Once i felt his cock had settled down i went back down on his cock and licked him from his asshole, across his balls and all the way up his shaft. He told me he felt like he was going to cum so i started wrapped my mouth around the end hoping to catch his load with my mouth. I only has to suck it for 6 or 7 seconds when he exploded, his cum was so warm and sticky, it felt so good. I took my mouth off the end and let the last few squirts go all over my face. I looked up at him and giggled, he had the biggest grin on has face and made a joke about how its a good cure for a dry throat, we giggled and i got up to wipe the cum off. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, i should have been ashamed with myself for fucking my sons best friend and cheating on my husband but instead i was so happy, and i still am as i write this. I wiped the cum off with some toilet paper and went back into my room to find Cameron lying on my bed exhausted, completely naked with his cock hanging on his thigh. I was still in my underwear, i crawl into the bed and lay down next to him, he kisses me on the forehead and tell me that we should do this again sometimes. i kissed him on the lips and backed my ass up into his cock and whispered seductively.. "sometime soon? how about in the morning?" he giggled and we both fell asleep... it was so nice falling asleep in the arms of a hot young man. All of a sudden it was morning, i checked my phone and is was 9 o'clock, i paniced knowing that my son will be awake soon so i woke Cameron up as well. We both paniced for a second and then felt really satisfied remembering the night before, he got up out of bed and started walking out the door when i reminded him that he is wearing no pants and his cock is rock hard. He didn't know what to do, i found his pants on the floor but there was still the issue of his hard cock. I had an idea. I took off my underwear and bra (remember he hadn't even seen me naked yet) and i started playing with my pussy, he told me that he was about to cum so i got on my hands and knees and wrapped my mouth and swallowed every little bit of cum that his didn't shoot all over my face the previous night. I wiped the little bit of cum from my lips and licked it with my tongue, gave him a kiss and the he tip toed back into my sons room. As i mentioned before this happened a week ago and we have not had any 'adventures' since then however we have been talking on facebook and have planned for him to sleep over again tonight. 1M5JEMS Tanyasmith69 1CV6yB9 1CV6yB9[11 comments]
