Http:// - What Http:// Experts Don't Want You To Know

by CharoletteJacques57 posted Oct 15, 2015


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Here is a link to my previous story which leads to this one – Sorry in advance for the long post, I just wanted to include every detail I could remember. Also I apologize for the spelling and grammar errors. I'm not a writer, just a story teller. If you didn't read my previous post, I cheated on my boyfriend Jeff with another guy named Mark. This is the aftermath of that night. I didn't include many details about Jeff because I am nervous that he could stumble upon this somehow because he and his friends use reddit. If anyone wants more details on Mark or Jeff feel free to message me. The Aftermath Once Mark had finished I was shocked but still very horny and confused. I still had him in my mouth and his hands were still on my head but I didn't have any idea what just happened or how it did, or even what was coming next. Mark kept my head pushed down for what seemed like forever, as I sucked every last drop out of him. Then he let go and after a few seconds I realized it was over and I could let go to. As I took him out of my mouth, all I could smell was his cum covered dick and it disgusted me. It felt like I was used, and degraded and when I looked up at who was in front of me I felt even worse. Mark looked down at me and played with my hair, using the same hand he had inside of me. I got up and told him to drop me off at home. He got up off of the bed and started putting his pants on and while he did he looked me up and down. As he did this I realized I still had no pants on and he probably was getting a mental picture of me for later. I gave him a mean look and put on my pants before walking out of his room. I went outside and waited for him to come to his truck. When he finally came outside he brought out the notes that I had needed and I took them because they were the reason I got into this whole mess. We got into his truck and headed back to my house, we didn't talk but he had music playing so it wasn't too awkward. When we got to my house I got out as soon as I could, without even saying bye. As soon as I shut the door he rolled down his window and asked "Not even a thank you?". I assumed he was talking about what we just did and it really got under my skin. Before I could fire back he said "...for the notes". I didn't respond to him and just walked towards my house, never looking back. He didn't pull away until I was inside my house and although I hated his guts at the time it still made me feel good that he cared, weird as that is. I avoided Mark and stopped answering his calls for the next few months and got really close with Jeff. I pretty much convinced myself that what happened with Mark was just a one time thing, and it felt like a dream looking back on it. I wasn't even horny, I didn't think about sex before that night and I wasn't thinking about it after. Jeff and I still were moving very slowly. It had been a few months since the night I spent with Mark, and Jeff had still not got past making out with me. He was a shy boy, and although that is what attracted me to him in the first place, I was beginning to compare him to Mark without even knowing it. I picked Jeff up from his house one night since he didn't have a vehicle like I did. We went to dinner and afterwards we got in the SUV and started making out. It was hot and this is when Jeff decided to take it to the next level, well sort of. He reached out with both of his hands while he was kissing me and grabbed both of my breasts. After playing with them for a while he stopped kissing me and asked me in the sweetest way if he could take off my shirt. I don't know why but I guess since he gave me the option I said "no". I had already taken my pants off for Mark a few months ago and here I was refusing to take off my shirt for my boyfriend, Jeff. He never pushed back and I kept my shirt on for the rest of the night. It was getting late so I started the SUV and we headed home. After I dropped him off I drove past Mark's house and thought about how he got me to do things I didn't want to. I thought that if Mark was with me in the truck he probably would have been able to get my shirt off, and maybe even more... A few more months passed and now Jeff was starting to make more moves on me. He had gotten my shirt off, sucked on my breasts and even used his hands to play with my pussy a few times but he never went inside, I don't think he knew how or if I would even let him in. I had even seen his dick by now and while it was smaller than Mark's it wasn't by much, maybe just half an inch. He taught me how to jerk him off, and I realized I must have sucked when I played with Mark's dick because I was so much better now. I told Jeff to warn me everytime before he got off so I didn't get any of his cum on my clothes. He was okay with this and always did. About a month after I first made him cum he asked me to give him a blowjob. We had just gone out for dinner and were making out in the back of my SUV. Once I started jerking him off, he asked me "Could you put your mouth on it?" I wasn't expecting this at all and I wasn't very aroused so I refused. I told him "I don't wanna do that, I think its gross". He seemed very disappointed and I felt guilty for refusing him but I knew I didn't want him in my mouth. As much as I liked him, I hated the taste of dick and cum so I wasn't about to start sucking him to make him feel better. A few weeks later I ran into Mark while I was with Jeff and this is where the story takes a turn. We were at the mall and Mark saw us and walked over to say hi. Jeff and Mark have known eachother since their childhood, but never really crossed paths and had no ill will towards each other. Jeff knew Mark had a "crush" on me before we started dating but he didn't know just how much Mark was into me and the things he had said to me. I told him that Mark was never that into me and to not worry about anything. Jeff was very non