Http:// - Death, Http:// And Taxes: Tips To Avoiding Http://

by QZJMora97910595 posted Oct 15, 2015


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Parts 1 and 2 can be found on this subreddit, you can click on my user name to easily get to them. Sorry there was such a long gap between parts 2 and 3, but I finally finished and I hope you enjoy it =) Also, at this point in time I am not planning any more parts to this story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ –PART 3 It was an uneventful drive home thankfully. We got out of the car and I followed Nicole inside the house. After helping her put away the groceries, she turned to me. "Since you have been such an obedient slut while we were out, I think you have finally earned the right to clean yourself off. It’s about time we start with a clean slate anyways. So go in the bathroom and take a quick shower, once you are done head to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. And don’t bother putting those cloths back on." I knew by this point I should just do as I was told. So I started to walk toward the bathroom. I was almost to the door when Nicole stopped me. "Oh! I almost forgot." With that, she quickly walked over to me and gently but forcefully pushed me against the wall. With her face inches from mine and without breaking eye contact, she reached down under my skirt and slowly pulled her vibrator out of me. I couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure and could see that smug grin stretch across her face again. I was just dying to be fucked or stimulated in any way at this point. I hated Nicole, but my body was betraying me. "Good." She held the vibrator that had been covered with my juices for well over an hour in front of my face. "Now clean it off." She pushed it past my lips and I obediently sucked and licked her toy tasting my own flavor. It was humiliating that I could tell a difference between how Nicole and I tasted. After I was finished, she pulled her toy back out of my mouth. "Now hurry and clean yourself up, and don’t you dare touch yourself while you are in there. I know you are just dying to get off, but your pleasure is mine to give." With that, I did as I was told and headed to the shower. The thought of being able to wash this filth off my body gave me a little spark. I peeled my clothes off and got in. Letting the warm water rush over my face and naked body felt almost too good. I felt human again, but I still knew I couldn't take too long. After a few minutes, I turned off the water and dried off. I came out of the bathroom and heard Nicole on the phone in the other room, so I did as I was told and headed to her bed. Completely naked, I laid down and just tried to relax. It wasn't very long before Nicole came in the room carrying what looked like rope. I didn't dare ask what was about to happen. Without saying a word, she began to tie each of my limbs to the four corners of her bed frame and even placed a blindfold over my eyes leaving me completely exposed and vulnerable. I could then feel her get on the bed, her knees on either side of my hips. I felt her lips brush against my ear as she started to whisper to me. "I think it’s time I finally get to really play with my new toy." As she was talking, she started to run her fingertips up my stomach and trace around my breasts. Her touch was electrifying and my body was aching for more. "Your body is mine to enjoy. Do you understand my pet?" "Yes master." "You do not cum unless I allow you to, do you understand?" "Yes master." "Good." She purred. Her mouth then moved over and found my own. She was a very slow and sensual kisser, letting her tongue envelope mine. Her lips were so soft and I couldn't help but excitingly kiss back. Her hands were now exploring my body, groping my breasts. Then without warning, she bit down hard on my lower lip and reach one hand up to grab my throat. I winced a little from the pain, but at this point everything was just getting me more excited. With her tight grip on my throat, she released my lip and started to move herself lower kissing and licking my breast as she went. At this point I didn't care about trying to hold back my moans. She then let go of my throat and slid down my body until she was at the foot of the bed in between my thighs. She began slowly moving her fingers up my legs and then back down just before reaching my sex. Then she started licking my inner thighs and even tracing my lips with her tongue. It was absolute torture, I couldn't take any more. "Oh god, please lick me master!" To my surprise, that was all it took. I thought for sure Nicole would humiliate me much worse before giving in. But before I could even finish begging, her warm tongue was licking up my slit. She started messaging my clit moving her