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Click on my name for the previous story called The Choir Trip or the first three parts of this story.
"Oh look," Kaylee snarled. "It's Ashley and her mini-me." Bailey laughed like the joke was funny. The two of them sat at the center of attention in the soprano section surrounded by their venue of vultures. Hilly had been similarly insulted by the pair when she arrived but chose to ignore them to get her music together for rehearsal. Looking up, she did notice something different with Ashley and Madison. Hilly remembered that Ashley had driven Madison home after the student council meeting. Thinking of her own study session with Ben, she smirked and wondered if they made use of their time together as well. Ashley looked over to gave Kaylee a snort and look of pity. "Is that all you got, Bi-Bitch?" It made Hilly chuckle that she dropping their new name for the duo in front of the whole choir room. "Bi-Bitch?" Bailey sputtered. "Two bitches in one," Ashley explained as she passed them by. "The only thing bi I see around here is you," Kaylee said with a wicked grin, like she was telling a deep, dark secret. Ashley took a deep breath and looked at her former friend. "I'm not bi. I'm gay." The choir room stilled as those waiting for the bell realized what was going on. Kaylee blinked. "What're you talking about?" "I knew you only used me to get off, but I can't believe I never realized what selfish bitch you are until this weekend." Hilly glanced over at Madison and saw a fierce look in her eyes as she watched Ashley speak. "That's a lie," Kaylee announced as he glanced to see everyone staring. "I've never slept with you." "That's half true, anyway. You'd let me get you off, just never returned the favor." Ashley looked at Bailey. "And you just sat there jilling off like we were your own private sex show." "You're lying," Bailey hissed. "That never happened!" Ashley shrugged. "I have no reason to lie." "No one will believe you," Bailey said, but Hilly noticed her looking away when she said it. "It's our word against yours." "Just be careful what you accuse me of," Ashley said as she leaned closer to the pair to whisper loud enough for Hilly to hear. "I know things about you. Maybe it would be best if you both just shut the fuck up." Kaylee's pinched lips held in whatever she was thinking until her face turned red, then she looked away like Bailey had. Satisfied with silence, Ashley walked up the steps to the back row to sit in her usual seat. Madison looked at Hilly long enough to give her a faint smile, then turned to follow Ashley and sat next to her. The buzz in the choir room returned as Hilly resumed putting her music together. She couldn't wait to find out what had happened after that student council meeting. The problem was Hilly couldn't talk to Madison at lunch because Ashley and Ben were with them, but it was obvious that things had changed with both couples. Ben was relaxed and funny, touching Hilly with a renewed intimacy after their lovely afternoon. Recalling what happened afterwards brought a subdued smile to her lips. Just as Hilly predicted, Ben had been asked to stay for dinner and she spent the whole meal tormenting him without being obvious about it to her family. When he left after the meal, she walked him to his car and detailed what she and Violet would be doing after she went to bed. She was sure either her parents or brothers were watching from the front window, so she kept her distance and gave him a little wave when he climbed into the car. It made her giggle to see him adjusting his pants as he sat. Musing on her afternoon with Ben made her see Madison's glances at Ashley in a new light. If they weren't lovers yet it wouldn't be long. Again she imagined them kissing and felt her core warm. It wasn't the idea of kissing her friend that warmed her, rather it was the certainty that Madison would find the same kind of satisfaction Hilly had found with Ben. Judging from the looks Ashley was giving back, she wanted Madison to be very satisfied. The four of them had hit an interesting balance during their daily lunches. With Ben and Ashley sharing some of the same classes, they found common ground to chat about school and people they both knew. Hilly hadn't told Ben what she knew about Madison and Ashley, but that day he began looking at Hilly with his eyebrow cocked and subtle nod in their direction, clearly asking if something was going on between them. Hilly shrugged and tried not to smile. When Hilly took the bus home, she was disappointed to see Madison walking to the parking lot with Ashley. It reminded her how much worse Madison must have felt watching Hilly connect with Ben during the choir trip, so she forced herself to let the feeling go. When they were further into the parking lot, Hilly grinned when she saw Ashley reach for Madison's hand. They glanced at each other and bumped shoulders before Ashley let go to dig her keys out of her purse. Yay! she thought as she resisted the impulse to clap for her friend. After school was full of martial arts classes and Hilly wanted to give Will the outline for the personal safety class she compiled. Ben had gone over it with her and given her a few good suggestions, so she gave it one last glance and emailed it over before she left with her brothers. Will added a few details later that afternoon but approved her plan for a Sunday night personal safety class and suggested flyers to promote it. By the time Hilly got home, ate dinner, did her homework, and designed a flyer it was too late to call Madison to catch up. On Thursday, Hilly decided to torment Ben all day before