Adult Sex Cam - Characteristics Of Http://

by RhondaS1262971445 posted Oct 15, 2015


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Hey guys! I'm not too sure if this constitutes as wild in relation to others' stories, but this sure as hell was wild for me.
So I 9F have been single for almost a year and a half now. I have only kissed guys who I've gone on dates with– a adult sex cam whopping total of four guys now– and I've only had adult sex cam sex with one guy. I've never had the courage to go find a hookup, even after moving out for college, and in general I'm very much a goody two-shoes. So it's pretty safe to say that although I was comfortable being by myself emotionally, I've been horny as fuck for over a year but haven't had the guts to act on any urges.
Over the summer, I met a friend of my sister who I ended up liking a lot. He's 23, about 5'10 ish (I'm not too good at estimating heights), really sweet, and was similar to me in that he had been single for a while and wasn't really fond of hookups (though I was more sexually experienced), so we hit it off. We went on a few dates, but it never became anything serious since he started school before I had to move for college after the summer ended, but while we were still having our fling he started to come over to my place at night.
At first it was very innocent. We started off talking, him outside my house and me from my second floor window. I began sneaking out (which I never did before I met him) to hang out with him in his car where we would talk. He would put the seat down so there would be enough room for the two of us to lay side by side. Of course, me being horny as fuck, talking turned to kissing to cuddling to making out in the back of his car– right outside my house, where my parents could find us if they walked out, and where anyone who was curious could look into his windows and see us.
On one occasion, he was having a long day and I told him if he finished all of his work he could come over and I would grant him three wishes.
When he pulled up outside of my house it was midnight and I greeted him with a kiss. I loved kissing him so much; his lips were so soft but firm and he had this way of biting my lip that made me melt. We climbed into the back of his car and started making out until I pulled away and asked him what he wanted as his first wish. He told me he hadn't actually given it much thought since he had been spending so much of his energy and attention on finishing so he could come see me. I told him it was fine and that we could entertain ourselves for a little bit while he thought of something.
We kept making out, laying on our sides in his car. I could feel my nipples poking through my tank top and I could feel myself growing wetter from his kisses. He grabbed my leg and pulled it over him, and I could feel his hardness through his jeans and the thin cloth of my shorts.
He rolled over so he was on top of me and I took off my top so he could pinch my nipples as he kissed my neck and my ear, which drove me crazy. Every time he touched me he pulled a moan from my throat. He pulled away and told me that for his first wish, he wanted me to tease him.
I'm not usually one to take control– I usually like to be the one being teased, but somehow I was in the teasing mood so I agreed with a corny, "Your wish is my command."
I told him to take off his shirt and to lay on his back. I straddled him and I could feel his hardness– it was incredibly pronounced. Since he parked under a streetlight, he could see my tits and the slim figure of my athletic body– and so could any stranger who happened to walk by his car.
I started first on my hands and knees above him so he couldn't feel my hips on his with a light, chaste kiss on his lips, knowing he would want more. When I felt him reach for more, I pulled away and started to nibble on his ear, which drives him crazy. I was careful to go slowly and to only lick the soft, fleshy part of his ear. I heard his breathing pick up and could feel his hands grip my hips and try to push it down, so I stopped and pulled his hands off with a smirk.
"You don't get to touch until I say so," I said slyly, my face inches from his. He groaned, his voice filled with need. I smirked and gave him another kiss– still chaste, but a little longer this time, and switched to his other ear.
I rotated to all of his favorite spots– his ears, his neck, his lips– never spending too long in one place. I could feel myself growing wetter from hearing his whispered "Fuck," and from hearing his heavy breathing. Every once in a while he would try to put his arms around me and every time I would move his arms off with the same warning.
Listening to him was getting me incredibly wet and I wanted a little pleasure for myself, so I lowered my hips and started grinding against him slowly. I stopped kissing him and focused my attention on grinding my pussy on his cock. He leaned his head back and groaned. I quickened my pace in small, measured accelerations until I couldn't resist and was grinding against him for all I was worth, loving the way his bulge pressed against my clit and the way his hands were pulling on my nipples, giving no attention to the fact that I was shaking his car.
He suddenly grabbed my hips and told me to stop. "I'm about to cum," he said, his voice breathless.
I grinned and leaned over him to kiss him some more when suddenly he pulled me down against his chest. I looked up and saw a figure walk past the car and felt myself grow a little wetter as I wondered how long that person had been there and if that person had seen me grinding my guy to the point of cumming without even having unbuttoned his pants.
The thought that I was able to do that made me even more horny, and suddenly I was overcome with the desire to taste his cum.
I left his neck and carefully started to slowly make my way down his chest, leaving soft kisses in a trail down his stomach. When I reached his pants, I kissed his bulge and looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on me and he was biting his lip as I slowly undid the button and buried my face against his cock through his boxers, sighing onto his hard member. I felt him shiver.
He helped me pull his pants down a little so I could have full access to his cock. I had sucked it before, but not until he came, so I wanted to taste it this time. I started first by lightly gripping it and stroking it softly, then kissed the tip. I licked my lips and tasted the precum. I looked up at him and smirked as I stroked him a little harder. I licked around his tip, lapping up all of his precum and relishing the taste before switching my attention to his shaft. I dragged my tongue from the base up to the tip, loving the way he groaned in appreciation. I teased his cock with my lips until I couldn't take it any more and took his entire length into my mouth, all the way until my lips hit his waist, loving the feel of his cock against the back of my throat. I sucked him off, looking up often to take in the sight of him lost in pleasure. I wondered if the person from before was watching and sucked him off for all I was worth.
He warned me that he was going to cum a few times– I guess he thought I wouldn't like swallowing since we hadn't really talked about it before– until he exploded, calling my name, deep in my mouth. I kept going until I felt his cock stop spasming and swallowed all of his cum and cuddled up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and told me that was the biggest load he had in a while. We spent the rest of the night cuddling and talking about life.
Unfortunately, we never did get to finish his three wishes since that was the last time he came to my place, and we stopped seeing each other a few weeks later because of reasons we couldn't control, but I still really love thinking about those nights in the back of his car.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Like I said, I'm not too sure if this counts as "wild" since I think it's a lot more tame when compared to most stories here, but it certainly was wild for me. (:

