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cute sex videoLet's keep this rolling! Part III for you. Edit: forgot [oral] tag, sorry! Sarah got home only a few minutes after the food was delivered, and the family sat on the couch together to eat in front of some mindless television. Jake sat in the middle, acutely aware of his now-fully-clothed daughter’s body so close to him. He kept seeing her in his mind, gloriously nude and splattered with his cum. Swallowing hard, he looked in the other direction at Sarah, his wife. Sarah was much shorter than Jake and Petra, with broad shoulders and wide hips. She’d been very overweight early in their relationship, but when Jake started getting in shape, she followed suit. He was immeasurably proud of her transformation; now she had an hourglass figure and a firmness all over that really couldn’t be beat. She was like a tiny Amazon, a pocket-sized She-Hulk. She had fair skin and brown-blonde hair, pale blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Her breasts were wonderfully large, a fact she didn’t mind showing off by wearing low-neck tees, and Jake’s greater height afforded him a nice look down at her cleavage. It was almost a good enough look to make him forget about his daughter’s breasts, round and perfect, with the water beading off of them. Sarah smiled up at Jake. "What have you two been up to this afternoon?" Jake felt himself blush when Petra leaned against him and answered, "Just watching TV and hanging out, mom." Jake smiled nervously and nodded. "How was your day?" he asked, hoping to change the subject. Sarah groaned. "Don’t even get me started. We have this huge order to do, and the truck didn’t come in until almost noon…" After years of marriage, Jake had learned that "How was your day?" was husband-code for "Please tell me everything that happened so I can nod and smile for half an hour." Jake leaned back, one hand running through his wife’s hair as she continued talking. He really did love her, even if they didn’t have sex nearly as much as he would have liked. He had no doubt about her feelings; her libido had just never been up to his. But then, he’d never had the ability to stop time before… Petra kissed her parents good night and bounced her way upstairs a couple hours later, and Sarah put on a movie. Jake snuggled in close and smiled, one hand on the remote in his pocket. Once the movie was running and his wife was distracted, he stopped things. First, he pulled up Sarah’s shirt. She’d taken off her bra and changed into looser clothing after dinner, and her breasts – F cups, believe it or not – hung bare underneath. "Hung" wasn’t really the right word; Sarah had almost as good a bench press as Jake did, and her pecs kept everything more "perky" than one might expect of a well-endowed woman in her thirties, with pale nipples and wide areolas. Even after years together, he still loved the look of them. They were very different from Petra’s, but he tried to put that out of his mind. Jake gently rubbed and teased Sarah’s nipples in ways that he knew she liked. He still wasn’t sure how this sort of thing would feel. Would she feel everything at once, or would there be some delay? He tried not to overdo it. Then he leaned in to suckle at first one and then the other, adding the warm moist sensations to the teasing touches. Finally he carefully removed any residual moisture, so as not to leave evidence of his interference. Jake pulled her shirt back down and moved back onto the couch. It was interesting, the place where he’d been sitting felt almost like it was pulling him in, making it easy to line up with where he was when time stopped. He decided it must have to do with air displacement and filed it away for later testing, watching his wife out of the corner of his eye as he pressed the play button. Several things happened all at once. Sarah’s breasts twitched slightly, the result of the soft pressure Jake had put on them. Her nipples hardened, visibly pressing out against the dark fabric of her shirt. And she let out a small, quiet moan. Jake smiled. "Did you say something?" he asked his wife. "What? N-no," Sarah replied. "Just a little muscle spasm, I guess." Jake shrugged and went back to pretending to care about the movie. After a minute, he paused things again. He slid his hand down under Sarah’s lounging pants and panties, sliding through her soft hairs to the warm place between her legs. He had to nudge her thighs apart a little, but he was nothing if not familiar with his wife’s body. His fingers found her clit and stroked it slowly. When he decided she’d had enough of that, he slipped a fingertip between her lower lips and trailed it up and down. It was interesting how her body reacted – or didn’t – to his displacement. Her slit stayed open after the passage of his fingertip. When he started things up, she would probably feel it gently slap shut. Closing her legs again and moving her pants back into place, Jake once more unfroze the world. Sarah’s reaction was again