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webcam sex girl"Four in the fucking morning" are the only words you can come up with when you look at your clock.
Your neighbor has only been in your building for five days, and for the last four he has been up almost all night playing music and video games with the volume maxed out. The other night he had some random woman over and they stayed up half the night "Moving furniture" as your best friend calls it. The only furniture that was moving was his headboard slamming into the wall that is connected to your room. Not to mention the fact that Little Miss Screamer decided that she needed to ramp up her performance as the night went on. "There’s no way that’s her real reaction" you tell yourself. He didn’t look like much of a Casanova, a shaggy mop top of curly black hair, a decent beard and a very casual choice in clothing lent more to the lazy stoner look than the http://klyq.co/ dashing lover. "He probably phones in his sexual performances like he phones in his pizza orders" you think to yourself, proud of your wit after only a few hours of sleep.
You pound on the wall. Hoping against all hope that your feeble attempts to silence him work. You wait, hoping for the sounds of automatic gunfire and announcements of "Killing spree" and "You have taken the lead" would silence themselves, or at the very least be turned down to a low hum of background noise. Thirty seconds has gone by and it is still going on. Completely frustrated, you decide it’s time to confront this jerk once and for all. You slowly crawl out of bed. Your legs aren’t sure they want to leave as they begin to wobble under you. You reach for your silk robe and cover yourself. Tying the robe as you stumble past the bathroom you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Even with sleep deprivation you still look very attractive. You quickly run a brush through your hair to smooth out a small section where you had been sleeping, and continue to your neighbor’s door.
You knock hard on the door, but on the second knock you find that the door is beginning to open on its own. It wasn’t latched and you peer in, hoping to see him sitting right there, but of course you know that the room he is in is located near the back. You knock on the door again. "Die motherfucker!" is screamed from the back. Completely fed up you decide to storm back into his room and make him turn it down, now.
Marching past the cardboard boxes and piles of junk that lines the floors you easily find your way to the source of all the noise. You push open another door that is slightly ajar and are almost blinded by the fifty inch television that faces you. After your eyes adjust you see him sitting there, the back of his jet black hair with headphones pumping some loud techno beat that you can hear perfectly even though it is strapped tightly to him. Frustration and anger begins to course through your veins. He isn't even listening to the television! He could have it muted or at the very least reduced to an acceptable volume.
Now, full of rage, you slap him upside the head, knocking his headphones off. Terrified, he flies out of the chair and away from you. Like you he is only wearing a robe, however unlike you, he doesn't have the decency or common sense to tie it. It is in that moment that you see why Little Miss Screamer was so pleased. Underneath the baggy shirts and ripped denim jeans was a body that looked like Michelangelo had sculpted it. His skin was as smooth as marble and his, ahem, chisel, was a work of art in and of itself. Completely oblivious to the fact that he was exposed, he yells "Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my apartment?" You explain the situation to him. But the entire time you find your eyes wandering up and down his exposed body.
He seemingly understands the situation and apologizes for causing so much noise explaining that he thought the walls were thicker. At this point you can barely hear anything he is saying and you are becoming less shameless in letting your eyes wander. All you are hearing is your imagination telling you that he’s offering to treat you to the wonders you heard the other night. Your imagination starts to race and wander further from reality and before you realize what you’re doing, you find yourself staring at your new favorite neighbor’s slowly growing erection.
You suddenly snap out of your trance and you see him standing there with an ear to ear grin that means you were busted gawking. Now fully erect and bobbing up and down, seemingly on its own, you stammer something about just wanting to make sure that he knew his volume was too loud and you begin to back out of his room. Just when you turn to dart out in embarrassment you trip over a stack of books and fall to the floor. On your knees you suddenly feel a draft between your legs and realize that you are now as exposed as he is. Certainly he must see the glistening wetness as you lay there in shock of the sudden exposure and are almost scared half to death when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
He helps you up, now fully covered himself, and offers to look at your knee. Confused you look down and see a trickle of blood run down your leg and graciously accept. After fetching his first aid kit, he lifts the corner of your robe out of the way and slowly cleans the immediate area. You’re tender to begin with and now you have cold alcohol dripping up your leg and down your inner thigh as it is propped up on his leg. He applied a bandage and begins to clean up the rest of your leg with a warm damp towel.
