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This is a story about an event that went down a couple of years ago with my coworker. We sell software to hospitals and were able to set up a number of appointments in a city 3 hours away from where we lived. We drove up early in the morning and were able to meet with 3 of our 4 appointments through the course of the day. Our last meeting was to happen over drinks and if it went well we were all going to have dinner. Our plan was to check in to our hotel, drop our bags and meet for drinks at a restaurant near our hotel. Our last meeting of the day ended early so we got to check in a little early. Our 4th appointment canceled so we ended up meeting at the hotel bar and hitting it off with a small group of people.
My coworker and I have worked together for over six years and during that time have become pretty close friends. We are both in our 30s with her being a few years older than me. When we first met she was already married and I was single. She pretty much knows all my dating stories, both the good and the bad, and even helped with my proposal to my now wife. We both have pretty active social lives and for all the hours we spent together during work I very rarely saw her outside of work. As result of this dynamic she quickly became known as my work wife and I, her work husband. They were corny titles, which I was never fond of, but it explained our relationship pretty well.
Throughout the years we have known each other I really can’t remember feeling overly attracted to her. We have done our share of flirting here and there, but I think we both really enjoyed our friendship and if we had the chance to be tempted with doing something "out of bounds" I never really noticed. Over the years we’ve had the chance to learn a lot about each other’s backgrounds, personal interests, what has made us the way we are and the things we enjoyed and disliked about sex. Sex was important to both of us and for the most part we looked at is as a mainly physical activity that when executed with the right person in the proper context could be more than that.
I could go into more of the buildup, but I didn’t expect this version to be this long. I tried to shorten as much as I could. The story starts after the group we were hanging out with leaves and we are about to payout.

I sat back down and spun my chair around. "Well, I guess you can say I still have it," I said with a pompous tone.
"Ha. I guess? She was cute, why didn’t you take her up on her offer?" she asked.
"Because I am a married man and besides, I like older women. You know that," I said while giving her a shove on the shoulder and finishing my drink.
She laughed and looked at the bartender for our tab. We left the restaurant and walked to the elevators and the lobby was freezing. "God, I thought my room was cold," she said while wrapping her arms across her chest.
I was standing behind her and without thinking I placed my hands on her shoulders and began rubbing her upper arms to create some friction to warm her up. We both stood there watching the number on the little screen countdown to "L". When it was on number 3 the realization of what I was doing occurred to me and I felt myself begin to think about her in ways I have never have before. We have talked a lot about sex and through our conversations I have been given glimpses and clues to the type of woman she is in the bedroom. How she likes to be touched, how she touches, what she likes and what she likes to do. With a high-level of accuracy I felt I could describe all of those things. However, at this moment I didn’t want to guess, I wanted to know.
I bounced her shoulders up and down as I was looking at her in the reflection of the mirrored elevator doors. She was watching the numbers count down while smiling. Being taller than her I had a full view of her in the mirror in front of us. I looked her over from head to toe and again I was experiencing a strong attraction to her. I’ve seen her in a bikini, tight dresses and low cut shirts plenty of times, but I desired to see her without anything. I wanted to see the color of her nipples, the way her breasts fell, how her legs looked spread and if continuous waxing left her as smooth as she says. I wanted to touch her skin with all parts of me, hear her reactions and feel her breath. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t realize that I had slowed down the over exaggerated warming up of her arms and I found I was slowly caressing my her shoulders and upper arms. I’m not sure what look I had on my face, but I felt my eyes must have been sharing what I was thinking, because just before the elevator bell announced the doors were opening I felt her staring at me with a look of amusement.
"Wow, what are you thinking about?" she asked as I was snapped back to reality by the sound of her voice.
"Huh? Nothing, I think I might be a little drunk, I kind of zoned out." I stopped rubbing her arms as the doors opened and we stepped on the elevator. I selected the floor and could see she was evaluating my face as we stood in silence.
"You wanted to get in to trouble tonight, in trouble, with your little friend from bar, didn’t you?" she said while giving me a little poke in the sides as the doors closed. I selected the 11th floor and being bold I replied, "Trouble, maybe. With her, no."
