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Early the next morning Kerina was woken when Brendan shook her shoulder. "Hey get up party girl." Kerina opened her eyes, but then closed them quickly as the bright light of the morning sun, shining through the now open blinds shocked her sleepy eyes. She blinked them slowly until she could look up at Brendan. He stood there grinning as he watched the obvious discomfort on her face. Kerina looked down where she was laying on the lounge and saw the thin white sheet conforming to the shape of her body beneath. Her naked body she recalled as the events of last night lined up to remind her of what happened. She shifted uncomfortably and pulled the sheet up as she http://klyq.co/ realised the nipple on her left breast was exposed. Blushing and feeling quite vulnerable she lay there wondering what she would do. "You made some friends last night, party girl," he said grinning. Kerina lay there uncertain what to say. Her firm young body lay on the lounge, only covered by the thin sheet. Her long blonde hair lay fanned out around her in an unintentionally alluring display. Brendan noticed her bare feet and ankles sticking out from under the end of the thin sheet, her bare forearms holding the sheet over her breasts, her quivering lips and her eyes darting around the room, looking for a way out of this predicament. "I-is Jane home?" Kerina asked weakly. "Nah not yet party girl," Brendan said grinning. He held her gaze for a few seconds, http://klyq.co/ but she blushed and looked down. "Do you really want her to see you like this?" he asked taking a step towards her. "No," Kerina said in a little voice. "Well, you better get up and...," Brendan was interrupted by the noise of a key in the front door. His mind worked quickly, either his sister or parents were home, and he definitely didn't want them finding Jane's friend here like this...they would get the wrong idea! Kerina gasped as Brendan grabbed her roughly by the wrist and hauled her off the couch. The front door opened, but Brendan already had Kerina stumbling naked after him into the kitchen; the sheet falling to the floor of the lounge room. "What the heck?!?" stammered Kerina, wincing in pain at his strong grip on her delicate and pretty wrist. She stumbled along, just keeping her feet as he headed through the kitchen, straight for the back door of the house, "What are you doing?" Kerina asked scared. "Helloo? Brendan? We are here," called a ladies voice from the direction of the front door. Brendan grabbed the back door handle and pulled it open while keeping hold of Kerina. Kerina stood crouched over behind Brendan, naked, hair dishevelled little bits of dried cum sticking to her tummy and in her pussy hair. Her eyes widened as she looked in the back yard and realised that Brendan was going to drag her out side naked. "No, please Brendan, don't do this," she begged, starting to cry. Brendan turned and looked at her annoyed, "That is my mum and probably my dad, you dumb bitch. What do you think they are going to think if they see you like this!" Kerina paled as she thought of them walking in and seeing her laying there naked on the lounge. They would think that Brendan and her had been doing it! "I am not going to let that happen," he said as he saw the realisation cross her face, "I would rather make up some story about you being drunk and being a slut. I am sure my friends will back me up!" "Well, can't I at least have my clothes," she asked as Brendan surged forward, pulling her out the door and down onto the nice green grass of the back yard. "They are inside in the dryer. I will have to get them to you later. You have to get out of here." He said as the voices of his parents started getting louder as they walked towards the kitchen. "Quick over here," Brendan demanded, pulling her hand up to the top of the back fence, "quick, put your foot up, if they look out the back window they will see us," he urged her on. Stunned by the abrupt exit, having not even had a chance to wake up properly, embarrassed at being exposed again and now being pulled into the back yard, with the danger of her friends parents seeing her naked, Kerina scrabbled over the high wooden fence, Brendan's hands firmly on her naked young ass giving her one last push, an overenthusiastic one as it turned out. "Hi there, how are you both?" Brendan said as he turned and walked towards the house. His parents happy greeting were heard, somewhat muffled from the other side of the fence, where Kerina lay in the soft dirt of a garden. Kerina lay there panting for a few moments, getting her breath back, happy to have a few moments of peace. She was in some low scraggly bushes it appeared, her naked body, face down on the earth. She moved experimentally, her fingers sinking into the earth. She raised her head. Apart from being in a stranger's back yard, naked, she was apparently unharmed. Kerina slowly