Nude Cam Chat - The History Of Livejazmin Refuted

by Freya34250904706234 posted Oct 15, 2015


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free porn webOriginal post here TL;DR: Girlfriend seems very supportive of her friend flirting with me, and her friend sneakily watches her give me a blowjob (but Im pretty sure my girlfriend let her, and knew Id be into it). So as for my original post, I was just loving the way everything was unspoken and sorta secret. Like, we all knew something was happening but it was always played off like it was just an accident or a joke, and nobody was overtly making any moves. And I know youre supposed to talk about these things openly but it just feels like were all on the same page already and Id be ruining everything if I mentioned it out loud. So let me pick up right where I left off since I didnt really tell the whole story. That same night, at some point during the blowjob Chrissie snuck away. I was a little disappointed but understood, maybe she felt bad or whatever. Alexis didnt finish me off with her mouth though; while I was still sitting she got up and closed the door, then silently did this swishy little sexy-walk over to me and straddled me. I slid right into her effortlessly and she rode me like never before. Our sex life has always been pretty great, but that night was fucking amazing. So clearly whatever was going on that night was getting us both excited! ..come to think of it, Im sure Chrissie heard us. Holy shit she must have. Heh. I cant believe I didnt realize it until now. So anyway. There was a little get together at our house the next weekend for card games and drinks, and we got a little tipsy. I was feeling excited the whole night, wondering if something else would happen this time too. Chrissie grabbed my ass at one point, and as soon as I had the opportunity I spanked hers pretty hard (which made her do this little yelp-squeal noise which I found adorable). So I was a little disappointed that nothing big happened but there was definitely some sexual tension. Alexis and I still continued to have better than normal sex, though, so I was happy either way! But this past weekend, we went over Chrissies house for a movie night. I decided to get a little more brave and see if I could push our boundaries a little. The girls had obviously been playing games and teasing me, and I decided to play along and make it more interesting for them. But they apparently had the same plan for me. When we got to Chrissies, she had just gotten out of the shower (but her hair was less wet than youd expect...). She was in her silk bathrobe that came down just low enough and hung just right that you could imagine every curve underneath it. She apologized for the mess in the living room and kept bending over to pick things up; she made sure to kneel in such a way that I could almost see right up her robe but not quite. I kept catching myself to not get caught staring but it was tough to avoid. Eventually she walked down the hall to her room, and as soon as she got to the doorway she pulled her belt loose and let the robe fall off her shoulders. I got a glimpse of her bare back and ass as she disappeared around the corner. I turned around to see Alexis grin and roll her eyes. She opened the wine, poured 3 big glasses and went to sit on the left of the couch. This is is significant because the couch sits 3 and she normally sits in the middle between Chrissie and I. I sat in the middle this time and gave Alexis a little foot rub to pass the time until Chrissie came out in her t-shirt (no bra) and thin cloth pajama bottoms. Not exactly victorias secret but still quite nice to look at. She sat to my right, we all covered up under her comfy-ass blanket and we started the movie. The reason I mention the foot rub is that after I was done, Alexis put her feet down and Chrissie put hers in my lap. I started to rub them too, which was a first for me. And even though Im not a foot guy, it was still kinda hot in a way. Not something you do for just anyone, you know? I started to get a little hard, and one of her feet brushed the tip of my dick. So we were back to the just an accident routine it seemed. I kept rubbing, and she left her foot there leaning against the head of my now fully erect cock. Just like before, there is no way she did not feel that! I left it there, and kept rubbing in such a way that I was moving her foot against it. She seemed to go with the flow, and moved her toes up and down the shaft accidentally. I had had enough of this. Enough pretending. I stopped rubbing, and Chrissie put her feet down. I put my left arm around Alexis and my right around Chrissies shoulders. They both leaned in on me, and Alexis put her right arm around my waist. Chrissies left hand found its way to my thigh, which she slowly stroked. I brushed my right hand down her shoulder, around her arm and she leaned back a little so I could reach around and rest it on her tit. Her nipple was already hard this time, and I didnt have to pretend it was an accident while I played with it and squeezed her breast. It didnt take her long to get bolder too. Her hand was already on my thigh but she moved it upward and inward until she found my dick. She brushed her hand over it, moved upward a little and slid her hand down the front of my pants and shorts. Her warm hand wrapped around my still hard cock and her pinky rested against my balls. We sat there silently like this, all pretending to watch the movie. Alexis ignored the obvious activity under the blanket while Chrissie just slowly stroked me up and down. This lasted a few minutes until I made a move; I turned to the left and kissed Alexis on the lips. She kissed me back a couple times and then got up. She winked at me, said I have to use the bathroom, so be good for a few minutes! I froze a little but took it as a playful warning, not a serious one. Chrissie and I removed our hands and we sat in stiff silence watching the movie (which wasnt even paused). A couple awkward minutes went by, and I started doubting whether I was in too deep. But I reassured myself; Alexis had to have seen or felt what was going on, and she had let Chrissie watch her give me a BJ. This was all orchestrated, she had been teasing me gradually for a long time and it was now about to pay off. I wasnt sure how Alexis would feel about kissing or fucking, but playing around seemed to be getting her insanely hot lately. So I leaned toward Chrissie again and put my hand on her thigh, started stroking it up and down, and she put her left arm around me. I scooted backward a bit so I could move my hand upward just a bit, and slid it down inside her pants (but not her panties). I could feel her soft mound underneath my fingers and it was hot like a furnace. I massaged it lightly, stroking upward and downward, not daring to go inside just yet. Eventually Alexis came out of the bathroom and her footsteps were really slow and soft. Since it sounded like she wanted to creep in and see a little show, I didnt pull away from Chrissie. I kept doing what I was doing and made no attempt to hide the motions beneath the blanket. She noticed. She stood there and watched, and I looked her right in the eye while I did it. I was half terrified, half ready to ravage the both of them. She stared at me with this burning look, and at first I thought it might be anger, until she walked forward and knelt down in front of me. She slowly pulled the blanket away from us, exposing what I was doing to Chrissie (who had begun softly moaning, as I had begun to press a little more firmly between her lips). Alexis pulled my pants downward and gave my cock a little kiss, just like last time. She looked up at me and said simply.. Dont kiss her on the mouth. Everything else is fair game. I wish I could say I was smoother, but all I could say was a quiet, trembling okay. * At this point Im getting a little tired, and I have been typing waaay too long. I hate to cut it off at this point, but I think a cliffhanger would make a great ending here. My-Smut-Account [1 comment]
