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Sorry about the wait all, crazy week. Same deal as with part one.
We lay next to each other, catching our breath, the evening air cool against my sweaty skin. Amy was half-wrapped around me, her leg twined around mine and her arm resting on my chest, head pillowed on my arm. A warm wetness pressed itself to my hip, and I smiled inwardly at the the thought of what had JUST happened, what was still happening, really. Of what may happen yet.
She idly fingered my chest hair, twisting it between her fingers. It had just begun to register in my mind when she switched to tracing the line of my shoulder, the contours of my collarbone. "What?" I asked, slightly self-conscious.
"I don't know," she replied. "you're just so...MANLY I guess. More than I expected."
Slightly taken aback, I asked "Well. . .What were you expecting?"
She shivered and closed her eyes in remembrance, making a sound of contentment in her throat. "Mmmm. I don't know. But definitely not this. I was watching the movie, laughing, then you said my name. Then we were kissing and I thought 'I guess this is happening' and suddenly there were your hands, your fingers, and your tongue..."
She bit her lip, somehow managing to smirk slightly. "Definitely not this."
I smiled back at her, brushing my thumb through the slash of blue hair that made up her bangs. I leaning in close, planting a deliberate kiss on her ripe lips. She made an appreciative sound and deepened the kiss, opening her mouth slightly and brushing her tongue against mine. I felt a stiffening in my groin despite my recent activity. I ignored it, enjoying the intimacy of our mouths exploring each other.
She broke kiss gently, snuggling deep into my chest, fingers still circling through the curls of the hair there. I simply lived in the moment, listening to the sigh of her breath, the warmth of her against me. Unfortunately, in that silence, my mind began to work. Thinking too much was always my undoing.
I broke the silence, my voice a nervous rasp. It punctured the perfection of the moment, leaving an empty awkwardness in it's wake. "So...are we turning this into something or...?"
Her breathing paused slightly. I lived or died in that pause, possibilities playing out with sickening speed through my head. "'No, this was a mistake. No, I'm already with someone. No, I don't think it would work between us. Yes.'"
She spoke, uncertainty threading through her voice.
"I don't know. I mean, I'm busy all the time, and I just got out of a long relationship, and I don't usually do this sort of thing but..." She trailed off.
"You had fun?" I asked.
"Fun?" She said incredulously. "Fun would be putting it lightly. This is the best I've felt in forever. I didn't expect this to happen, but I'm glad it did. I just don't know where we go from here."
"I think we should try spending more time together when we can then...see what happens." I suggested.
She nodded, certainty hardening in her eyes. "Yeah. I'd like that."
"What time is it?" She asked.
"Erm..." I said, reaching for my phone on the windowsill. "Just after nine."
She groaned, burrowing deeper into my shoulder.
"I have to leave soon. I need to get up for work at four."
I nodded, waiting for her to distangle herself and get dressed. Yet she stayed close to me, her breath tickling my skin, the warmth of her body on mine something I couldn't bring myself to willingly part with.
She groaned again, sitting up. She idly brushed the hair out of her eyes, searching around the room for her clothes.
"Stay the night?" I suggested.
She shook her head in regret. "I can't. I need to change clothes before I go back to work."
I nodded again, swinging my feet off the edge of the bed. She slipped past me and I couldn't help but admire the smooth curve of her ass, the simple tattoos on her hips drawing the eye and funneling it to her pleasantly full backside.
She began pulling her clothes on, pausing only to smile as she saw my eyes on her. I pulled on some gym shorts and opened my bedroom door for her. She stopped in the doorway and pulled me in for a long kiss. I reached down and took another handful of her ample ass, squeezing and stroking. She groaned and melted into me.
"Not fair..." She whispered after the kiss ended.
I grinned roguishly.
She rolled her eyes and walked to the front door. I swear an extra sway rolled through her hips, but it could have been my imagination. I stopped in the doorway, leaning on the frame. She turned just outside the door and looked me in the eye. "Thank you for dinner and...other things." She said, smiling uncertainly.
"It was my pleasure. I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow." I replied, a gentle smile on my face.
She pulled me in for one last tight hug and kiss, and was gone, her faint perfume lingering in the nighttime air.
I crawled into bed and fell asleep almost instantly, dreaming of warm wetness and moans.
The next day I forced myself to avoid texting her. I tend to over-text, and I didn't want to screw things up. Around noon my phone buzzed and I nearly dropped it in my haste to unlock it.