tongue in circles around it. Then I felt a couple of her finger slowly push inside of me. It felt unbelievably good. She was going for just what seemed like a minute before I was already on the edge of cumming. It had been building up all day and I was dying to have a release, but I knew I wasn't allowed yet without her permission. So in between my moans I managed to speak. "Fuck….Oh God I am going to cum." As soon as I finished talking, Nicole pulled away. "No! Please let me finish! I was so fucking close I need this Nicole!" A few seconds passed and I couldn't tell where Nicole was, then I felt her nails dig into my stomach and rake up over my breasts. I was not expecting it and let out a quick gasp from the pain. "Aww, somehow you think you are in a position to tell me what you need." Suddenly one of her hands left my stomach and slapped me hard across the face. The side of my face was on fire. She then grabbed me by my throat, took off my blind fold and forced me to meet her eyes that were only inches from my face. "I thought I made this very clear, you are simply my toy. Your pleasure is only allowed when I say it is. You are my bitch. Do you understand slut?" My ears were still ringing from the slap and I could feel my eyes start to water. I was almost starting to forget what a bitch Nicole was, but she had me cornered. "Yes master." "Good, now I can’t play with you much longer, I need to get you presentable for our guest tonight. I think you remember our old friend Taylor don’t you?" My heart sank. Taylor and I despised each other. Nicole and she used to be friends in high school but we never managed to get along. Things only got worse when she caught her boyfriend eating me out in one of the bathrooms at our school, but it is not my fault that she couldn't keep her man satisfied. It didn't take long before word got out and she was completely humiliated. She actually tried to fight me once, but luckily a teacher stopped her in time. I couldn't believe Nicole would call her. I just couldn't take any more; I snapped. "You fucking bitch! You know what happened. You know we hate each other. No, I can’t let this happen; I am not going to let you or her have the fucking satisfaction. Go ahead and send those pictures to John, it isn't worth this." Nicole sat up from the bed and grabbed her phone. "Fine, I’ll send him the photos right now." I saw her press a few buttons and put the phone back down. "There, they've been sent." "Fine, I hope you are fucking proud of yourself for ruining my marriage. Now untie me so I can go home and start forgetting about this fucking nightmare." "First off, it’s not my fault you couldn't keep your mouth off of another man’s dick for more than a day. And secondly, why on earth would I let you go?" I could feel the rage building inside of me. I wanted to smack that fucking smirk off of her face already. "You already sent the damn pictures Nicole; you have nothing to hold over my head anymore. Now fucking untie me." She leaned back down towards me. "You really think I need to blackmail you to make you my bitch?" Her hand was suddenly under my head. She grabbed my hair and pulled down hard. My back arched as my neck bent backward and I let out a sharp cry. "No, you are going to do whatever I say because I will fucking break you otherwise." She finally let go of my hair and panic started to set in. I was trapped, and now I had no way of knowing for how long or what she was planning to do with me. Then the fear started being replaced with pure hatred. "I am loving the passion in your eyes Jess. I am not going to lie, it’s making me a little wet. But your anger is just going to make this next part that much more satisfying." She started to move her hand back down across my stomach heading toward my mound. "I wonder how much it will kill you inside to beg someone you hate to make you cum." With that, she moved her fingers between my lips and started rubbing gently around my clit. I gritted my teeth and fought as hard as I could to hold back a moan. I couldn't let myself give in to her after all of this. "Come on, show me what a slut you really are. Just think of everything I have done to you; covering your face with my cum, making you lick the sweat off my feet, even forcing you to blow some stranger in a bathroom stall. After all of that, you are still going to beg me to make you cum aren't you?" All the memories from earlier in the day came flooding back. I had been completely degraded by this bitch, I couldn't give in to her anymore. I held out for a few minutes longer, but my body finally caved. As humiliating as it was, I had to let her win. I hated myself. "Fuck, please make me cum." "Oh come on now, you will have to do better than that." "Please master; please let your slut cum. I am your bitch, just