Teen Sexy Girls - 5 Ways You Can Use Erotic Female Nudes To Become Irresistible To Customers

by JessieTramel0077360 posted Oct 15, 2015


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Part 1 I did as I was told and soon my view was completely eclipsed by her ass. This view can be really intimidating – butts are much larger than faces (especially hers). I heard her flick a switch and her vibrator sprung to life. The vibrating sound and her moans did not muffle the sounds of her farts. My god, she was gassy. Was she holding it in that whole time? It was hard to breath with her putting her weight down the closer she got to cumming. This time when she came she came a lot and with the way we were positioned, it completely soaked me. She did this a few more times until she tired herself out again. On her final one, she collapsed and put her full weight on my face this time. The weight wasnt an issue, but I couldnt breathe. I started struggling and she sprung up with a shriek "Ooh my! I forgot you were down there! You’re covered in my cum servant. As hot as that is, we should get you cleaned up. Come to the kitchen with me." As I stood up, she grabbed me by my cock and led me into the kitchen, tugging just slightly. She toweled me off a bit, and thinking we were done I spoke out of character "Hey Gina, tonight has been amazing. I never imagined I’d be doing these things with anyone, much less the girl of my dreams." She looked at me kind of funny and said mockingly "Aww, servant, that’s cute that you think the night is over. It’s only 9 o’ clock, and we haven’t even eaten dinner yet. Speaking of which, I’m starved. Shall we eat servant?" My mind had to stop for a moment to take in all that had happened, which led me to the question of what could possibly be next? I was sure that whatever it was, I could perform for her as I had so far. While pondering all this, I almost forgot she asked me a question. I quickly blurted out "Yes that would be great queen. I’m not picky so don’t worry about me, I’ll eat whatever." With a suspicious grin, she replied "Perfect." She started putting together a huge salad inside a large serving dish. It looked delicious, and I was actually really hungry considering we had been at it for a while now and we didn’t eat while at the bar. As she was finishing up the salad, she looked at me and said "Ready for dinner?" to which I shook my head. She told me to stay put while she got something. When she came back she had one of those sleep masks and told me to put it on. I wondered why I needed to put on a mask to eat dinner, but my thoughts were interrupted by her leading me by my cock to where we would be sitting. Only when I sat down, I noticed something wasn’t right. There was no bottom to this chair. It was like one of those toilet seats you sometimes see elderly people use in the shower, and before I could really assess the situation she cuffed my hands to the handrails. Instantly I knew this was going somewhere dark, but my commitment to making her happy, combined with the last 4 hours of excitement wouldn’t allow me to think properly. I heard some noise that sounded like she was setting the table. She took the blindfold off and pushed me up to the table and I finally spoke up and said "What’s going on Gina? What is this?" to which she replied "We’re going to have dinner servant. Don’t worry hun, you’ve come this far. I’ve never seen such commitment to servitude before. You’ll do great. Believe in yourself." She slowly made her own plate and the wonder was beginning to kill me. Why am I cuffed to this chair? Why am I not in a normal chair? The seconds spent watching her make her plate felt like hours. When she was finally done, she pushed it all aside and started to climb onto the table. She crawled on the table on all fours, facing me with her big ass in the air as I watched her inch towards me. She got closer and closer until she was face to face with me. She whispered "I love you, servant." She then kissed me passionately. Afterwards, she grabbed the glass she had set the table with and pressed it to her dripping pussy. "Thirsty?" Without waiting for my answer, she began filling the glass with her piss. We had a lot to drink earlier so it was as clear as water almost. When the cup was full, she slowly pulled it away and took a sip. Watersports wasn’t a new concept to me and I actually found this incredibly exciting. When she offered it to me, I greedily swallowed every drop I could. "Save some dear, you’re going to need it to wash your food down." Ah yes, food. I was starving so I couldn’t wait to be spoon fed by this beautiful woman. She started to turn around so that her ass was facing me, and I thought she was about to grab the salad bowl but to my surprise she didn’t. She leaned over so that her ass was straight out in the air, pointed directly at my face. She was still about a foot away from my face but she started inching back until her asshole was pressed firmly against my face. It was at this point that I realized what was about to happen… and this is where our story began. How could I not see this coming? Does she even love me or is she just using me as some sick play toy? I got the nerve to speak up and said "Gina, are you about to do what I think you are?" and after a long sigh she replied "What’s about