"' Hey, I hope you're having a good day. I figured you'd be blowing up my phone by now. Most guys would be."
I explained my reasoning, and she sent back a few minutes later: "'Mmm...I see your strategy. How are you today? I'm delightfully sore between my legs and enjoying constant flashbacks from last night...oh, and I want you."
My groin throbbed as I read that last sentence. I texted back my similar thoughts with shaking hands. I then suggested we get together again later that night, to which she readily agreed. I felt my body buzzing with anticipation, and whistled to myself throughout the rest of the day, lighthearted as I'd been in months.
Later that night, I swung the door open, revealing her in a modest professional shirt and tight dress pants. I stepped aside to allow her in, admiring her ass as she passed by.
We shared a quick kiss, then I busied myself in the kitchen. Blackened salmon and a salad with a light vinaigrette dressing. She watched me cook with slight admiration in her eyes. We ate close to one another, our elbows tangled with comfortable familiarity now and again. I teased her as we ate, brushing my fingertips along her thigh or pressing into her breast with my elbow. Her movements became jerky, as if she couldn't concentrate on her food.
"Movie?" I suggested.
She nodded, her mouth full of her last bite of salmon. I loaded up the movie in my room this time. Casablanca. I'd never seen it and she assured me that it was good. I still haven't seen it, actually.
Ten minutes into the movie, she was cuddled into my chest. My fingertips trailed light circles across her back, barely digging into the edge of her bra strap as they passed by. I could barely hear her breath catch at each circuit and I smiled to myself.
Soon my hand wandered to the lower edge of her shirt, pulling it up with each slow circle. I began to drag my fingernails slightly into her back and her breathing began to deepen. I readjusted and pulled her face to mine, my lips seeking hers with desperate need.
The dam of propriety that had been keeping us civil-ish all night shattered before the force of our hunger. There were no gentle kisses this time, no trail of affection down her neck. My mouth was everywhere, biting her earlobes, gripping her lower lip between my teeth. She pushed me back and moved to the side of my head, going to work on my ears. I'm not usually turned on by my ears being bitten, but her tongue and teeth were a shock that traveled from my ear down my spine, surging in a wave of sensation that ebbed and flowed inside of me.
I felt a growl escape my lips and my hand sought the junction of her legs. She gasped as my hand found her there, the heat pulsing easily though the thin material of the dress pants. I pressed and massaged, rough in my urgency. She ground herself to my hand as she continued to assault my ear. I managed to slide my fingers beneath the waistband of the pants and found her pussy already soaked, the panties sticking to the back of my hand wetly.
I slid my other hand to the back of her head, closing in her hair. As my fingers tightened into an unyielding fist, she gasped into my ear. I grinned savagely, pulling her head back and sinking my teeth into her neck.
"Careful!" She hissed between her teeth. "No marks!"
I ignored her and continued to bite at her neck and collarbone, each nibble punctuated with another pass across her clit. She shuddered and ground against my hand. I took that as a sign to escalate things, and released her head and pulled my hand free of her pants. I unbuttoned them and peeled them off of her legs, then pulling her shirt free and popping her bra clasp casually. Black tonight, a flowery patterned number that somewhat matched her red thong. I pulled that off too, taking a moment to admire her body. adult sex cam She smiled shyly at the wandering of my eyes, and her self-consciousness somehow stoked the fire within me ever higher.
We drew together and kissed with new vigor, our inhibitions dropping away anew. My hand wandered her pussy freely now, circling, stroking, dipping in and out. She squirmed and kissed me with reckless abandon, her hands fumbling at my belt. I leaned back to giver her better access and she finally managed to release the clasp, quickly unbuttoning my jeans.
She reached into my boxer-briefs and grasped the length of me, jacking me slightly. I moved my hips in time with her motions and my cock moved from steel to diamond within seconds. My fingers became more urgent now, sliding inside of her and hooking upward to massage her g-spot. She moaned anew as I stoked her inner fire. "Right there...that's good. Ohhhh...goddddd..." Came her breathless grasps.
As my middle finger teased and rubbed her insides, my ring finger slid down further and began to lightly press at her back door. She stiffened slightly, her moans pausing, then relaxed as I circled the entrance. I slowly increased pressure, the wetness from her pussy lubing my finger as I eased inside. About halfway to my first knuckle she gripped my shoulder and stared into my eyes, shaking her head.
"No one has ever...What I mean is, it feels good, but ease me into it ok?"