please make me cum." She then pulled her hand away from me and said. "No." I could feel my pussy pulsating at this point. My body couldn't take any more as I started to cry out of pure frustration. "Please Nicole, I need the release. Please." "After the way you spoke to me, you are lucky I let you have that much pleasure. Now after Taylor has had her fun with you, I will think about it again." Oh god, I had forgotten all about Taylor. I had already hit rock bottom, I couldn't believe that cunt was going to get to see me like this. "Okay, now that you have had your little temper tantrum, it’s time to get you into a more accessible position for our guest. So here is what is going to happen, I am going to untie your arms from the bed posts and instead tie them together in front of you. Then I will untie your legs. If you are thinking that you might be able to overpower me once your arms are free, I can assure you that you most definitely cannot. Not only would you fail, there would be several very painful forms of punishment you would be forced to endure." After what she has already done to me, I didn't dare try to call her bluff. She was on top of me anyways; there was no way I could get free. So she began untying my arms, grabbing my wrists very tightly so I wouldn't even think about struggling. Then she pulled them in front of me and bound them together. I could feel there was no give in the rope. She then untied my feet. As she was finishing, I heard the doorbell ring and felt a pit in my stomach. "Wow, well she sure does have perfect timing." She then grabbed me by my now bound arms and pulled me up off the bed. Using my arms as a sort of leash, she led me out of the bedroom. She took me to the middle of the living room and stopped. "Okay, I think you can just wait right here while I go greet our friend." She left and headed toward the door. I had been naked so much in front of Nicole at this point that I didn't even really feel exposed any more, but having someone else see me this helpless brought back that sharp humiliation all over again. And even more so that it had to be her. That bitch is just going to love the chance to get back at me. I heard the door open and Nicole and Taylor exchanging pleasantries. Then I heard Taylor ask. "Okay, where is she?" Nicole answered, "Your little present is right this way." I saw Taylor walk around the corner. She looked pretty much the same as I remember, tall brunette. I could tell she had put on a few pounds since high school, but with her height she wore it well. I tried to put on a strong face to try and grasp on to some sort of dignity. But as soon as Taylor saw me standing there bound and naked, she started laughing. "Oh my god, I thought it was too good to be true. You really did make this slut your little pet." "Oh yes, Jess was more than willing to fulfill her natural subservient roll. And since I know you two have some bad blood, I thought this was the perfect opportunity for you guys to work it out." "So I am free to work things out however I see fit?" Taylor asked. "She is all yours, I’m just a spectator. Feel free to let me know if you want any help though." "Perfect." Taylor then slowly walked over to me. I tried to meet her eyes with the same fiery resolve that I saw in hers, but I was already broken. She starred at me like a lion stalking its prey. She got a few inches from my face and stopped. She reached up and started to brush my hair behind my ear. "Hi Jess." I didn't respond. "You know, I often fantasize about what would have happened if that teacher hadn't stepped in to stop me from beating your ass that day back in high school. How many blows do you think I would have been able to land on your pretty little face before someone pulled me off? Would I have broken your nose? A rib maybe if I tackled you to the ground?" I was suddenly very aware that her hand was still running through my hair right next to my face. I didn't know if Nicole would really just let this bitch fight me while I had no way to defend myself. She then suddenly pulled her hand away and I couldn't help but flinch. Taylor let out a little snicker. "Don’t worry. I am not going to live out my fantasy now, at least not that one. No, I think since you humiliated me by having my boyfriend go down on you, that it is only fair that I humiliate you by having you go down on me don’t you think? You know what, we might as well record this too so you can relive this moment over and over again. Nicole, would you mind?" "Of course not." Nicole grabbed her phone and pointed the camera at me. I was mortified. I had already been completely humiliated today on multiple occasions, but this was different. This was worse. And I could only imagine who she would send this video to. I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try