She showed no expression, but her face became flush and she looked away with a smile. For the first time, I began to feel a little nervous about the path I felt I was heading down. My sexual senses were beginning to heighten and I felt the warmth from all the blood being push throughout my body by my heart that was beginning to quicken in pace. I felt a change of subject was needed and quickly started talking about the guys we met tonight and how much fun they were. She talked a little about how, at first, catching the gawker staring at her breasts was kind of a turn on, but that quickly went away after she realized that was all he was doing. She was glad he disappeared.
"What didn’t you like about his business partner? He seemed to be selling himself pretty hard and was obviously waiting as long as possible to close the deal."
She laughed, "He overheard you turning down your college friend and I guess figured that was the easier close. She was pretty hammered. I hope she knows what she is doing."
"Or who," I said with a chuckle as the doors opened. We stepped off the elevator and I took notice of the ice machine.
We rounded the corner and slowed as we approached her room. "Besides," she said. "I’m glad I didn’t have to hurt his feelings."
I raised an eyebrow wondering what was coming next.
"I wasn’t going to be a bitch; he was nice and a nice looking man, but come on? I’m not you. I didn’t come here to get in trouble. Besides he wasn’t big enough." She said jokingly as she placed her hands on my shoulders looking at them from left to right. "I like my men big with broad shoulders."
She looked up at me and I felt the urge to kiss her. I wanted to feel my lips pressed against hers and the warmth of her tongue in my mouth. I felt she knew and wanted to kiss me too. There was a slight hesitation before removing her hands. As she did, she dropped her head and began to turn to her room door. I leaned in, "Too bad you’re not like me," I said softly ready to place a kiss on her forehead and wish her goodnight. As my head moved towards her she looked up to say something to me and my lips landed just to the left of hers. Completely taken off guard and not knowing what to do I left my lips there for a second and she didn’t move either. I pulled my lips away while raising my head.
"That was supposed to be on your forehead," I said with a partial laugh.
The look on her face was blank minus the little grin showing up at the corners of her mouth. Her tongue was licking the spot where my lips just were, "Don’t worry about it. Your lips taste sweet." Her words sent a wave of uneasy excitement through my body.
"I imagine that was the bourbon you taste," I replied nervously with my palms beginning to sweat.
I stepped backwards and told her I would see her in the morning and to sleep tight. I was going to grab another drink from the mini bar before I called it a night, but I needed to get some ice first.
"You’re going to keep drinking?" she asked sounding shocked.
"Yea, it is barely midnight and I want to take advantage of being out of town. The mini bar has vodka if you want to join me?" I said kind of in a low voice feeling like I was tiptoeing on egg shells.
"That sounds tempting, but I think I am going to bed."
With a feeling of relief I responded, "Suit yourself."
I walked down to my room replaying everything that just happened in my head while also remembering some things from the restaurant. A part of me felt like she had been putting out a vibe all night, but I wasn’t sure if it was for me and serious or for anyone and just having fun. I thought about what she said after I mistakenly kissed her and I guessed she could be fucking around. I stopped at my door and was about to swipe my key when I laughed out loud and shook my head at the thought of my coworker being interested in fucking me.
"What’s so funny," she said from down the hall, apparently having watched me walk the whole way to my room.
"Nothing, just replaying some things in my head from tonight," I replied back. "You enjoy your bed and I am going to go enjoy my nightcap," I said with a laugh.
"See ya," she said while stepping in to her room still grinning.
Once inside my room I let out a deep breath and my mind continued to race. "Was she really checking me out tonight or am I just drunk? If she didn’t want to kiss me why didn’t she move her head? Maybe she was drunk? She said my lips tasted sweet. Fuck."
I took off all my clothes and noticed in the mirror I was partially hard. "God, I am so turned on right now." I stepped in to my sweatpants and made my way to the mini bar. I grabbed a glass and a mini bottle of bourbon. I tried drinking it warm, but couldn’t handle it. I grabbed the bucket for ice and stopped next to the phone. I felt myself thinking about her naked body again and what it looks and feels like. I was angry at myself for even considering calling her, but the alcohol had lowered my inhibitions and being out of town in a new city made me a different person. I told myself, "If she doesn’t answer or denies my request for ice I will take that as my sign, have my drink, jerk off and go to bed." With a shaky hand I picked up the phone and dialed her room number. Before the first ring finished she answered.
"Um, hello," she said with a low voice.
"Hey, were you sleeping?"
"No, I just took my shoes off and plopped down on the bed. What are you doing?"