their next tutoring session. She put on a knee-length tartan plaid skirt over bare legs and a loose white top that she left open near the neck. She spent extra time brushing her hair smooth and held it back with a hair band. At the last minute she put on knee socks and swapped her sandals for loafers. The effect with her short stature made her look like a school girl wearing a uniform. Her brother Shane rolled his eyes at her when she came down from breakfast, but he shut up when she gave him a withering look. Mom pressed her lips in a thin line when she came in to eat her toast and coffee. "Aren't you a little old to be wearing that?" Mom asked. "What?" Hilly asked, looking down at herself and trying not to give away the game. "You look twelve," she said. "I do not," Hilly said, giving her modest bust a little help by squeezing her shoulders together. "If you get laughed out of school, don't say I didn't warn you." Mom shook her head, finished her toast, and left. Shane sighed as she left. "You're playing with fire, Hill. And you're lucky Dad already left. He'd have told Mom what wearing that will do to half the guys at school today." "You ain't seen nothin' yet," Hilly whispered. Between the time she left the house and walked to meet the school bus, she had pulled the shirt out of her skirt and tied it off under her bra to show her flat stomach. She had also put on bright red lipstick and pushed her skirt down low enough to leave a few inches bare under her navel. The conversation stopped as she walked up to the others waiting for the bus just like she'd hoped. Madison's wide-eyed expression of lust made Hilly a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't put herself out there and then complain about the reactions she got. "Holy shit," Madison whispered as Hilly stopped in front of her. "What?" Hilly said as she looked down at herself. "Is my skirt crooked?" "He is going to go insane when he sees you." There was no need to explain which he Madison meant. "Good," Hilly grinned. "Now, I need some details from you or I'm gonna go mental. What's been going on? I mean, yesterday with Ashley serving Kaylee and you two giving each other goo-goo eyes at lunch. Spill!" Madison blushed and looked away. "Ashley's so brave." The proud grin slipped out without Hilly really thinking about it. "What about you?" "Not so much," Madison sighed. "But I feel brave when I'm with her." "Something happened after your student council meeting." Hilly watched her reaction to the statement. Madison looked up at the sky and grinned. "Is it that obvious?" "Yeah, to me anyway, but I know you." "We have more in common than I thought at first. I mean, she had a crush on Kaylee for a while and kinda noticed me mooning around after you on the choir trip. So on the bus ride home we opened up and talked things out. It really helped." Madison looked at Hilly with a sad smile. "I can see how happy you are with Ben." "I am," Hilly beamed. "And I want you to have the same thing." "The more time we've spent together, the more I feel something for her. But I'm scared at the same time." Madison laughed and rolled her eyes. "I don't know what I'm doing." "Neither did I, but I trusted Ben and we figured things out. I can tell Ashley likes you. I bet you two can figure things out when the time comes." Madison blushed and nodded. "I was thinkin' about inviting her to stay over on Friday night to help with the swim party on Saturday." "God, I never thought about that," Hilly said as she chuckled. "You guys are so lucky that way. I'd give anything to have a night over with Ben. You have to do it." "You don't think it's too forward?" Madison asked. "I mean, if it was a guy I'd feel like I was throwing myself at him." "So just offer and let her decide. Even if she stays over you still don't have to do anything." The bus pulled up then leaving others too close to continue the conversation, but Madison had a thoughtful expression all the way to school. All morning Hilly drew more attention than she'd ever gotten before. It was a little scary when even the teachers' eyes followed her down the hallway, but she kept reminding herself when Ben saw her it would all be worth it. She made it to choir before Ben arrived and got whistles from the tenors and basses. Kaylee looked daggers at her, but didn't provide the usual bitchy commentary when she put her books under her chair. "What the hell?" Nathan hissed at her as she stood back up. Hilly saw anger and lust at war in his expression. "What is your problem?" "You look like a slut," he spat at her. The comment felt like a slap and woke her anger. "How I dress is my fucking business and you can keep your comments to yourself." "Did Ben ask you to dress like this?" He gestured to her with a dismissive wave as his eyes continued to sweep her body. "Why do you find it impossible that I might actually want to wear this?" "You're... you're..." He stammered trying to explain. "A girl," he finished lamely. "No, I'm a woman," Hilly said as she stood as tall as she could and thrust her chest out. "You're the one with the problem, Nathan, not me." His face turned red as he bit off his response for a moment, but it burst out eventually. "Jeez, Ben ruined you." Hilly was so angry she completely forgot where she was. "Oh my God! You think sex ruins women? You didn't seem too worried about that when you felt me up at that holiday party last year." "That was different." "Why? Because it was you?" Hilly laughed and looked him over with an expression of disgust. "Who I choose to have sex with is my business and having orgasms sure as hell doesn't ruin me. What kind of fucked up family life do you have