something. "Please Taylor, I’m so sorry. Please don’t do this." "Oh now you are sorry? I heard what you said to everyone when it happened. You were bragging about it saying it was my fault for not putting out. No you aren't getting out of this one, not this time." She then quickly grabbed my hair and forcefully pulled me close to her face. "Get on your fucking knees bitch. I am going to enjoy this." She forced me down and my head was now resting above her crotch. She then started to pull down her pants. "Oh, and I guess I should let you know. I asked my boyfriend for a quickie before I left. I didn't bother to clean up since I knew what a little cum slut you are. I figured you would want to lick up every last drop." She started to pull her panties down and I could see that they were covered in semen. So much so that they were sticking to her snatch as she was trying to pull them down. "Oh wow, my boyfriend made more of a mess than I thought. This is going to take some real work to get cleaned up." She then grabbed my hair again and forced my face into her bush. "I don’t want you to lick anything just yet bitch, I just want you to smell my sex. I want to invade all of your senses." I held my breath for as long as I could, but eventually I had to give in. I could smell her sweat and musk from just had having sex. "Do you like my scent Jess?" I knew what role I had to play. "Yes." "Good, now do you want to taste my man’s cum?" "…yes." "You can do better than that Jess." My face instantly turned red. Taylor was going to milk this situation for everything it was worth and I had no fucking choice but to submit. "Yes, I want to clean your boyfriend’s cum from your pussy. I want to taste it." "That’s better; now stick out your tongue bitch." I did as I was told. Taylor still held my head by my hair and pulled me down lower while she leaned forward so her pussy was right above me. She then pushed herself onto me and pulled my face up dragging my tongue up her slit collecting cum as it went. I just closed my eyes and tried to zone out. She continued to rub herself on me for a minute until my face and tongue were covered in her boyfriend’s semen. Then without warning, she pulled my head back up so I was sitting up strait, then grabbed both my shoulders and pushed me down on my back. She then knelt down with her knees on either side of my face so I was starring directly up at her still glistening cunt. "So did you enjoy the taste of my man’s cum bitch?" "Yes." "Yes what Jess?" "Yes, I enjoyed the taste of his cum." "Well you did a decent job cleaning the outside of my pussy, but I think it’s time you really get in there and thoroughly eat me out." With that, she lowered herself onto me. I could feel almost her full weight bearing down pushing her cunt into me. She started grinding my whole face, even my nose was rubbing between her lips. She gave it a few thrusts and then stopped. "You know, I think we need some sort of lubricant so I can fuck your face a little easier." She then scooted back enough so where I was now looking right up at that bitches face. I watched as she pursed her lips together letting a long strand of spit fall down on my face just above my chin. I then saw her pause, gathering more of her saliva together. Then lean in closer and spit it all across my lips. "Hey Nicole, could you help lube her up for me." "I would be happy too." I heard Nicole get up and then saw her face above mine. She leaned down, opened her mouth and let a huge wad of spit fall onto my nose. I could feel it start to run down the sides of my face. "Thanks that should be good." Taylor then moved herself back on to me and started to grind my face again, smearing their spit all around. "Ahh that’s much better." After a few more humiliating minutes of Taylor humping my face, she stopped grinding and just held her pussy still above my mouth. "Okay Jess, I think it is time you start working for it. I want to fuck me with your tongue bitch." As much as I hated it, I didn't really have a choice. I raised my head up a little and stuck my tongue as far inside of her as I could. As soon as I penetrated her, a big glob of semen came sliding out, running down my tongue until it hit the back of my throat. This couldn't get any more humiliating, and even worse, I could tell Taylor was really enjoying herself. She started to bounce on my face trying to ride my tongue. "Fuck, your tongue feels good Jess. I wasn't expecting you to try so hard to please me. Hey Nicole, why don’t you bring the camera in closer so whoever will be seeing this can watch Jess’s self-respect and dignity being completely stripped away." "Absolutely." I could hear Nicole get up off the couch, but I couldn't see anything except for Taylor’s pussy. Taylor continued to fuck