confrontational, like me, so he wasn't about to say anything to Mark who was not only a year older than him, but stronger and much more outgoing which made it hard to dislike him. He walked up to us and shook hands with Jeff before giving me a hug. I was so nervous as this was the first time I had been with Mark and Jeff at the same time, and I had no idea what Mark was trying to do. After some small talk we went our separate ways but not before Mark kissed me on the cheek. It was pretty innocent and I didn't stop him, but I looked at Jeff after and he looked me in the eyes, then looked down. I could tell he was uncomfortable but he didn't say anything and never mentioned it again. About a week or two later Mark started messaging me again, and not before long he was calling me in the late hours. I never responded to his texts and didn't answer his calls until one day, right after saying goodnight to Jeff and hanging up, I picked up Mark's call thinking it was Jeff calling me back. I didn't even look at my caller ID but I answered and jokingly said "hey I missed you" Mark didn't know that I thought he was Jeff so he confidently said "I know, I saw how you were looking at me at the mall" Upon realizing who I was on the phone with I started telling him off and how he should leave me alone. I told him that I loved Jeff (I thought I did but didn't have the courage to say it to him yet). Somehow the conversation took a turn and he started asking me personal questions about mine and Jeff's relationship. I could have easily hung up the phone and stopped it right there but for some reason I didn't. Mark had this way with his words and continued to press me with questions. He asked "How far has Jeff gone with you?" I answered "A lot further than you ever will." I could tell this got under his skin but he didn't stop. He wanted to know more and eventually he asked "Do I taste better than him?" This question kinda shell shocked me. I knew what me and Mark had done but when he asked me this it made me remember how he held my head down and forced me to swallow his cum. I didn't respond and it must have been a few seconds before he broke the silence and said "You haven't sucked him off yet..." I felt myself getting wet when he said this and realized that not responding to him again would probably confirm his suspicions. After a short pause I told him to "shutup and go to sleep" before he said "wow you really are my bitch" When he said this it was like someone lit my pussy on fire. I was soaked now and as horny as I had ever been. I said "I hate you" in a tone that probably wasn't at all convincing. I felt hot, nervous, sweaty and I bet he could hear it in my voice. Then he said that he was going to come pick me up and to be outside in 10 minutes. He hung up before I could say anything and I just started at my phone for the next few minutes. I was so turned on and confused with how I ended up in this situation again but he was on his way so I had to come to my senses and figure out what to do. When he got to my house he called me again and I didn't pick up. I texted him that I didn't want to leave my house and that it was too cold outside (It was minus weather with wind chill so even stepping outside is was a bitch). I was so relieved that I wasn't going to cheat on Jeff again and right then I told myself that I was going to be a better girlfriend and maybe even come clean about everything with Mark to Jeff. I told Mark to go home thinking this would be the end of it. It wasn't Mark texted me again and asked "Can I come in?" He knew that my room was the closest to the back door and he would be able to sneak into my house without alerting anyone. I looked out my window and saw him parked on the street with his Truck turned off. For some reason I felt bad for Mark thinking I led him on and convinced myself to let him come inside. I texted him back and within seconds he was already at my door. I went down to open it and he followed me to my room. I know this next part will make me sound like a total slut but it is what it is. When he got in my room I shut the door and told him "I'm just going to get you off and then you have to leave, your not getting anything else and I'm keeping my clothes on." He agreed to this and started unbuckling his pants and getting into my bed. While he was doing this I realized how easy he must have thought I was. Here I was convincing Mark to just let me jerk him off and thinking I was the one who was in control here. I had been with Jeff for the better part of a year and he still hadn't seen my bed, or my house. Jeff once asked if he could come over in the middle of the night but I told him that I didn't want to get caught so he never asked again. Mark had his pants down now and he looked at me and smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bed. He spread his legs a bit, motioning for me to sit between his legs but I wasn't moving. I stayed by his right side, and got on my knees to face his groin. He was rock hard and it was bigger than I remembered. I hadn't cum since the last time I saw his dick and it brought back memories that I forgot I even had. I remembered being on top and dry humping his dick while he had his way with me. I remembered the feeling of pure satisfaction and it got me excited. I reached out with my hand and grabbed his dick. It wasn't much bigger than Jeff's but I could definitely feel the difference now since I had Jeff in my hands just a few days earlier. I had only held it for a few seconds before he commanded me to "jerk it". I did. My pussy was leaking at this point, Jeff could never arouse me like this and I didn't know why Mark did. They were both attractive but Mark just pushed my buttons and the fact that I hated him made me that much more wet. I was jerking him off for a few minutes when I felt his hand on my back. He just kept his hand there and I didn't mind as I was just trying to focus on getting him off and out of my house before my parents caught us. Then he moved his hand over to where my bra strap would have