where a woman can't express her sexuality without being called a slut?" Their loud conversation had drawn every eye in the room and there were murmurs of approval from many of the women in the choir. Nathan glanced around to see every eye in the room staring at him. Ben was standing by the door with his arms across his chest looking like he was about to explode, but Hilly didn't know how much of the conversation he'd overheard. Nathan turned and stormed out of the choir room, bumping his shoulder against Ben as he passed. For a moment Hilly was afraid Ben was going to go after him, then he crossed the room to stand in front of her. "You okay?" he whispered. "Pissed," Hilly answered. "But fine." "You look great." "I'm not wearing underwear," she whispered as her lips twitched. "Fuck." Ben shut his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "Hey, Hilly," Sarah said as she approached. She was an older alto Hilly didn't know well, but had been friendly in the past. "That was one of the best slap-downs I've ever seen." She held out a fist and Hilly bumped it. "Thanks," she said, but felt embarrassed by what she'd blurted out in front of most of her fellow choir members. "Hey, I wanted to mention I've got a personal safety class starting on Sunday nights if you were serious about coming." Hilly dug a flyer out of her book bag. "I'm interested, but let me check my schedule and give you a call." Sarah took the flyer and then a half-dozen others came up to ask for one as well. The choir director even took a flyer and ran off a small stack on the choir copier to hand out during his other classes. Madison and Ashley had missed the excitement, so during lunch Ben gave them a blow-by-blow of the slap-down that made Hilly blush. In his view, she was strong and fearless, taking Nathan down just as well with words as she could have with her her hands and feet. Hearing his pride did more to warm her core than a hot kiss. She continued to tease Ben about not wearing underwear each time they passed each other in the hallway. He slipped her a note before their final class that detailed what he wanted to do to her after school. She grinned as she read it, then tucked it into the same pocket of her purse that she'd hidden Violet. Again he was waiting by her locker after school to take her to his car. She held his hand all the way to his car, then kissed him before sitting down for him to close the door. While he walked around the front of the car, Hilly snuck Violet out of her purse and concealed it in her palm. "Ready to study some algebra?" he asked as he pulled out of the parking spot. Hilly didn't answer. She leaned back against the door and began to pull her skirt up while she raised her foot to the edge of the seat. "What are you doing?" he asked, sounding scared. When Violet began to sing her buzzy song, Ben moaned. "I'm going to drive off the road if you do that." "Do what?" Hilly asked as her furry mons appeared from under her skirt. Pushing the small bullet along her slit, she watched Ben split his attention between her and driving. "Fuck," he muttered. "You really didn't have underwear on." "Nope," she said as she opened herself with her fingers. The warmth spread quickly from her core to make her sigh. "I just figured I'd take care of myself on the way home so I can focus all my attention on you when we get there." "God, you're so hot," he murmured as he reached over to run his fingers up her thigh. She scooted closer so he could touch her easier. Feeling his thick finger slip inside brought her closer. "I love when you touch me." They got to a stoplight and Ben turned his full attention on Hilly. Moving his finger in and out, he matched the rhythm of her hips and brought out gasps of pleasure. Ben watching her made Hilly feel sparks. He licked his lips, then withdrew his finger to lick it with an extended tongue, his eyes on hers as a wicked grin spread across his lips. "Delicious." Honk! Ben had missed the green light and laughed as the impatient driver raced around him on the left. As soon as he could glance away, he reached over to brush up her leg and put his wet finger back inside of her. Hilly shut her eyes as the sensations overwhelmed her. She bit her lip as the buzzing toy and thick finger brought her over the edge. "Oh, fuck," Hilly murmured as she bit her lower lip. "I'm cumming!" Ben pushed in deep and pressed the magic spot to make her cry out and grip his wrist to hold his finger there. "I can feel you," he whispered. "It's so hot!" Hilly couldn't say what made it different. It could have been doing it out in public or maybe the combination of Ben and Violet, but she felt an intense pleasure that made her cum extra hard. Even though she didn't need to pee, some kind of liquid pulsed out of her to coat Ben's fingers and palm. In the moment she didn't care, but when her body stopped twitching she realized her skirt was damp. "Sorry," she said, feeling embarrassed she'd wet Ben's car seat. She went for her purse to get tissues to clean it up when Ben chuckled. She looked up to see him sniffing his wet hand. "Oh my God, I peed on you!" "Whatever it is, it's not pee," he said and gave his finger a tentative lick. "Definitely not salty." "I can't believe you tasted that," she gasped. "Why not? I love everything about you," Ben said quietly. That stopped her cold. "Ben?" "Sorry. Too soon?" he asked looking embarrassed. She scooted across the car to squeeze her arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. "Not for me." She was still floating when they arrived at her house and parked in the street. Ben turned in his seat to face her and pulled her close. She could taste