Erotic Sex Photos - Genghis Khan's Guide To Nude Teenager Excellence

by Jim748030880714256082 posted Oct 15, 2015


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hot nude videoAs Samantha drove from her office towards downtown she felt a sensation that worked its way from her feet up her thighs, a good, yet nervous feeling that she hadn't felt since she had married. Samantha, and Mike her husband, had been corresponding online over the past few months with various individuals, sharing sexual fantasies, in hopes of rekindling their lack-lust relationship of ten years. It was one man in particular that peeked both their interests, James, a man in his early thirties who described himself as athletic and ethnic looking. Above all, James described himself as being well hung, and Samantha found herself intrigued by the idea of being with a man with a large cock. As Samantha pulled into the parking lot of the hotel her mind slipped away from her, dreaming back to the sexual encounters with her husband and how they acted out this very night multiple times all while sending James pictures from their escapades. She reminiscenced on the feeling of rubbing her dildo along the entry of her pussy while Mike penetrated her mouth and the feeling of pushing herself back on the toy until she felt a feeling of fullness that she did not experienced with Mike. With that she came back into a state of awareness realizing her panties were completely soaked through. She grabbed her bag and made her way into the lobby of the hotel, a swanky hotel where professionals gather after work to discuss business. She made her way into the restroom where she donned her lace black corset, matching panties, and leggings before pulling over her tight black dress with white accents. As she exited the bathroom she couldn't help but notice how well her dress fit into the attire around her but little did anyone know the sexy outfit that was waiting for whomever would remove the dress. As she entered the bar area she spotted a man that matched the pictures she had masturbated to for the past week, not wanting to play too easy she passed by him and sat down next to a young business man in a suit, introduced herself. Within minutes, Chuck, the man in the suit had purchased her a drink and the conversation was turning into that of a sexual nature. It wasn't that Samantha was an overly sexual individual, but the excitement of the night had given her a confidence that spilled into her conversation. It was around this time that James approached them, put his hand on Samantha's leg and pressed his lips against hers. Samantha, shocked by the suddenness of the kiss, paused for a moment then introduced James to Chuck as her date for this evening. Chuck, just now noticing the ring on her finger, excused himself and apologized stating he was unaware that she was married. James and Samantha just laughed as James ordered a round of drinks for the two of them. It had been their arranged plan to wait for Mike to arrive before heading up to the room, but as was often the case Mike was stuck at work so James and Samantha began to make their to the room. Before heading up Samantha asked to take a moment in the restroom, she hadn't been in long but when she came out she noticed James talking with Chuck but quickly hurried back to Samantha to escort her to the room, not before she noticed James hand Chuck something. Once in the room James casually walked over to the night stand where he had already placed out various lubricant and toys, and turned on some music. Samantha, enjoying the view from the window turned around to feel James pressed against her, with his rock hard erection against her belly. James wasted no time and yanked Samantha's dress over her head causing her hair, which was pulled up, to fall down into large messy curls. He put his hands into her hair and pulled Samantha into his lips where they embraced into a passionate wet kiss exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. James broke the kiss and ordered Samantha to remove his clothes, once James was stripped down to his boxers he ripped them off and forced Samantha's head down onto his cock. Samantha had never been with a man so forceful and direct, but as James's cock came up to her lips she didn't hesitate and parted them, still wet with the saliva from their kiss, to engulf the massive head of the eight inch cock. Samantha kept her eyes closed as James pushed himself into her mouth until the edge of her eyes began to water, at that point Samantha pulled herself off his cock gasping for air. Never had she chocked on a cock while giving head, with Mike she could take him down to the base of his shaft, but this was different. What should have caused Samantha to pause, instead invigorated her, as her nipples became erect upon gagging on the dick that was starting her in the face. The cock was dripping with her saliva as she ran her tongue up from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip swirling her tongue before engulfing his shaft and cupping his balls with her right hand as she steadied herself against James with her left. Samantha's phone began to ring and James tossed her the phone from the pile of clothes hastily lumped on the bed. Samantha was quick on the phone, telling Mike the room number and inferring he needed to be quick. Mike was five minutes away but wanted to know how everything was going. Samantha relayed the question to James who upon hearing the question shoved his dick back into her mouth and began forcing her head against him. James grabbed the phone from her hand and held it against her face so that Mike could hear the slurping and sucking sounds of the cock that was penetrating his wife's delicate lips. James put to the phone back up to his ear and said "Your wife is about to swallow my cum", with that he hung the phone up and tossed it on the bed. Mike approached the room that he had