"Well, I got dressed for bed and poured my nightcap and tried to drink it warm. It is gross. I’m being lazy and I wanted to see if you could bring down some ice," I said in a nonchalant tone.
"Sure," she said with no hesitation. "Get out the vodka," she said as she hung up the phone.
I slowly lowered the phone and a part of me immediately regretted my call, but another part of me was once again feeling the nervous excitement. My heart began to race and I could feel myself getting hard at the thought of her being in here with me. I was considering putting on a shirt to help make my arousal less obvious, but before I could get too far in my bag there was a knock at the door. I opened it and she immediately stepped in to the room.
She wasn’t wearing any shoes, which made her shorter and she was still wearing the clothes from tonight, her short red dress and a black button up. She set the ice down next to the TV above the mini bar and looked at me. She had reapplied her red lipstick.
"Wow, you really did change for bed. That was fast," she said as I moved towards her with my glass.
She took my glass, dropped a handful of ice in it and handed it to back me. Trying to remain cool and calm, I took a drink, walked behind her, flopped down on the side of the bed and started looking for the TV remote. She was pouring her vodka and reached for a mixer in the mini bar. She bent over at the waist causing her skirt to raise almost enough to expose her panties. Her movement caught my attention and as she stood back up she looked in the mirror hanging in front of her. She caught me looking.
"Ha. She is totally teasing me right now. She has to be down with fucking," I thought as I shook my head with a smile. She was looking at me in the mirror and was slowly stirring her drink with her finger.
"What are you over there thinking about," she asked with an inquisitive tone as she put her wet finger in her mouth.
I turned my attention to the TV and started flipping through channels as I spoke, "I was just thinking about how long we have known each other and how for the first time since we’ve met, I have a strong desire to fuck you." As I finished my sentence I looked over at her to see her reaction. I could feel my buzz really starting to kick in now and the nervousness and reluctance I was dealing with earlier was no longer present. She had moved her finger back to her drink, but I think my candid response caught her off guard. She had stopped mixing it and stood there looking at me.
"What if I told you I’ve been looking at you all night and the only thing I keep thinking about is what you look like naked, how your mouth and pussy tastes and how much I want to feel myself inside you?" I stood up and took a swig from my glass almost finishing off my drink. As I stood there staring at her, I had a split second thought of two friends standing on a bridge looking at the water below. Jumping into the water was not allowed. They talked about it often, but knew it was wrong. The thrill of the jump is what they wanted and they both knew that they only needed one of them to go first and the other would follow. I took a couple steps towards her and I can see she was looking at my semi hard cock in my sweat pants.
"You’re speechless, huh? That doesn’t happen very often," I said as I grabbed her hand from her drink and sucked the alcohol off her finger. She let out a long sigh set her glass down and moved her hand down the front of my sweat pants.
"No one can ever know about this," I said sternly. She shook her head in agreement before speaking.
"I will take this to the grave," she said and leaned in to kiss me.
I reached up and grabbed the back of her hair and forcefully pulled her head back and began to kiss her hard. I dropped her hand, which she immediately used to start pulling down my sweat pants while she was still stroking me and I grabbed her breast with a strong grip. "Do you want fucked tonight," I asked with in a low voice with a deliberate delivery with my mouth next to her ear. "Do you want to feel my cock inside you," I asked as I let her hair go and moved both my hands to her breasts.
"I want you to fuck me all night," she said as she placed her mouth on my neck and began kissing down my chest.
"Not yet," I said, as I reached to unbutton her shirt.
"I want to see you." I got the first one undone easily, but the second one was a bitch. The anticipation of seeing her breasts was high and my patience was low. I fiddle with the second button as she managed to get my sweats around my thighs and she had both of her hands on my cock stroking me. "Fuck it," I said annoyed. I pulled her shirt open causing the buttons to fly in various directions. I paused for a second as my action startled her. I was waiting for her to express her disapproval but that never came.
"They’re just buttons, I can fix them," she said as she removed her hands from my cock and took her arms out of her sleeves, letting her shirt drop to the ground. She was wearing a dark colored bra and I could make out the hardness of her nipples in the center of each cup. She reached around to unhook her bra, "I’ll get this, I can’t have you breaking this one," she said with a smile. I looked in the mirror and saw the clasp come apart and moved my eyes back to her chest as the bra slid down her arms. Her breasts were large and round with small nipples that were light in color. They looked perfect.