go onto her haunches to see where she was. Looking around, she realised she was in a big garden in the back yard of a simple brick house. There was a funny smell, but there didn't seem to be anyone around. Kerina stood up and, covering her arms over her breasts self-consciously, she crept toward the house. A garden shed partially obscured the view of the house and as she got closer she was disheartened to see the clothes line, bereft of any clothes. There was a noise from the garden shed, and Kerina dove full length back into the garden as the door swung open. Kerina looked down in horror as she realised it was not dirt that she had landed in. Raising her hand, she grimaced to see that she had landed in a pile of manure of some kind. Looking down her body, Kerina saw that most of the front of her torso was now smeared with manure. She lay there, too terrified to move listening intently for any other sign of a noise. She heard a couple more noises off to the side of the garden, but looking over even from her low vantage point revealed no space for anyone to be lurking in. After a little more time of silence, Kerina got to her knees and peered forward at the house again. There didn't seem to be any one around and no sign of movement. It was then, as she kneeled naked, manure covering her hands, tummy and young breasts hanging firmly beneath her, pretty blonde hair knotted and limp, that she suddenly felt something cold on her thigh behind her. Whirling around stunned, Kerina was met with the sight of a small brown dog looking up at her curiously. Kerina caught her breath, willing her suddenly racing heart beat to slow back down again. She turned and looked at the house again. Didn't seem to be anyone around... The dog was licking between her legs, at her pussy! "Get away," she hissed pushing it away embarressed. The back door of the house squeeked open, Kerina hit the ground again, without even thinking! "Who is out here?" an old ladies voice called out. Kerina lay there horrified, too scared to even breathe. She lay there, willing the old lady to go back inside. Even worse, the dog was sniffing her crotch. She tried to push it away, while staying as still as possible. The dog ignored her futile attempts and pushed its snout right up to her pussy, snuffling, now licking at the hapless teenagers crotch. Kerina lay there afraid to breathe, the old lady now calling out to her dog, Patches apparently, as it licked at her neatly trimmed pussy. "Stop!" she squeeled unable to take it any more. Kerina jumped up pushing away at the little dog. The old lady standing near the edge of the garden looked on shocked! "You little pervert! What are you doing in my garden? I am calling the police," the old lady shrieked out. Kerina sprinted for the next fence and fear lent her strength as she scrabbled over the old wooden fence that marked the boundary of the old ladies back yard. Just as she disappeared over the fence, she glanced back and was disheartened to see the old lady was actually holding a phone, on which she was already making a phone call. Kerina slipped over the fence, slightly grazing her soft buttocks on the coarse wood. She landed in a crouch and looked around. Three young children stood in the middle of the back yard staring open mouthed at this dishevelled naked girl who had just appeared in the back yard. Kerina sprinted for the next fence and cleared it, just hearing the kids calling out that there was a naked girl in the back yard. Kerina barely even had time to feel humiliation before she landed in the next back yard. She was hit by a spray of icy cold water. Then another. Then another. She stood up and stumbled forward and realised that she was on a nicely manicure rear lawn, which had big sprinklers. Water dripping down, she stumbled for the next fence and pushed herself over the brick wall. She was surprised to see quite a drop below her, and she was too weak to pull herself back up. Looking down she saw some rubbish bins and she let go, trying to land on them. Just as her feet landed on the tall bin, she felt it shift beneath her and she landed up on the ground on her back, with rubbish spilled around her. Wet, covered in rubbish and manure (but not so much after she ran throught the sprinklers) tired, embarressed and very naked, Kerina slowly got to her feet, limping slightly from a sore ankle. Looking around her she realised she was in a dingy alley, a tall brick wall on one side and a mesh wire fence on the other. Bins stood down the side of the alley and at each end in the distance, Kerina could see cars driving past. A police car drove past one end slowly and Kerina jumped back behind some bins. It stopped and reversed back and some one was looking down the alley. Kerina lost her nerve and ran down the other direction. As she got closer to the other end, she still saw nowhere to hide and there were people and cars passing the end of the alley ahead