my tongue for a minute longer and then started to grind my face again, but this time much slower. "I want to feel your tongue messaging my clit bitch. I want you to eat me out like you are trying to make me come." I started swirling my tongue around her pussy, focusing on her clit. I could hear her start to moan and I suddenly felt like I had some power back. I controlled Taylor through the pleasure I was giving her. It wasn't much, but it actually made a small smirk come across my face. I felt I still had some fight left and I was not going to let this bitch break me. I continued to lick her for a while. My tongue was getting really tired and I eventually just left it stuck out while Taylor kept sliding herself across it. After a few minutes longer, she slid herself back toward my chest uncovering my face. I looked up and saw Nicole with her phone pointed strait down at me. "Well that sure was fun Jess, I think I am almost done. But before I go, why don’t you tell the camera how much you love the taste of my cum covered pussy. I want to make sure everyone who watches this knows how much you really enjoyed being my bitch this evening." The smugness in Taylor’s tone of voice was making my blood boil. She had already completely degraded me, but the thought of anyone I know seeing this made my stomach turn. That little bit of fight I had came back. I wanted to end this night on my terms. So I just stayed quiet and starred right at Taylor. "Oh wow Nicole, suddenly Jess has some dignity that she is determined to keep. How cute." Taylor then stood up. "Let’s see what we can do about that." She turned around, and then knelt back down. Now her ass was only inches from my face. I realized what was about to happen and my little bit of fight left instantly. I was not into butt play at all. The thought of licking anyone’s ass made me want to gag, let alone the fact that it was Taylor’s. I couldn't let this happen, I did the only think I could think of, beg. "I’m sorry! Please don’t do this Taylor. I’m so sorry for everything. I’ll tell the camera what a slut I am just please…" Mid-sentence, she pushed her ass down onto my face and I could hear her laughing. "Wow, I thought you would have lasted at least a minute before resorting to groveling. What a fucking loser. Now clean out my fucking asshole bitch." My face was completely stuffed between her ass checks. It was hard to breath and the smell suggested she hadn't taken a shower in a while. I just couldn't bring myself to lick her ass. I laid there hoping that maybe she would accept this humiliation as punishment enough. "Come on Jess, don’t make me ask you again." I still just sat there and refused to give in. Suddenly, she leaned forward a little bit, and then I felt a sharp jolt of pain as she slapped my pussy hard. I let out a short scream into her ass. I instinctively pulled my legs together tightly to protect myself from another slap. Taylor tried to pull them back apart, but didn't have enough leverage to do it. "Nicole, could you come over here and hold this slut’s legs open?" "Sure thing." I heard Nicole move toward my feet. I felt her hands squeeze between my knees and then pry my legs apart. I tried to fight against her, but I didn't have much strength left. I finally had to give in and let her push my legs all the way down to the floor leaving me completely spread eagle. "That’s more like it. Now let’s see how much I can make this bitch squeal." I felt another hard slap come down on my sex and I screamed into her ass again. My pussy felt like it was on fire. Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. "You better start licking bitch, I don’t know how much more abuse your little cunt can take." It hurt a lot, but I still just couldn't bring myself to do it. I tried to yell out. "Please stop, I’ll do anything else just don’t make me…" She slapped me again even harder this time. My back arched in pain as I yelled out again. I couldn't take any more, I had to give in. I stuck out my tongue and ran it along her hole. I tried not to think about how it tasted. "That’s right bitch, you know your place. Just keep licking slut." She started to grind her ass on my face now just like she did with her pussy. I could taste her sweat as my tongue ran up the length of her crack. "Come on, I want to feel your tongue inside my asshole bitch." She pushed herself down on my face even harder, forcing my tongue to penetrate her. "Oh yea there we go. I hope you are loving the taste of my ass." I then heard Nicole. "Oh wow, Jess is actually getting wet from this!" "Oh my god, you're right! What a fucking slut." As much as I hated it, my body was betraying me in the most humiliating way possible. My pussy was still aching to get off and I could feel how wet I was getting. "Make sure you get that