I thought it weird how so little clothing could change so much. I scanned the parts of her that were exposed and I’ve seen her flat stomach before but without her top on it looked different somehow, sexier. I leaned down and placed her nipple in my mouth and massaged it with my tongue. She put her hands on my head and I licked to the underside of her breast, moved to her other nipple and then ran my tongue up her neck to her lips. She opened her mouth and again we were kissing hard and our hands were all over each other. I broke away, "Now where were we," I asked looking down at my cock.
She grinned and started to kiss down me like she did before. "I think I was about to put you in my mouth," she said in a joking fashion as she got to her knees.
She grabbed my cock and licked from my balls to the head of my cock while staring at my eyes. She squeezed hard as she stroked me forcing my precum to sit on the head of my dick. Still staring at me she placed her mouth over the end of my me, licked me clean and without hesitation pushed as much of me in her mouth as she could. I almost lost my load with her quick movement and let out a low groan.
"God your mouth feels so fucking good," I said while placing my hands on the side of her head. I slowly began to move my hips back and forth while she continued to stroke and suck me. I could feel the primal urge to dominate this woman build inside me as I started to force myself further and further in her mouth with each sway of my hips. Understanding what I was trying to do, she quickly reached around and grabbed my ass and forced my hips all the way forward until I was in the back of her throat. I was impressed with her talents, because even though I wasn’t huge, I wasn’t small and I only had one other person take me this way. After that each sway of my hips was hitting the back of her throat and she was sucking me hard. She slowly backed me out of her mouth and began to massage my balls with her tongue while she stroked me.
"Wow," I said reaching down to stand her up. "That is quite the talent," I said still thinking about being back in her throat.
"You can’t be a good whore if you don’t know how to do that," she said with a subtle laugh. Her use of the word whore sent a wave of excitement through my body.
"So you’re a whore," I asked as I reached my thumbs on the inside of her skirt near her hips.
"Not lately, but tonight I am. Don’t men like whores," she asked with a semi serious tone.
"They do if they are theirs," I replied as I moved my way down the front of her body lowering her skirt to the floor exposing her dark panties which matched her bra.
"Well, I’m your whore tonight," she said seductively as she leaned back on the dresser.
I smiled as I pulled her panties down to her ankles exposing the rest of her body. I sat back on my heels and ran my hands up and down her legs as I took in the sight of her completely naked. There didn’t seem to be a hair on her body. She had her drink back to her lips and was looking at me. I leaned forward and slid my hands up her body to her neck and then slowly moved them down across her breasts to her stomach, across her hips and to the inside of her thighs. She laid her head back and placed the sweating glass on the underside of her chin on her neck. The sight of her and the feel of her skin drove my excitement to a level that made my cock start to hurt it was so hard. I ran my tongue up the inside of her thigh and she spread her legs to give me access to her pussy. I licked up the outside of her pussy and rested my mouth over her clit without touching her. I slid my finger just inside of her and started to move in around. She was soaking wet.
I could hear her breathing heavily with anticipation and with a single motion I slid my finger all the way inside her while my tongue found her clit. She took a deep breath and said, "Fuuuuccccck," along with her drawn out exhale. I began to move my finger at a steady pace as I began to insert my second finger. My mouth was moving from licking to sucking her clit. She had set her drink down and had one hand on the back of my head as her other was rubbing her breast. I lifted her foot up on to my shoulder and I licked down from her clit to her ass. I moved from her ass, to her pussy, to her clit and back while my fingers worked in and out of her. When I moved back to her clit and started sucking hard she put both hands on the back of my head and uttered, "Right fucking there."
I kept sucking her as my fingers applied pressure to her g-spot. Her body shook like a wave had moved up from her feet to her head and she pushed me away as she told me she was cumming. I stood up and watch her as she experienced her orgasm. When it past she opened her eyes and grinned. A grin I had never seen before. "I need your cock in me," she said demandingly as she turned around and faced the mirror. I moved in behind her and found my way in to her pussy. I grabbed the back of her head and leaned forward to her ear while looking at her in the mirror.
"How do you want me to fuck you," I asked while I moved the tip of my cock in and out of her pussy. "Do you want it slow and gentle or do you want me to fuck you hard," I said as I gave a tug on her hair.
Still looking at me in the mirror with her head back she grinned and said, "I’m your whore tonight, I want you to fuck me hard."