I nodded before swooping down to nibble at her neck again. She threw her head back and began to gyrate against the finger rubbing her g-spot. I only circled her ass this time, stopping my teasing with gentle squeezes of her ass now and again.
Eventually she pushed me back, helping me free of my shirt and boxer briefs.
"My turn." She whispered with a wicked smile.
She moved down to the foot of the bed, bending down to grasp my cock in one hand. She slowly curled her mouth to the head, meeting my eyes as I watched her slide me between her lips. I won't lie. It wasn't the best blowjob I'd ever gotten. It was, however, pretty damn good. She sucked at the head and part of the shaft as she jacked me with her hand. No deepthroating here, but I'd always liked having just the tip sucked. I leaned back to enjoy the sensation.
A gentle lick. A mouth sucking gently at my balls. The feeling of her tracing the ridges of my cock with her tongue. While her technique needed some work, it was still incredibly erotic. She treated my dick as if it were the only thing in her world, her complete focus on pleasing me.
I looked back down to her and admired the curve of her ass jutting up behind her. I could barely see the the sway of her tits as her head bobbed slightly, the image bringing me to the outer edges of cumming. I pulled her upward and positioned her over my painfully hard cock. She sat up on her knees, then slowly lowered herself onto me with a pained sigh. God she was tight. Tighter than any woman had any right to be.
She pushed herself up on her knees, and I rose to meet her. She gasped slightly as my hips met her inner thighs, and I pulled her deeper, my hands on her hips. We came back down to the bed hard, our rhythm rough and savage. Her tits bounced and swayed in my gaze, holding my eyes like a dancing flame. I felt another growl rise in me. My hand swung out wide, then came crashing into her ass with a resounding slap. She cried out in pleasure, arching her back and pushing her heaving breasts more fully into my view. I grabbed both of her ass cheeks in my hands, squeezing and kneading. We continued that way for awhile, our bodies rocking and swaying in furious harmony. We moved with the rhythm of dancers, the burning intensity of madmen, and the careless enthusiasm of a youth since past.
I moved one of my hands between us, finding the junction of our bodies and began rubbing at her clit, as far as I could feel. Her pace quickened, her eyes filling with a frantic sort of need. The need for those moments of bliss, of connection that we all crave on some level. Then her eyes closed, face contorted in beautiful agony as the outer edges of an orgasm began building.
Knowing that her legs might not be able to support her, I opted for a lightning position change. I grabbed behind her knees, pulling them up and outward. Her eyes flared open, barely focusing before she leaned back, her hands on my lower thighs. I held her knees in my outstretched hands, the entirety of her weight slamming down as I thrust upward powerfully. With her head thrown back and her chest shoved outward, a shuddering began at her legs, traveling up her spine as she began to orgasm.
"Ohhhh my fucking gooooddddddddd..." She began in a low moan, ending in a teeth-clenched groan. I felt the beginnings of my own orgasm building within me, and I began pounding upward with renewed fury, shoving her whole body roughly upward with each stroke. She was still basking in the post-cumming glow as I came, spurt after spurt of hot cum coating her quivering insides. I collapsed and let her legs fall. She pulled her legs under herself then lay atop me, head just under my chin as we caught our breath.
We lay next to eachother for awhile. We spoke of small things again, and shared gentle kisses and caresses for what seemed like minutes, but could've been hours. Soon she had to leave again.
"Shower?" I asked, raising a suggestive eyebrow. "Yes," she replied with an apologetic smile "but for getting clean. I need to work in the morning."
I frowned in disappointment, but it quickly faded as I watched her stand up from the bed, the swaying of her hips giving me a pleasant distraction. I followed her into the bathroom, coming up behind her and resting my somewhat awake cock between her ass cheeks as I hugged her from behind. She looked up at my reflection in the mirror, having been straightening her tausled hair.
"What's that for?" She said, referring to my faraway smile.
"Oh, I'm just giving past me a high five mentally." I said happily.
"Past you huh?" She said with her own smile. "Have you been thinking of doing this for awhile?"
"Just since I met you again." I answered honestly.
She looked at me with an intensity I couldn't place. She turned around in my arms and placed a deliberate kiss on my lips, as if sealing a deal of some sort. "Good."
The shower we shared was mostly uneventful, though I may have spent more time than was absolutely neccessary making sure her tits were PERFECTLY clean. As well as her ass. And her flat stomach. She did something similar with my cock, though I knew we couldn't finish what she started. We dried off, got dressed, and she left, leaving me with a burning kiss on my lips and gentle exhaustion throughout my entire body. I missed her already.

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