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by SueGatlin115694833 posted Oct 15, 2015


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Medical school is a strange place. The whole experience – the premed rigor, the tight-knit group, the long hours and erratic schedules – seems almost as if it were designed to isolate you from the rest of the world. It never really bothered me much because the bubble was comfortable and I worked with some outstanding people, though as far as personal relationships went, it felt stale at times. I moved to Boston with my girlfriend of 3 years, and we rented a house together in a nice neighborhood in walking distance of the school. She had managed to land a job in the city doing accounting, though I think she eventually grew to dislike the new position. We furnished our house nicely, spent the weekends at farmer's markets and the like, did all that couple's stuff. Our relationship was great, she was great. I was, really, living in paradise. There was just one problem... sex. I don't know if it was her Catholic upbringing or what, our libidos our sorely mismatched. I would come home and try to kiss her, she would kiss back for five seconds and then push me away. Trying to hold her was met with annoyance. Sexually-charged compliments were met with "you too" and a change to subject. We'd have sex a few times a week, but she wasn't really into it, and usually wouldn't even let me try to give her an orgasm – she'd simply get me off to be done with it. I at first thought I was just not that charming, but as more time went on and I kept trying to up my game, I began to think that maybe she just was wired a bit differently and there wasn't much I could do. When school really picked up, we were under a lot of pressure. The schedule was divided into blocks where we'd learn about one subject all day for a couple weeks and then have a big exam. Anatomy was the most difficult, as it had been rumored to be. We had to spend a LOT of time in lab, elbow-deep in a cadaver, trying to make sense of the convoluted mess of nerves and blood vessels and fascia. It was in Anatomy that I met Evelyn. She was one of my lab partners, we'd all take shifts together doing dissections during the day, and then meet up in a study room later in the evening to study what we had done. It was hard to see her real appearance under the baggy scrubs, but she was about an inch shorter than me at 5'10", with long brown hair pulled back and tied, and a cute face with big green eyes. When she tied the plastic lab aprons on, I could get just a tease of her slim figure. We had always been a bit flirty, she had broken up with her boyfriend in the months preceding school, and had a bit of built-up energy. I was a committed man, and though I enjoyed the little tease I wasn't getting at home, I stayed faithful and professional. Everything changed in early November of my first year. As cheesy as it sounds, we were doing the dissection of the genitalia. It involved some pretty in-depth study of male and female anatomy, and was one of the toughest parts of the course. I came in that morning to lab early as usual, alone among rows and rows or fluorescent-lit equipment, and was surprised to find Evelyn there too. She was flipping through our greasy lab manual, thousand-yard stare in her eyes, clearly stressed about the upcoming test. We made small talk as a I swiveled the overhead light to our workspace and tried to make sense of the situation. She remarked how, having spent hours poring over medical diagrams of penises, her sex life would never be the same. I agreed, and we flirted lightly between the stern concentration of our work for two hours until the next dissection group came up to take our place. We scrubbed out, happy to be out of the smelly lab, and went to our next class. That evening, my lab group and I met in a study room to discuss our dissection, and study what we thought was going to be on the usually-incomprehensible test. One of the girls in the other shifts was married, and the other guy was a gamer (yes, still possible in medical school!) so they usually didn't stay long. I called my girlfriend and told her I'd be a bit late as we are preparing for the test, and then sat down with Evelyn. It had been a long day, and they were only getting longer – we were exhausted, but still had the burden of needing to know an incredible amount of material. A couple hours of quiet review later, and we were getting a bit loopy. We took a little break, and just sat back and talked for a while. It was late, the building was mostly empty, the motion-triggered lights in the hallway were off. "At least you have a girlfriend!" She said, unhappy with her recent personal life. I rolled my eyes. If she knew. "Well, look at you. You could have a boyfriend in seconds if you wanted one", I said, though I would later come to realize that this often wasn't as easy as guys think it is. I did have a point, though. She was slim, wearing a denim skirt just short enough to tease, with perky breasts and an intoxicating smile. I wondered if she'd noticed me eyeing her from time to time. I was getting turned on