on camera Nicole." "Oh yea, I’ll get a close up of this slut’s soaked cunt." I was broken at that point. I just kept on doing as I was told and licked her ass for a few more minutes until she finally had gotten what she came for and got up. She stood over me and looked down. "Well, seeing how excited I made you, I think the polite thing for you to do would be to thank me." I just wanted it to be over at this point. So I didn't try to fight back, I just gave that bitch what she wanted. "Thank you Taylor for letting me lick your cum soaked pussy and your sweaty ass." "You’re welcome bitch." She then pulled her panties and pants back on and walked over to Nicole. "I know it didn't change anything, but fuck that felt good. Make sure to send me a copy of that video." "Absolutely." "Good, and thanks again for setting this all up for me." "No problem, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself." With that, they both headed to the front door and Taylor left. I just laid on the floor, still covered in spit, cum, sweat and who knows what else. Nicole came back and looked down at me. "Wow, Taylor went a little wilder than I expected. It was actually making me pretty jealous. Why don’t we head to my bedroom and get ready for bed." She leaned down and grabbed me by my bound hands and pulled me up. "I’m going to need to change your bindings, so don’t try anything." At this point, I had no energy left. I just let her untie my hands, pull them behind my back and tie them back up. "That’s better; now follow me my little slut." I followed her into her bedroom. She walked over to her bed and pulled up her denim covers just like earlier in the day. "Come on, you know what to do." Reluctantly, I walked over and slid myself under them and waited. I then felt the covers lift up, and Nicole got under. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up in-between her legs so I was resting against her pussy. "Hurry up bitch, after you make me cum we can all go to sleep." Without really even thinking twice, I started to run my tongue up her slit. I can’t believe how many times I went down on someone in the last 10 or so hours. This whole day has been unbelievable, and I wasn't even sure when things would go back to normal; or if they ever even could. "I guess your tongue must be getting tired Jess, no worries I’ll help." Nicole then grabbed me by my hair again, and vigorously grinded on my face. I could feel that warmth again pulsating from my crotch. That intense desire for release came rushing back and I began to passionately lick her clit. "Oh fuck, that’s the spot Jess. Make your master cum." I tried to match the rhythm of her thrusts and could feel her getting close. As ashamed as I was, I could feel how wet my pussy was at this point and I wanted to get her off. I wanted to taste her cum again. And after a few more minutes, I felt Nicole’s legs tense up around me and heard her let out a loud moan and a rush of fluid come out soaking my face for a second time that day. We both just laid there for a few minutes until Nicole spoke. "Wow Jess, you really are becoming a well-trained little sex toy. I love it!" I had never felt hornier in my life; I needed her to let me have this. So I softly asked her. "Can you please make me cum master?" "Oh fine, here…" She shifted her leg so her foot was now resting against my sex. It was humiliating to have to do it this way, but I didn't waste a second. I started grinding on my master’s foot as best I could. "Wow, you really are one pathetic little slut aren't you; humping your master’s leg like a bitch in heat." I tried ignoring her and focused on my own pleasure for a change. It wasn't easy, but luckily I was already close to the edge. After only a couple of minutes, I felt the intense pulse of pleasure I had been begging for all day. I let out several moans of pure bliss while I soaked her foot in my juices. I had never gotten that wet from cumming before. I laid there for a minute longer until the pleasure started to subside and reality began to creep back. "Are you satisfied now? You made a mess all over my foot." She then pushed my head down and pulled her leg up so her foot was now next to my face. "Clean it up slut." I didn't try to fight it; I just accepted my new role. I ran my tongue along her foot, licking my own cum. She then stuck each of her toes in my mouth and I sucked them clean. "That will do slave." I then felt her grab my hair and pull me back up so my head was resting on her pubes. "My pussy will be your pillow tonight. Now when you wake up, you are to make me cum. Do you understand slut?" "Yes master." "Good, then sleep tight my little pet." I heard her turn off the lamp next to the bed and I just closed my eyes and tried to forget this all ever happened… NicolesDirtySecret