of her. "Hey! Over here. Quick, the police are not far behind you." Kerina looked at the sound of the voice, eyes wide with embarrassment. A person was holding up a corner of the wire beckoning her to come through. Feeling afraid and helpless, Kerina was desperate for any escape and she dived for the hole in the fence. "Quick down here," the figure, a man, said to her. She felt a hand on her wrist, leading her away from the fence. She ran after him between two buildings and around a corner. The buildings looked industrial and unused. They came to a row of boxes and sheets set up along the wall of a building. He pulled a piece of cardboard back from the front of one of the boxes and gestured for her to get in. Kerina looked around nervously, the smell from inside hit her like a hammer, and she felt nauseous at the combination of sweat and smoke and other body odours. She looked at the skinny wildly bearded and elderly face of her rescuer and she suddenly wondered if this was a good idea. Her mind was made up when she heard the sound of footsteps echoing towards them. Kerina dived in to the big cardboard box. Inside there were sheets and blankets over the floor, a stack of mouldy books sat in the corner, a couple of old bags sat along the back wall and another man, dressed in a heavy filthy trench coat, squatted at the end of the box looking up at her surprised. The first guy crawled in pulling the cardboard 'door' closed behind him. "What is going on?" asked the man in the trench coat. "Police are after her," answered the wildly bearded bum in a strange high pitched voice. "Thank you for helping me," whispered Kerina nervously, sitting there naked between the two men. "Shhh," the wildly bearded bum said listening intently. The sound of protests reached their ears from nearby. "They are searching our boxes," said the man in the trench coat horrified. "You are gonna have to hide better girly." Kerina looked around the inside of the large cardboard box. Unfortunately there was no where that looked like it offered any sort of hiding place. "You are gonna have to hide under big Johnny's coat," grinned the wildly bearded bum, 'They aren't gonna look for you under there," he said with certainty. Kerina looked at Johnny nervous, but the sounds of steps and protests from the next box spurred her to react. She walked over and kneeled down in front of Johnny. "Uh, is it ok?" she asked hopefully. "Sure girly," he grinned, opening his coat for her. Kerina's eyes opened wide as she discovered he was naked beneath the coat. He was white and slightly flabby. Black hair was scattered over his chest and a big nest of black pubic hair framed his thick oily looking cock. It was semi hard. Kerina shuddered as she looked at his naked body and was about to rethink her actions, when she heard footsteps approaching the box she was in! She crouched down, and swiveled around, basically sitting on his lap and his direction and he pulled the coat closed over her. At least he was easily tall enough to hide her and the coat was so bulky she was not easily discovered while he was sitting down here. There was a noise, of the cardboard been pulled aside and the wildly bearded bum, asking in a hurt voice what 'they' wanted? Kerina was finding it hard to follow the conversation, however, as her close proximity to Big Johnny's naked body was hard to ignore. His coat stunk, of dirt and sweat and flatulence. His skin beneath her felt oily and clammy and she was finding it hard to breath. She shifted slightly and was horrified to feel something hard pushing against the inside of her thigh. She was afraid to wriggle any more, as she might give herself away so she sat still. Unfortunately, Big Johnny shifted slightly and she felt his cock slowly pushing up the inside of her thigh, the head of what she realised was his cock even brushed the lips of her pussy! Kerina tried holding herself up right but as he started to rub his cock up and down her inner thigh, she felt her strength was waning fast. Kerina was uncertain what to do, the voices were still talking and she was trapped here, her bare skin against Big Johnny and his disgusting thick cock which was slowly rubbing up and down against her. The voices were moving away now and Kerina tried to pull the coat open. Big Johnny let the front of his coat open and it fell away showing her nude with his hard cock sliding against her bare thighs. "Look at this Morie, she is riding me," Big Johnny boasted to the wild bearded bum. "Let me go!" pleaded Kerina, her boobs jiggling. With her leaning forward, he suddenly found her pussy lips sitting right on the head of his cock. "Come on babe, just let me finish. We helped you out." Kerina tried to crawl away but was hampered by his big coat which was partially done up still and his hand was on her hips trying weakly to slow her down. Unfortunately for the hapless teen, he was quite horny and even the head of his