instantaneous. She gasped and flinched in surprise, shivering once and then snuggling in closer to Jake. "Everything alright?" he asked, trying to sound concerned. "Yeah," she said, looking at him. "I just feel kind of funny." Jake stopped things there, with her looking right at him. He stood, took off all his clothing and hid it, then sat again with her. The thrill of messing with Sarah without her knowing, combined with his usual desire for her, had his cock standing tall and proud already. He set the remote beside his leg where she wouldn’t see and pressed Play. Jake only let Sarah have a second of that, just long enough to know that her eyes had registered his body. He pressed pause again, put his clothes back on, and continued cuddling against her. Sarah blinked in shock when time resumed. Jake frowned. "Are you sure you’re alright?" he asked. "Yeah, I just thought… nevermind." Jake smiled as she looked at the TV again. Clearly, this was having an effect on her. She was flushed, breathing a little quickly, and her nipples were still erect. Jake decided to escalate. He waited a minute or two for her to cool down again, then again stopped things. This time he did everything again: teased and sucked her nipples, played with her clit, and stroked her lips open. Then he again removed his clothes, took his position, and started things up. Sarah moaned out loud and rolled her hips on the couch. Her hand reached over by instinct and stroked Jake’s cock. Jake let out a cheer inside his head. He’d just made her cum, and she had no idea why! He paused things again and moved her hand to his thigh, putting his clothing back on. He just couldn’t resist. When things started again, Sarah stroked his leg once and then looked up at him, blushing deeply. Jake pretended not to have noticed her last outburst and looked over at her. "You sure you’re okay? You look flushed," he said. "Yeah, it’s alright," Sarah replied, her eyes flicking down and up him. "I dunno what’s up. Just watch the movie. I need to be up early tomor-" Jake stopped her mid sentence. Grinning, he set about his final escalation. He removed his own clothes, then her pants and panties. Spreading her thighs, he moved between her and lined his cock up with her opening. She was wet now, and as he pressed, he slipped easily into her pussy. It was a strange sensation, for sure. At first, Sarah was incredibly tight, but since there was no muscle-force squeezing inward, once he spread her passage open it remained that way, fitting his cock like a glove. She was still tight enough that it felt amazing being inside her, as always, but he definitely preferred the real act. Still, there was something to be said for perfect compliance... He bottomed out against her cervix and moaned softly, staying there a moment. His thumb rubbed against her clit again, and he lifted her shirt to once more suck on her nipples. Then he stroked in and out a few times, savoring her warm feeling and opening her a little wider around him. When he was satisfied she was where he wanted her, Jake pulled out, wiped her moisture off his dick, and got dressed. He put his wife’s clothes back on and returned her and himself to their original positions, then started the action. "rowoOoOOOOHHH fuck it!" Sarah’s immediate empty feeling and second orgasm were clearly too much for her. She straddled Jake’s lap and kissed him hard, grinding down against his cock. Again and again she kissed him, breathing hard. Jake brought his arms up around her. She hadn’t been this voracious since their first year together! He pushed up against her, showing her how much he approved. Sarah giggled girlishly, unzipping Jake’s pants and pulling his dick free. Her hand stroked his shaft between them as she pulled her lips down to his neck, kissing and nibbling at places that she knew damn well would give him goosebumps. Jake slid his hands down under her clothing and gave her ass a squeeze. Sarah moaned into his neck, then slid down off of him, lifting the front of his shirt, kissing down his chest and abs and kneeling on the floor. She yanked down his pants and boxers and tossed them aside, looking up at him with those beautiful blue eyes as her lips slid down on his cock without hesitation. Jake groaned, watching his wife bob up and down on his cock. He took his shirt off and set it to the side. At the same time, Sarah hurriedly stripped off her own pants and panties. Once she was bare from the waist, she growled and climbed up onto him again. Before Jake could even reach, his wife was straddling him and moaning as she eagerly slid his shaft up inside herself. This was definitely better than the frozen version of her. Jake groaned in pleasure as Sarah’s hips ground down on his lap, eagerly wedging him deeper inside her. Her walls squeezed tight around him and she ripped off her shirt, exposing and pressing her generous chest against his, kissing him once more. His hands again went to her ass, squeezing hard and helping her find the best angle to get in deep. Then she started moving. Her hips rolled up and down his lap, sliding him in and out of her warm, tight pussy. Jake groaned, moving one hand up between them to grope at one of her tits. Sarah arched her back, letting him suck at her nipple while she rode him harder and faster. "Oh god, Jake, fuck me," she moaned, "It feels so fucking good!" Sarah had never been one to talk during sex. Moan loudly, sure, a few times, but she usually felt awkward, or so she said, so this was entirely new. And entirely hot. Jake grinned, grabbing her and flipping over so she was the one on the couch. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he braced and started thrusting down into her. Again and again Jake drove his cock into his squirming, moaning wife. He felt her cum around him and covered his mouth with his own to muffle her cries. He drove into her relentlessly until he finally got the reward he was looking for. There was a sudden warm feeling on his thighs and tightness inside of her. Sarah almost screamed into Jake’s kiss as her pussy spasmed around him. Groaning with pleasure, Jake slammed down into Sarah. His own climax was only seconds behind, and he thrust home again and again through it, muscles clenching, as his cum spurted up inside her. Just like before in the shower, the load was far larger and more forceful than his usual, and he could feel their mixed fluids around himself as he finally stopped, panting, buried to the hilt within her. Jake leaned down and kissed Sarah deeply, but something prickled the hairs on his neck. He carefully reached over to where he’d left the remote under his shirt and pressed the pause button. Gently disengaging from Sarah and slipping out of her dripping wet pussy, Jake stood and turned around. He walked up the stairs toward the bedrooms, and just around the corner he saw something surprising. Frozen mid-stride was Petra, who was clearly hurrying back to her bedroom. Her hair flew back behind her, showing how quickly she’d been moving. More importantly, she was naked from the waist down, carrying her pajama pants. On closer examination, she was also very wet. As were the fingers of her right hand. Jake stared at her, not sure what to do with this information. On the one hand, it was really, really worrisome. It looked like his daughter had just been getting off while watching him fuck the shit out of her mother. On the other hand, the idea of Petra being turned on and playing with herself in the hall like that almost made him ready for another round. He decided to worry about it later, returning to Sarah, sliding back inside her and restarting things. She jerked and clenched once, likely in response to the sensation of him leaving and reentering her, and giggled. "Aftershocks," she said softly. "Sorry." Jake smiled and kissed her again. "Never be sorry, love. That was incredible." Sarah smiled back at him. "Yeah… it was." Jake slept like a baby that night, and woke up in the morning feeling great. He got cleaned up, headed downstairs and found to his surprise that Sarah was up and cooking breakfast. He kissed her and sat down to enjoy some bacon and eggs. "Morning, mom! Morning, Dad!" Petra bounded downstairs and up to the table, energetic as always. How did she do it, Jake asked himself. How could this girl be so casual and unembarrassed around her parents when just last night she’d been watching them fuck and touching herself? He certainly still felt awkward about doing the same to her. And guilty. After all, he was her dad. It was his job to protect her from pervy assholes, not to become one! "Morning, Pet," Jake said, trying not to let his shame show and concentrating on his eggs. "Good morning," Sarah said cheerily, joining them at the table. "I don’t know about you two, but I slept amazingly last night." Jake and Petra both agreed with the sentiment. Petra left first, heading out to meet her friends before class. Jake was left with Sarah, who smiled at him across the table. She reached out and took his hand. "I’m sorry about last night," she said. "I know it was a little… out of character for me." Jake smiled back, squeezing her fingers. "Don’t be sorry, dear. I loved it. You can feel free to do that anytime." Jake sipped the last of his glass of orange juice, but something bothered him suddenly. Thinking back on the night before… Sarah really had been tired from work. She hadn’t wanted sex. And Jake had used his power to make her want it. Sure they were married, but it still felt like maybe he’d crossed a line. Was it really okay to use magic to make your wife want to fuck you? And was he really using the word "magic" in his head in a serious sentence? He supposed it was the only real explanation, at least for now. Jake shook his head, banishing the dark thoughts. He’d had incredible sex last night, slept well, and he had incredible power over the world. There was no reason to be mopey. He got up, kissed Sarah goodbye, and headed out to work. Continued in Comments jcr_nsfw [5

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