herself on his lips as they came together for a long, open kiss. When they broke and looked at each other, Ben had a cute half-grin. "Let's go hit the books." Hilly left him downstairs to set up at the table while she ran up to change out of her damp skirt. When she took it off and smelled the spot she had to agree with Ben that it didn't smell like pee. She tossed it in her dirty clothes and put on a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. She grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair back into a ponytail on the way down the stairs. Ben looked a little disappointed for some reason when she came down. "What?" "Shorts?" "Mouth?" she asked with a cheeky grin as she finished tying her hair back out of the way. "Drop your jeans. I need an after-school snack." She didn't have to ask twice as Ben pushed his jeans and underwear down to his ankles and sat back down. Hilly knelt between his legs and brushed her hands up his thighs. There was a strong scent she associated with his arousal and she noticed the head of his cock was already coated with his precum. "I want you to fuck my mouth," she said, then licked the slippery tip of his cock. She took his hand and placed his fingers under her ponytail while his slick tasteless emission coated her tongue. "You feel amazing," he murmured as she pressed his head against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. When he tugged her head forward she obediently took more of his shaft into her mouth. His hips moved closer to the edge of the chair as he thrust towards her mouth. Hilly cupped his balls and ran her hands around the base of his shaft. Letting some of her saliva drip out of her mouth, she wet him to make it easier for her lips to move. Ben had closed his eyes and leaned his head back with an expression of lust on his face. His pleasure resonated in Hilly as she worked her hands up and down his shaft. She had done some research on giving good head and made sure he knew how much she wanted to do this for him with moans and hums. She didn't have to fake it, her mouth watered for more of his flavor and she eagerly responded to his direction. Feeling his balls moving in her hands gave her a wicked idea. She released him from her mouth and traced her tongue down to tickle his balls. He pulled away, but she pushed her tongue down deeper as he gasped and pulled at her hair. "What are you doing?" he asked. Hilly pushed him to lift one of his thighs and licked as far as her tongue could reach. Tasting his salty balls only whet her appetite for more and she sucked one fragile ball into her open mouth. He froze and quivered as her tongue traced around the hairy flesh. "Oh my god," he whispered and moved to allow her more room. "I'm shaking." Hilly just hummed in response, letting one heavy egg out to suck the other one in as gently as she could. She stroked his wet shaft while she continued to suckle his balls. Emboldened by his response she slipped a finger under his balls to reach between his cheeks. Touching his puckered flesh made him gasp and pull away, but a moment later he returned to push against her finger. He tugged her up to take his shaft into her mouth again, so she obeyed and tasted a fresh surge of precum on the head. One hand followed her mouth along his shaft while the other made circles against the hot spot between his cheeks. Ben scooted over the edge of the chair and opened himself to her fingers. She could taste him more strongly as he pulled her head down to force his head into the back of her mouth. Timing her motions to match his pace, she pressed the tip of her finger into him as her tongue tickled along the front of his head. "Oh fuck," he hissed. "I'm gonna cum." He began tugging harder and flexing his legs to push further into her mouth. She held her breath and tried to swallow his head down with each thrust. The tight ring of muscle at the pad of her finger opened for a moment and she slipped her fingertip inside her boyfriend. He was as hot as an oven. Submitting to his control was satisfying as he pressed his cock deep in her mouth, but her subversive finger became her whole focus for a moment. She knew how wonderful it felt to be full of Ben and was curious if he might secretly feel the same way. Ben jerked and twitched as she sucked harder on cock and sunk her finger to the second knuckle. He was soft inside, like she was, except for one spot that quivered as she touched it. His body tensed and he cried out her name. She felt the ring of muscle around her finger tighten, then pulse like mad. Her mouth flooded with the flavor she'd been craving and she let him thrust as she swallowed it down. He kept moving to the end, caressing her head and face as he met her tearing eyes. She let him rest for a moment in her warm mouth, then released him to kiss his head one last time before opening her mouth to show him the last few pulses she'd collected on her tongue. "Yum," she said, then closed her mouth to visibly swallow the last of him down. He shuddered at the sight and collapsed against the chair. She allowed her finger to slip out of his ass and rose to her knees to lean in and kiss him tenderly. "I've never felt anything like that," he whispered. "I never knew it was possible to feel that good." "That's how you make me feel all the time," Hilly said as she searched his face. "Every time we're together I think it can never get any better, but then it does." Ben smiled back at her then pulled her close. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. "I know," Hilly said and kissed him tenderly. 1Pz1n4X hilly_and_ben 1T0Te7I 1T0Te7I

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