Before she could finish her sentence I slammed my cock all the way inside of her and moved my hands to her hips. She yelped with surprise, lowered her head and said, "Fuck yes." I began to move my hips from side to side as I thrust my cock in and out of her. Her screams and moans were erratic and I tried hard to get as deep in her as I could with each movement of my hips. I pulled back on her hair so I could see her face in the mirror and told her I wanted her to cum on my cock as I smacked her across the ass. She winced with pain, but pushed her ass back against me letting me know she was into it. I started to fuck her harder and harder as I had a hold of her hair and stared her in the eyes.
"Cum on my cock whore," I demanded while I brought my hand across her ass a couple more times with less force than the first one. I let her hair go as I felt her body tense up and placed my hands on her hips. I felt the wave of ecstasy move up her body once again as she told me she was cumming. I pushed myself as deep as I could inside of her making her rise up and slowly began gyrating my hips. Her eyes were closed and again I could see all of her nakedness. I reached around and ran my hand up between her breasts to her neck and turned her face to mine. I kissed her and moved my hands back to her breasts. As her orgasm passed I pulled myself out of her and she turned to face me never leaving my mouth. She walked towards me until we both fell on the bed. She was straddling me as we kissed and I had my hands on her ass with my fingers nearing her pussy. I stuck a finger in her pussy getting it wet and moved it to her ass. She immediately set up and grabbed my hand moving it away.
"You can lick my ass all you want, but you aren’t sticking anything in it," she said sternly.
"You’re not that kind of whore, huh," I said jokingly as she shook her head with a smile.
Her tongue parted her lips as she reached down to find me. "I want to make you cum," she said as she stuck my cock back in her. "I want you to cum on my tits and in my mouth," she said as she began to move her hips around on top of me.
I said nothing and just watch her work as she moved her hips around and played with her tits. Her body was beautiful and for the first time the realization of who I was fucking occurred to me. All the things I wanted to know about this woman I was learning and I could feel the tension in between my legs begin to build. I reached up and stroked her nipples and told her how beautiful her body was. I gave her some encouragement and told her she was a good whore and to work my cock. She picked up her pace and began to moan. I felt myself getting close so I stopped her, rolled us over, spread her legs and started fucking with fast deep motions.
"Oh my God," she said as I continued to fuck her. "You feel so fucking good," she said between short breaths.
I felt myself about to cum and I leaned forward to put my face close to hers, "Tell me you want me to cum," I said in a low voice.
She reached her hands up to the back of my head, "I want you to cum on me, cum on my tits."
"I want to cum in your mouth," as I quickened my pace.
"On my tits," she demanded.
With that I pulled myself out of her and straddled her lower waist. I leaned forward and rested on my hand as I stroked myself. The buildup was intense and I let out a load moan as I exploded all over her chest. She reached up and took over where my hand was and the intensity didn’t stop as I kept cumming.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I kept saying feeling my orgasm throughout my whole body.
Just as I was about to stop cumming she pulled me towards her mouth and I was now straddling her chest. She took me in her mouth again and sucked me pretty hard as I could feel her tongue. She sucked me for a few seconds and I let out a large sigh and rolled off of her.
"Holy shit," I said, while wiping sweat from my forehead. "Who fucking knew," I asked in a subtle joking manner referring to the intensity of what we just did while looking at the ceiling.
I looked over at her and she was lying with her eyes closed, rocking her knees back and forth as she ran her fingers through the cum on her chest.
"What is going on over there," I asked setting up on my elbow.
"Nothing," she said opening her eyes and finding mine. She sat up and reached over and kissed me on my lips. "I can’t leave this room without a shower," she said as she got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom.
"OK. Do you want company or another drink," I yelled so she could hear me over the water.
She quickly popped her head back around the corner, "Yes", she replied. She was gone as soon as she said it.
"Yes? To which question," I thought as I lay there looking at the TV and hearing the shower curtain close. I began to think about her body in the shower and the water running down her back and across her ass. My cock started to get hard again and I started wondering if I could fuck her again. From our conversations in the past I know she wasn’t a fan of shower sex because she thinks it is awkward. But, she did say she was my whore tonight. I got up and poured myself another drink and took a couple gulps until it was gone. The alcohol warmed my body. I refreshed her glass, shut the TV off and opened the bathroom door.
"I have your drink," I told her as I closed the door behind me.


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