been given over the phone and knocked. He could not hear anything inside but waited almost two minutes before he began to hear the door open. It was Samantha, dressed in her lingerie, but too dimly lit to fully see. She pulled him inside the room where their eyes met, she had this drunk, euphoric look with a half smile, locking lips with him as he entered. It was only after she pushed him back to the door and it closed that he realized her face was covered in cum with a trickle smeared on her lips and drizzled down her chest where it remained on the bust her her breast. As Mike stood by the door in shock, the sight of James naked body was silhouetted in the window allowing Mike to confirm just how large James was. James commanded Samantha back to the bedroom area, as she slowly strutted over James wrapped his hands around her waist and force her onto all fours on the bed. Mike made his way into closer to the bedroom and sat down on a chair where he proceeded to begin removing his clothes. James positioned Samantha facing towards Mike, as he did this his hand moved her panties away from her crotch and began massaging her clit. Samantha let out a tiny squeak as his hands began spreading her natural lube around her clit and down into her pussy. James did not ease into things, instead he inserted two fingers directly into her leaking hole and massaged her g-spot. With this action Samantha arched her back and began moaning, Mike seeing her in ecstasy stood up and placed his penis in front of her mouth beckoning her to take him. Seeing this, James grabbed Mike by by the arm and directed him to the side of himself. James flipped Samantha onto her back and told Mike to "Warm her up for me with your tongue", this was not a request. James moved to the opposite side and began by massaging Samantha's breasts, then inserting just the tip of his dick onto her tongue and into her mouth. His aggressiveness continued as he began twisting each nipple just before Samantha felt an uncomfortable pain and releasing them into a gentle massage. This foreplay continued until there was a brief knock at the door, which caused Mike to stop and look up. As the door slowly began to open Samantha started to shift to see who was at the door, but James held her down and pushed his cock deeper into her mouth, thrusting at a slow and steady pace. The man approached James on his side and Samantha could make out the familiar face from the bar earlier that evening, it was Chuck. James instructed Chuck to take his place, whom stripped down without hesitation while James extracted himself from Samantha's mouth. As James rounded the bed he pushed Mike out of the way and without hesitation buried his cock deep in Samantha. Samantha lunged forward as she was penetrated, gasping for air. He remained inside her allowing her to adjust to the length and began gyrating against her clit with his waist. Samantha's breathing became laboured as she started to orgasm, taking short shallow breaths, while her eyes stayed fixed on her husband's who was now sitting in the chair. With her orgasm subsiding she closed her eyes and James began pumping in and out of her. Samantha felt something on her cheek, and she realized that Chuck was still in the room, and it was likely to be his cock that was rubbing her cheek. She had fantasized about having sex, planned to have sex, even agreed to have sex with James, but never did she imagine there would be a mysterious man in the equation. The unknown of it all, and the idea that Mike wasn't or couldn't stop it made the situation even naughtier as Samantha grabbed the shaft with her hand and guided it into her mouth. James increased his pace as Chuck entered her mouth allowing Samantha to bounce off of their dicks in a rhythmic wave of mini orgasms. James began to grunt and moan, and as he did he grabbed Samantha's back and pulled her into him, holding her tight against him in a riding position while he shot his hot seed deep into her, each time his dick released a stream Samantha would shudder. As soon as James finished he pushed Samantha back onto the bed, got up, put on his clothes, and left the room. Samantha laid there with cum dripping from between her legs, pooling on the bed, as Mike slowly stroked his cock staring at the mess that James left. Samantha realizing James had left flipped over and looked between her husband and Chuck, then motioned Chuck over to her. She flipped over onto all fours and pointed her ass into the air in front of Chuck. With her and James's juices drenching her back thighs Chuck started to insert her slowly to which she pushed back against him forcing him into her. As Chuck fucked her from behind she motioned Mike to her front and puckered her lips. Mike grabbed her and kissed her passionately, feeling the rush of watching her at the height of her sexual pleasure. She reached down and grabbed her husband's familiar cock and deep throated it down to the base while attempting to lick his balls. Chuck grabbed Samantha's breasts and held onto her tight as he came in her spilling another load of cum into Samantha. This sent Mike over the edge and he started to cum in Samantha's mouth as she was deep throating him which caused her to fall back into Chuck as Mike spurted jets of cum on her hair and down her back. Chuck made his exit in similar fashion as James leaving Mike and Samantha embracing on the bed. Samantha got up after Chuck left and turned on the shower to rinse off the night. As she was hopping in her husband joined her, pressed her up against the back of the shower and entered into her swollen pussy that was radiating a sensation that almost made him cum as he entered her. As Mike pushed in the mixed cum from James and Chuck pushed out with every thrust until Mike emptied himself into Samantha. After washing up they laid in bed passionately kissing and and reminiscing about the nights events. 1dHkwjU jameswig 1IAPQZK 1IAPQZK