Slowly he slides the towel down your leg, impulsively you let out a soft moan that turns into an almost purr when he move it back up along your calf and grazes your inner thigh. Your breathing is sharp now, and you can’t help but imagine him taking his hands and running them along your legs and slowly parting them. You are brought out of your haze by a hand running up your leg. While you were busy fantasizing, your body decided to make it real by spreading your legs and exposing yourself to him. Thankfully he took this as a sign to caress your legs a bit more, taking the time to gingerly kiss from your shin to your knee. Such sensitivity from a man who not 5 minutes ago was cursing out someone half a world away. His hand is now at your lower back and he gently straightens your non injured leg and begins to kiss up your thigh and pulls back with a little lick when he reaches your hip. He looks up at you and there is a sincere gentleness in his eyes.
As though you weren't already very wet, this begins to melt the core of you. You have forgotten that just twenty minutes ago you were cursing his existence. You reach down to him and gently stroke his beard, feeling the bristly hairs cascade through your fingertips. Reaching a bit further you gently pull him to you and run your hands through his hair. It’s softer than you first imagined. Almost as soft as the silk that barely covers you. You lean forward and kiss him deeply. He wraps his hand around the back of your neck and pulls you closer. After the kiss breaks and you look him in the eyes, that gentleness has been replaced by a fire that joins the two of you. You jerk on the tie of your robe and it falls open. His eyes stay focused on yours as his hand moves from your outer thigh up your side and gently cups your breast. Your mouth involuntarily drops open and a gasp forms as he grazes his thumb across your quickly hardening nipple. Suddenly he drops as he begins kissing a long winding trail across your collar bone, across your neck, and down through the middle of your chest, looping back up to the underside of your breast in his hand, kissing slow soft circles around getting closer and closer until he gently takes your nipple into his mouth with a soft sucking pressure, flicking it with his tongue. You grab the back of his head as your face flushes pale with pleasure. You feel as if your loins are on fire with every teasing touch, every luscious lick or sucking sensation. He continues his trail of kisses down across your stomach and lingers at your hips once more. His hands caressing your thigh and breast, gently massaging and building your desire for him. Uncontrollably gyrating your hips now, he slowly sinks between your legs. Now you feel his warm breath on your legs. He slowly exhales across you, his breath sending chills up your spine that manifest in unintended spasms that slide your body further down the chair just enough that his wet lips meet yours and the electricity that is generated from this simple touch is the catalyst that gives you your first climactic moment that feels as though it lasts for a year.
Out of breath already, and not even 5 seconds in, you brace for what you know will be something mind blowing. He looks up at you with smiling eyes as he presses his lips against your mound and gently parts your lips as he slips his tongue slowly and with great precision and he begins to toy with you. Getting closer and closer but never touching the one spot he knows will make you explode with pleasure. This agonizing torture is driving you mad and all you want to do is grab his head and press it hard against yourself and ride it until you pass out. Just before your resolve is completely broken, he senses your desperation and presses the flat of his tongue expertly against your clit. This is the sensation you were waiting for. You believe that this moment is exactly what your whole life has been leading up to, until he begins to flick his tongue with a speed that shatters your previous thought and insists that this is that moment. Like a kettle boiling over, you too begin to shake and scream with a boiling pressure erupting from within. Grabbing fistfuls of black tufts, you begin to buck wildly as he continues with the same pace as he began. This expertise you would think is a God given gift, that is if you could think at all. At this moment your only thought is a resounding "OH FUCK!" as he continues to bombard you with a tongue lashing that you are certain is causing you to wake up the entire county. Eventually you are able to release him from your grasp and you collapse in the chair, unable to move except for your mouth. "More." You manage to whisper. "Give me more, now."
