Gorgeous Blonde Nude - Six Warning Signs Of Your Nude Skinny Girl Demise

by DarlaBarringer0 posted Oct 15, 2015


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naked people imagesNote: Everything in this story actually happened. Embellishment in the writing is done just to make it flow and sound better when read. Quotes are as I remember them, most aren't exact. After our trip Senior year, James and I (Robert) grew apart a bit. We actually ended up attending the same college, near the town I met him in but we both got busy with school, jobs, and family. Every once in awhile we'd text one another about sports or the occasional what's up but we didn't see each other for almost 14 months. One random Saturday I get a text from James saying we should head to a local wing place and watch some football. I wasn't doing anything so I agreed. We chatted like normal and everything was like it used to be. This spawned a month period where we hung out once a week. Playing games, watching sports and drinking. The final time time he decided to stay the night at my apartment as we he'd drank more than he should. I made him a spot on the couch and we both headed to bed. I sleep with my door open most night, particularly during the summer. It kept the air circulating well in my old apartment. This night I'm glad that was the case. 20 minutes after we'd both gone to bed, I hear this ever so quiet tapping noise. Figuring it was rain or maybe the neighbors I paid no attention. It got to a point though where curiosity got the best of me. I walked out of my room and froze in my tracks. I hadn't turned the corner to the living room yet but I identified what the noise was; James had started jacking off. His breathing was heavy and the recognizable sound of the tap of flesh on flesh was ringing through the room. He was a pretty open guy about his sexual tendencies. He talked all the time, in detail, about hook ups he had and jokes about his "alone time". This wasn't the first time he's jerked off while staying with me ( we went through puberty while hanging our, it was bound to happen) so I wasn't shocked. In fact I'd actually caught him doing it before. I'll throw in a note at the bottom with that story, but I digress. A tent had suddenly appeared in my pants and all my raw feelings for James were getting me hard. I refrained from grabbing my dick, so as to not alert him by the sound and from fear of jizzing instantly. I stood and listened for a couple minutes. Eventually I heard him grunt and the tapping become irregular and wet. I scurried back to my room, dropped my pants, sat down and shot a load all over myself. I heard him go to the bathroom, presumably to clean himself and I wiped up my mess as well. Morning arrived and he was blissfully unaware of what I had heard and what I'd done the night before. We said our goodbyes and he was on his way. The holidays arrived sending both of our schedules into chaos. It wasn't until his birthday that I saw him again. I attended the party, made small talk with people and got shit faced very quickly. I asked James if I could stay over and he obliged. Apparently he had met a girl that night and they proceeded to bone late into the evening. It lasted quite awhile, maybe from the alcohol but it was pretty loud and clear what was happening in there. Grunts, moans, and "Oh ya"s filled the apartment. Annoyed initially by the sounds, I eventually became turned on. Naturally I tugged one out listening to him from the next room. A splitting head ache greeted me the next day, as did James. The girl had left already and we talked over cereal about the night before. He jumped up and got in the shower as I packed my stuff. When I heard the water turn off and door open I was surprised to see him in only a towel behind me. "Forgot my clothes" chuckling as he shuffled to his room. That was the first time I'd seen his body since there had been cum all over it two years prior. His chest was more defined and with hair sprinkled in here and there. He'd let the happy trail grow up past his belly button, down the middle of his lightly cut abs. I almost fell from the weakness in my knees. I finished packing and headed on my way. Every desire I had came back, these not so easily quenched by jacking off. Constantly thinking about his dick and the things I'd do to him. I decided I wanted to act on it. A few days after his party I invited him over for a day of drinking and video games. He excitedly agreed and arrived about an hour later. We'd played at least seven games of Madden and gone through half a bottle of a Fireball together by this point. Every once in awhile I'd brush my leg against his, never flinching or moving away. He didn't seem to mind and in fact I think he grazed me a couple times. Midway through our eighth game he said, "It's kind of hot in here. Do you mind?" and without another word pulled his shirt over his head and off. "Ya. It sure is" I responded, taken aback by his suddenly half naked self. I took notice