cock pushing slightly into her pussy lips was all he needed, to deposit a big load of cum on her pussy and as she pulled away the next jets of cum hit her tummy and her ass. Kerina pulled herself off him and scrambled away, looking back at him whimpering. "You better not go out there," said Morie, "They will still be searching for a while for you. They like wasting time down here, where everyone is afraid of them." "What will I do then?" Kerina asked in a weak voice. "Wait here, we can try and walk you out of here when it is dark," Morie offered. Kerina sat nude on the filthy blankets and considered this. "Uh, do you have anything for me to wear?" she asked hopefully. "Well, we have a short jacket you can have," offered Big Johnny. Kerina accepted it and pulled it on. It was filthy smelly and stained. It had no buttons and only reached down to her hips, but at least it was something. The two guys sat there grinning at her. They hadn't seen anything so sexy for years. Morie was getting older, but he felt his cock stirring and he was upset that Johnny had a go at her, but not him. "What's your name girly?" asked Morie. "Kerina," she answered meekly. "And what brings you here?"Asked Johnny interested. "I was about to ask," said Morie annoyed. "It's a long story," she answered embarresed. "We have all day," Morie answered smiling. "Well, it is just, everything seems to be out of control," she said with unintentional honesty, "I keep getting in bad situations. I mean I just try to study and do well in my exams, but these things keep happening to me." "So you are studying huh? Where do you study?" Kerina told him the name of her university, "I got a scholarship to go, and I got in early, but now things just keep going wrong," Kerina finished looking upset. Morie listened his kind eyes twinkling; he put a hand on her shoulder as she paused to compose herself. "Here come her, you need a hug Kerina," He said pulling her toward him, her bare breasts exposed as the jacket pulled back rubbing her breasts against his chest. "Uh, I am okay," she said trying to be polite, when she felt his hands on her bare ass cheeks. "Uh, really I am okay," she said trying to pull away, but he was holding her ass with one hand and the other had started to pull the jacket off. "What are you doing?" Kerina asked shocked. "Come http://klyq.co/ on babe, just let me fuck you," he said trying to pry her legs open. "What, n-no no!" she said pulling away; terrified she scrambled backwards, pushing the thin cardboard door out of the way. Morie made a grab for her, and only managed to grab her jacket. He wasn't letting go however, and so Kerina was forced to let it fall the rest of the way off and scrambled out of the filthy putrid cardboard box, once again stark naked. She looked around the dirty alley way, and sprinted off, seeing other bums looking out at her from boxes, or occasionally cowering a little as she ran past. Rounding a corner, Kerina pulled up as she saw two policemen some distance away. She looked around terrified, and seeing another alley, she sprinted off again. Unfortunately, she must have taken a few moments too long to decide and as she ran off she heard shouts of 'hey!' and 'stop there'. Kerina had no plans to stop. Her bare feet flew over the rough cement walkways as she fled in terror. She turned the corner of the alley she was in and came face to face with a tall wire fence. She tried the three doors nearby but found they were heavy locked doors. Helpless, Kerina turned to face the two policemen, hearing their footsteps echo on the cement in the narrow alley way between buildings. She started to cry as they dragged her away in hand cuffs. Kerina sat in a state of stunned humiliation. She was in a small room, sitting on a steel chair next to a heavy metal desk. When they had dragged her to the car, they were repulsed by the smell of manure and other things on her, and they had sprayed her down with a handy hose before putting her, naked and handcuffed into the police car. At least at the station, when they dragged her into the booking desk, a sergeant had insisted they put a blanket around her before he processed her. She has been sat down to wait with a rug over her, still getting a lot of attention from the other people in the room, despite the rug. Soon she was taken to a room, finger printed and photographed and then put in a cell to wait. She had been there for most of the day before they could get onto her room mate, Lisa. So, here she sat nude but for a rug over her shoulders, when the door of the cold room opened and her room mate Lisa walked in, looking beautiful, long blonde hair down, wearing tight sexy jeans and a neat figure hugging polo shirt. She looked surprised at Kerina's bedraggled state. "Wow honey, I think you are taking this partying too far," she said. Lisa paid her bond and took her home. Kerina_Smith

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