Smug with the satisfaction of a job well done, He stands before you, now fully erect and throbbing with desire. The sight of him makes you swoon and you’re certain that if you could stand, you would have fainted. He bends over and picks you up and places you on his bed. Just like him, it is deceivingly comfortable and you fight the desire to fall asleep. He lays down next to you and once again slowly kisses your shoulder. This time though he works his way up to the nape of your neck, slowly sucking, licking, kissing his way up until he takes the lobe of your ear in his mouth and playfully bites down just a little. Chills ravage your body again and you are still so sensitive from the ravishing you just received. Wanting to do something in return you reach down, and for the first time you are able to appreciate the gift that is about to be given to you. Wrapping your hand around him you find that it will be quite satisfactory and you begin to slide your hand up and down admiring every inch, every pulsing vein as you see him filled with the same tortuous emotions as you had just moments before. With your other hand you reach under and gently rake your nails across his testicles. You watch in amazement as he begins to have similar involuntary chills and wanting to inflict as much torture on him as he had to you, you lean over and place the head of him square against your lips. With a kissing motion you slowly kiss along the sensitive underside while your one hand cups his stones and gently squeezes and toys with them. Licking on the underside of his cock you watch in amazement as he is filled with amazement and pure bliss. You then decide to strike with a vengeance and slide the entirety of him inside your mouth. Now with your nose to his pubic mound you hold for a moment, feeling his pulse and throb inside, his hips moving as he tries to comprehend what has just happened. Satisfied that he has paid for his torture to you, you slowly slide up, lingering at the tip and swirling your tongue around. With a loud pop you release and he sinks back into the pillows.
Taking charge of the situation, you climb on top of him. Sliding your wetness across the underside of his entire length. Almost letting him pop up enough to enter you, you change direction and slide back down all the way to the base. Repeating this motion until he grabs your hips at the apex. You shift your hips slightly and feel him begin to enter you. First only an inch, and then in a flash you sink back and feel him stretch you in ways you never though imaginable. No partner has ever filled you in this way, and where he presses as you begin to gyrate is perfect and you don’t know how long you will be able to endure. Leaning back, you allow him to writhe under you, creating a circling sensation that hits exactly where you need. He holds onto your thighs as if he is holding onto the edges of the universe, about to fall off. His hands suddenly slide up to your sides and across your chest until he playfully takes a breast in each hand. Gently molding them and squeezing them, resting his thumbs on your nipples and teasing them with light pinches and tweaks. Your hands fly up to your head as you believe it could genuinely explode. Grabbing your own hair, pulling gently and allowing what you believe to be a soft moan escape, but what erupts from your lungs is a bellowing moan that seems to shake the room. Shocked by your own reaction your face loses all expression as another typhoon lands between your legs. With every muscle in you shaking, you let out a series of quick high pitched yelps that seem to crescendo with another long deep moan that comes from your very core. This time you have no chair to support you so you fall forward onto him, panting breathlessly this time completely unable to speak.
He kisses your ear and you spasm lightly again, this time finding the energy to say "That’s not nice." He smiles as he rolls you off of him and back onto your stomach. Now it is his turn to straddle you. With your legs closed and lying prone, he guides himself and presses in and sinks for what feels like an eternity until you feel his hips pressed against your ass. He holds in you as you held your mouth on him. Feeling you tremble and clench underneath his weight, he begins to withdraw. Before he fully leaves you, he changes gears and slides in again. This slow rhythmic pattern is perfect for you and is almost soothing. Looking over your shoulder, you see a new look, one of intense concentration. He is trying to take it slow and make this last. Well, you think, there’s no reason he shouldn't get a bit more enjoyment out of it than that. You pop your hips a little and begin to gyrate as he pulls back. This envelopes the head of his cock and you feel it begin to swell as he presses back in. His breath is coming in shudders and sharp quick bursts. You know what you want. You look at him and as soon as his eyes meet yours, you whisper, "Go ahead, cum for me. Please, I want it." His eyes roll back and he begins to thrust with a fervor that you thought only his tongue could possess. This onslaught against you combined with the knowledge that you are going to get exactly what you asked for sets you off into another screaming orgasm that perfectly coincides with his. Pressing deep into you, you feel him swell and explode sending hot ropes of cum deep inside of you. Every spasm feel like he is pressing deeper and deeper inside. Until he finally collapses on top of you. Completely out of breath.
Still inside you, every last pulse causes you to squeeze him just a little more. His moans try to form words but he is unable to, you would tell him you feel the same way, but as it is, you are unable to make any noise other than garbled gibberish. He starts to slide to one side, and you roll with him. Now holding you, he lays behind still pressed inside. And now all you can think is, "Why hadn't I introduced myself sooner?"


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