instantly that he had shaved and not like couple days ago, but a couple hours ago. Completely smooth up and down his stomach, his chest hair trimmed back. Did he anticipate a reason he'd have his shirt off? I tried to keep my eyes off of him as much as I could but it proved very difficult. We finished the game (which I lost handily, seeing as I was playing with only one eye) and he exclaimed, "I'm bored with Madden. What should we do next?" "I... I dunno." I answered. Maybe it was the way he said it or just the feeling I had but I took it as a go ahead. In one motion I moved my head down toward his crotch and kissed his cock through his pants. He let out a sigh, like one after you take a drink of ice water on a hot day, so satisfied with himself, as if it was his plan all along. I knew he was as horny as I was and I couldn't have been happier. Leaving a wet spot on his shorts, I worked him through the cloth. He apparently had enough waiting, pulling his boxer briefs and all down to his ankles. I dove on his dick furiously. He seemed surprised, pleasantly, at my excitement. Swirling my tongue around the tip, jerking in sync with my sucking. I was so involved in his dick I hadn't noticed he started stroking mine. In the heat of the moment I chose to take it farther than last time. More than just a "bro job". I removed my lips from his cock and placed them on his stomach. I kissed along his torso up to his nipples. I can almost still feel his supple soft skin on my lips as I type this. I flicked the tip with my tongue and he groaned and winced in pleasure. I moved back down, refocusing my attention on his member. I jacked him quickly onto my tongue, rapidly approaching his climax. "Stop!" I glanced up at him and he was almost unable to talk. "Take off your pants" he breathed. I jumped up and pulled them to the ground. He seemed to want to absorb my body with his eyes. I sat back on the couch as he bent down and placed his mouth around my cock. Ever so timidly he moved up and down. He didn't use tongue but just wrapped his soft lips around my tip. I was in heaven, a wonderful version of heaven that is. He discovered my balls with his hands and I was getting really close. I put my hand along his back and told him, "I'm gonna cum" He stopped sucking and jerked me to completion. Jizz exploded all over my torso and some landed on the couch. I wasn't proud of how quickly I came, but god damn it was hot. I caught my breath and desperately wanted to return the favor. Starting back on him, up and down all around his shaft, he warned me it wouldn't be long. Similarly to last time, as he ran his fingers through my hair and exclaimed in pleasure, "I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum right now" I'd never tasted jizz in my life, not even my own. I wanted to repay him for what he'd done though so I just instinctively went for it. "Robert, stop I'm gonna cuuu... OH!" It was almost a yell of excitement as he started to jizz. He sighed and moaned with every squirt coming from his head. He was bent over, hands on my head, almost shaking from the pleasure. I sucked every ounce of it out of him. It wasn't the best texture, it tasted like bland nothing-ness and I sort of felt gross afterwards but it was worth his reaction. I teased his dick hole with my tongue, as he shivered at every touch. I pulled up eventually and his face was to the ceiling, eyes closed. I stood up first and went to the bathroom to clean up. I walked out with a towel to get the jizz off the couch. I looked at James and we locked eyes. He kind of chuckles for a second and gathered himself, putting his pants back on. We sat back down, played another game and he took off for the day. There is more and if people are still interested I'll put it in writing. It'd be a couple days before I get time to write the next one though, as it'll be a bit lengthy. Catching him jerking off: I noted above that I'd caught him pleasuring himself once. It isn't very long so it doesn't warrant it's own story, plus it's slightly more comical and less hot. We were both 14 or 15 and I was staying at his house. We're watching TV and he said he needed to take a shower. I jumped up left the room and I continued to watch television. My phone was slowly dying and I needed my charger from my bag, which was in his room. I left the couch and headed up stairs. I opened the door, assuming he was in the shower but instead he was sprawled out on his bed, in broad daylight furiously masturbating. I vividly remember his balls bouncing as he pounded his dick up and down. His eyes grew about three sized in that moment, as I stood in shock of what I'd walked in on. "Uhhhhh" he said. "S-sorry James" I spit out as I shut the door and left. I ran back downstairs where is brother was in the kitchen. I proceeded to tell him what I saw and he laughed hysterically, recalling a couple instances of the same thing happening to him. We poked fun for the rest of the day as James sat red faced. Big_Ole_Throwaway