thinking about her body; and just talking about sex with her made me get hard under the table. She leaned back against her chair, as if in disappointment. Our thighs were gently touching, our faces not far apart. Somehow we had drifted together during this conversation. She looked at me. "I don't know... maybe I'm just... unlucky..." I don't know what happened, I can't completely explain it. Her gaze, the sexually charged situation, the tension inside both of us, we just somehow... kissed. As she trailed off we locked lips, held for a moment, and then made out vigorously. I felt like a teenager again, falling into passion, groping for her body that I've craved so long, drinking up the sexual desire I had been denied. I hardly even had the chance to think about what I was doing or the consequences. My hands were behind her head and on the small of her back in an awkward position spread across the two chairs when I paused to pull back. I looked in her eyes... I knew what I had done, and so did she. It was too late. My girlfriend was so insecure as to not even let me watch porn, let alone have an open relationship, and this would end it for sure. She could never know. Maybe in my head I was already through with the relationship, maybe I figured I could get away with it, but somehow I just thought "fuck it". I pulled her into me for a deep, satisfying tongue kiss. She whispered in my ear that it would be "our secret", but I don't know if I even cared anymore. She pushed me into my chair and stood up, readjusting her shirt with a wide grin on her face. Kneeling down, she undid my belt and pulled out my cock, never breaking eye contact, and took a long lick. It felt like a warm electricity shooting through my body, paralyzing me where I sat. I was a bit worried about somebody walking in to the study room, but I had always wanted to have sex in a public area but my girlfriend wasn't into it, so I let it go. Still, I kept glancing to the hallway in case the lights turned on. Soon enough Evelyn's gorgeous eyes looking up at me while she slid her lips around me were almost too much to bear. I pulled her up and gave her a kiss again, standing up and pulling her shirt up. She wore a lacy purple bra, but I left it on in case someone showed up and we had to dress quickly. "Fuck me" She whispered in my ear. All my morals had gone. I wanted her and nothing more, I was blinded by the rush of the first good sex in ages. I pushed her down onto the table, right on top of our notes, between the books. Her bright pink pussy was soaking through her panties up her skirt. I couldn't even bother to undress her. I moved them aside and pressed into her with the tip of my cock. She held my arms, looking at me with her longing eyes. I massaged her clit with the tip of my penis, something my girlfriend never let me do, feeling her thighs recoil and hearing her muffled moans. She wrapped her legs around me. "Please..." she moaned. With both hands on her hips, I thrust into her. She shook and arched her back, eyes closed, hands tight. It was everything I had dreamed of. The feel of being inside a woman, being wanted, even craved... I was close to the edge. I pushed into her again, slowly first, and then more quickly, until she sat up and held me around my back, her sweaty body pressing against mine where it was not still clothed. She locked her lips to mine again. "I'm going to cum!" she shouted, certainly loud enough for the hallway to hear, and immediately tensed up and pulled me in as tight as she could. I could feel her pussy clamping down on my cock, as if to milk our every drop of cum. As she held her breath to muffle her moan, I crossed the point of no return. I told her I was about to cum. "Cum inside me!" she breathed out, and in the moment I didn't even take a second to consider it. I pulled her tighter, still in the throes of orgasm, and injected her with my warm load. As she loosened up, she rocked her hips against me to tease out every drop. I sunk my head against her neck as I felt everything I had course into her wet pussy. We relaxed and I laid her back down onto the table, breathing heavily. The hallway was still dark, and cum dripped out of her pussy. I grabbed some paper towels from the roll they keep in the corner for the white boards and cleaned her up. It started to hit me what I had just done, but I hardly cared anymore. We put our clothes back on (which had never really come off) and sunk into our seats to catch our breath. As guilty as I was, it was amazing. We agreed nobody would find out and we would never do it again. We got away with it and were not going to try to risk it twice. Immediately we packed up our disheveled papers, paused for one more kiss, and went on our way. When I got home, my girlfriend was watching Netflix, and said hello without getting up. That's fine, that's the way it has always been. I took a shower, lost in thought. She and I are still together, and I never cheated again, though it is often tempting. Evelyn and I see each other from time to time in school. I see her, and she gives me a little smirk, as if just to be reminded it wasn't a dream. One_Way_Ticket [1 comment]