been. Since I was in bed when he called earlier I had no bra on and upon realizing this he started to pull my shirt up. I didn't stop him. He pulled it up to the point where my breasts were now hanging out. Mark was a tall guy so he had a long reach and was able to grab my ass while I jerked him off from right his side. When he touched my ass I got even wetter and he could tell I was getting more aroused. I continued beating his dick when I noticed he was trying to pull my pants down. I showed a little resistance but never said anything. When he realized I wasn't stopping him he tried again and managed to pull down my pants so that they were down to my knees. I still had my panties on and I just realized he would now know just how wet I was. I looked down and saw a huge wet spot on them and I could have sworn I saw my juices leaking out of the sides. The inside of my legs were shining from the sweat mixed with my own arousement. I felt like I needed to cum now and I didn't care anymore about how much I hated Mark for making me cheat on Jeff again. I jerked his dick some more waiting for him to finally touch my pussy. Instead he asked me "what do you want?" "I want you" I said without even thinking about how I was giving him all the control now, as if he didn't already have it. "I want to fuck you from behind" he said The way he said it got me so horny that I stopped jerking his dick and just looked up at him. I always told Jeff that I was going to wait until marriage to have sex and while he wasn't exactly happy about that, he was okay with it and never once pressed the issue. Mark on the other hand didn't know this so he took a shot but I told him "No that isn't happening." Seeing how far he had already gotten with me he must have been okay with just getting off from a handjob because he didn't mention fucking me again, but he did move his right hand to my pussy. He started rubbing me through my panties and it felt amazing. I didn't even realize it but I was now looking Mark in the eyes with his dick in my hand and his hand on my pussy. The look I was giving him probably made him feel like a god and once I saw him smile I broke eye contact and continued jerking him off. I wanted him to take my panties off and go inside so badly but I didn't want to tell him that, like he didn't know already. He kept rubbing my clit and I started to lose control of myself. All of a sudden I realized I was moving my hips and grinding my pussy on to his hand. Too ashamed to look at him, I just kept grinding and waited for him to go inside. After a few minutes of this I couldn't take it anymore and I moaned "please Mark just fuck me with your fingers again" He grabbed my hair with his other hand and pulled it so I was facing him again before saying "First suck me." I was so turned on at this point but I was still disgusted by sucking dick so I refused. I told myself I was never going to do that again, not even for Jeff so I told Mark "Not a chance, that was the only time". He didn't argue with me and within seconds he was pulling down my panties with the same hand he had on my pussy. His other hand was still pulling on my hair so my head was tilted in a way that I was forced to look at him. I started jerking his dick faster as his fingers entered me and once he was fully in he started to fuck my pussy with his hand. I was so wet that you could probably hear my pussy from the next room over but I didn't care. It felt amazing and I started moving my hips in a way that made it seem like I was fucking his hand, and not the other way around. I slowly stopped jerking Mark off without even realizing it and I was just focused on cumming now. I continued to fuck his hand and I was close to cumming. He looked like he was close to cumming as well so I started jerking his dick off again. Failing to find a rhythm because of his rough fucking of my pussy with his hand, I slowly stopped jerking his dick again. I looked up at Mark and I was just squeezing his dick now. I realized that I forgot to tell him to warn me before he cums like I always had Jeff do. That thought went away quickly as I felt his hand pushing down on my head. Before I could even stop to think I opened my mouth and his dick went right it. I wrapped my lips around his shaft and he picked up the pace with his fingers. I didn't even suck him, I just had my mouth on him and he now had one hand in my pussy and the other on the back of my head. Without saying a word he let go of me, started to get up and lifted me up so that I was now laying with my back on the bed. I had my panties pulled down, my pussy was exposed and my shirt was half off. He took it completely off and threw it on the ground. With that he climbed on top of me, and made it so his balls were near my neck and his dick right in front of my face. He reached back with his right hand and shoved it in my pussy and started fucking me roughly. I took his dick in my mouth and within seconds I was cumming. I squirted all over my bed and it was so much that I was sure I would smell it all night. He then got his other hand and held my head and started fucking my face. I felt like such a whore but it was only making squirt more. I could tell he was about to cum and I stopped sucking and pleaded with him to not finish in my mouth. I could already taste his precum and it was making me gag. He said "I wont, I'm going to cum all over you" I didn't even get a chance to respond before he shot his load onto me. I have seen Jeff cum enough times to know what is normal but I had never seen a man cum like Mark did. He got my face, neck, breasts and even got some in my hair. It was on my bed as well and some leaked down my neck and onto my pillow. Once he was finished he got up and starting getting dressed. I asked him to pass me tissues from the night table across the room but he just grabbed my shirt from the ground and threw it at me before telling me "that was fun". I didn't know how to respond and before I could even get myself clean he was on his way out the door. throwaway732732
