Adult Sex Cam - The Chronicles Of Adult Sex Cam

by RhondaS1262971445 posted Oct 15, 2015


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"I'll get a job, dad, don't worry" I said. I don't think my dad bought it. I know I didn't.
Six months out of college and not even an interview. I wanted to try and change the world, but don't even have enough money to go to the movies.
"As long as you're living under this roof, you'll need to carry your share." dad said. "Just find something to have walking around money for now, and we'll work on getting you something better."
He left for work and I started another day by myself with nothing to do. I've started watching the neighbors in my spare time, and have come to learn quite a few things. The Robinsons got a new TV, and Mrs. Robinson is just thrilled about that. My childhood best friend got a job and moved out from his house next door, and his parents have been going at it with regularity. At least they're getting some.
But the most interesting neighbor I've seen is this new lady next door. She was a bit older than me, but she was a stone cold fox. She had just the right curves and I stared at her breasts for hours when she was at the pool. One time I think she saw me looking and stroking myself, but I ducked out of the way in time, I hope.
Today she wasn't wearing much, and was having trouble with her lawn mower. Could this be fate smiling upon me? I finally saw an opening.
I walked over and she gave me a nice wave, showing off her figure in a low-cut blouse. My cock hardened in my gym shorts and I hope it wasn't too obvious.
"Hi, do you need some help?"
"Is it obvious?" she replied.
"I'm Ben from next door. Can I give you a hand?"
"You sure can, Ben. I'm Jenna. Why don't you show me what you can do?"
Her words sent shivers down my body. I got to work on the lawnmower and found it a simple fix. I wondered how she wasn't able to get it working herself. Did she plan to get me over here?
"That was excellent work. You're pretty handy aren't you?" she said.
"It was nothing. I'm happy to help."
"Why don't you come around here more often? I have plenty of odd jobs that you could help me with. I'd pay you a fair wage."
It was all to exciting. I was almost shaking with a mix of nervousness and excitement. This was a great opportunity, finally things are going my wa–"OW!"
I slipped and caught my fall on the up turned mower blade, cutting my hand.
"Oh, you poor thing." she said. "Come inside; I'm a nurse and I can patch that right up for you."
She grabbed my hand and led me inside. I stole a look at her ample, round ass. It only served to get my blood going even more. Before I knew it she led me right up to her upstairs bathroom.
"This might sting."
I clenched my teeth to hold in a yelp as she washed and cleaned the wound. She had me patched up quickly and I was impressed with her calm and quick work.
All the commotion did get her working up a sweat though. And down her low-cut blouse I saw beads of sweat round her tits. I could feel my cock stiffen and licked my lips looking at those amazing tits.
"Like what you see?" she said with a smile.
My eyes opened wide as I realized I was caught. But she just had a devilish grin and licked her lips in turn.
"Why don't you come to my bedroom?"
She didn't wait for my answer, and once again led me to the bed. I didn't know where this was going, but I was all too happy to follow her lead. I had only been with my one girlfriend from high school. We fumbled around a few times if you can call that sex, and it was great while I was younger, but I couldn't even imagine what she had in mind for me.
She sat me down on the bed and straddled me. She lifted my chin up and I got lost in her eyes. I was hers at that moment, and she knew it.
She smiled and leaned in and gave me a deep kiss. Her lips twisted with mine. Her tongue arrived and I opened my mouth to receive it. She had her hands running through my hair, pulling me onto her mouth as her tongue ravished my mouth.
She let go of me and I fell back on the bed with a gasp and a moan.
She bent down and practically ripped off my shorts. My cock sprang right up.
"I've seen you watching me," she said. "I've been waiting for this too."
With that she took me in her mouth. It was everything I could to not explode right then and there. She displayed more skill in those few minutes than my ex did in three years together. Her tongue and mouth were divine and my cock began to pulsate. She worked her tongue all over my shaft and she locked eyes with me.
"It's too much. I can't hold out for much longer," I said.
"Well then, you better get inside me."
She undid her shorts and I saw she wasn't wearing underwear. I looked right into her soaking pussy and was overcome with excitement. She took off her blouse and finally let me see her amazing tits. They were big, but just fit her curvy body so well. I had to have her.
She climbed on the bed and put one hand on my chest and straddled me. She used the other to guide my slick cock into her pussy and let out a moan. I was overwhelmed with her warmth. It was better than anything I ever experienced.
She held onto me as she rode me. Working her hips back and forth, up and down, and every other way. I couldn't keep track of everything she did, my cock was in a sensory overload.
I could feel her ass working on my balls and legs. Her smooth stomach rubbing against mine with every bounce. Her tits heaving and bouncing right in front of me. She threw her head back and moaned, pinning me down and milking my cock with her amazing pussy.
I couldn't take it anymore. "Jenna" I moaned. "Oh, Jenna."
She smiled and laughed. She then pressed her body down against mine and moaned. Her pussy twitched what seemed like uncontrollably and her body shook. My balls tightened, and I let loose a torrent of cum. I've never had a better orgasm.
I gasped for air and she leaned back with a smile.
"Hope you're ready for round two," she said — "We're just getting started."



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