to happen is that I’m going to take a shit on this plate, and feed it to you. I want to be inside of you; be a part of you. Also you are not in that chair by mistake. In that chair I have very good access to your balls so if you refuse or struggle you will not make it far. I swear to you that everything I’ve said tonight has been genuine. If you can handle this part of me, we can do anything together. After you’re done you can fuck my ass if you want! Hahaha…" At this point I contemplated an escape, which I think she realized because she immediately grabbed a whip that she had stashed out of view while I was blindfolded and gave me what she called a "warning tap" on my balls. I yelped out in pain and all thoughts of escape were gone. Before I could speak up to let her know I would do it, she barked "Your queen grows impatient, servant. You must thank me for the gift I am about to bestow upon you." With that said, she jumped back on the table, ass in my face and said "Now kiss both of my cheeks… Good. I’m going to pull my cheeks apart and you’re going to press your lips firmly against my hole, stick your tongue in, and tell me what you feel." I did as I was told, and as soon as I extended my tongue I felt a puff of gas and heard the slow hiss of her fart. "Your farts are delicious my queen. Thank you." I said, without prompt, hoping it was just a false alarm and I wouldn’t have to eat her feces. "You shouldn’t thank me yet… check again." I didn’t have to stick my tongue in to recognize that her asshole was now slightly agape and the tip of a dark brown turd was sticking out. I froze. "Stick. It. In." she barked. I did as I was told. The taste was the bitterest thing I had ever tasted in my life and I gagged a few times, but I was surprised by the taste. It was horrible, but manageable so far. Maybe I could do this. "MMM, is my chocolate too sweet for you servant?" she said shyly. "Not at all queen, my mouth is watering for your tasty treat. Please shit in my mouth." Even Gina was surprised by my words. "You’re such a good servant! Unfortunately for you, you require additional training before I can go directly in your mouth. Sadly you might choke if I were to jump straight to that. I’m going to serve you your meal now. After I’m done plating your dinner, you will clean my ass out with your mouth and eat anything that’s left over. Understood?" "Yes my queen." I replied. She squatted over the plate and spread her cheeks for me to get a better view. There was a long silence, followed by a cute sexy teen grunt and she was obviously struggling to go. "It’s a big one. Even after all that tongue fucking my little asshole still can’t accommodate." Just as she said that, the little tip that I had tasted earlier started to emerge slowly. It kept growing and growing; I didn’t think it would ever stop. Time seemed to slow down as I watched this beautiful woman preparing to feed me her feces. It reached a maximum of about 2 inches in diameter, and it was very thick and dark brown in color. She strained and the turd fell onto the plate. I was relieved, as it was only 3 or 4 inches long. She didn’t move and I looked up to her face to see her still straining. "I’m not done yet, servant." She squeezed out another log about half the size of the first, this time it appeared much softer and it even tapered down to a tip, so I was sure she was done. Unfortunately I was wrong, as she finished with a very liquidy explosion that splattered most of the plate. "Ahhh", she exclaimed. "That was such a relief." The smell permeated the air. It’s all I could smell, and it was awful. I felt sick to my stomach but before I had time to contemplate what was going on, her ass was once again in my face and she demanded I clean her. The last explosion left her very dirty. She pulled her cheeks apart and I looked at the impossible task ahead of me. She said "Get in there and don’t come out until it’s spotless.. and don’t forget to thank your queen." … "Thank you queen" was all I could get out before she pushed my head into her ass and held it there. "Think you can lick your way out? Hehe!" It was disgusting, like something out of a nightmare. After about 10 minutes of this, I had thoroughly cleaned her ass. I felt like there was no way I could eat an entire turd after that. She looked down at me and said "You know how you wanted to eat straight from my ass? Well, I think I left a little bit in there. It’s not much so you shouldn’t choke but you will get to know what it’s like to eat fresh from the source. Form a seal with your open mouth over my asshole right now if you want it to not be messy." This actually excited me greatly. I was becoming adjusted to the taste of her shit and at least this way I was able to enjoy her ass. I pressed my mouth to her anus and almost immediately I could feel her pushing and then shortly after my mouth was nearly filled with more of her liquid shit. The force that it came out with was impressive. "Don’t swallow. It took you a while to clean my ass and your meal is cold now. I’m going to heat it up in the microwave for you. In the meantime, savor your treat." As she finishes her sentence, I notice that I’m not gagging anymore. I even found myself thinking about how I can’t wait to be good enough to eat an entire turd straight from her ass. When she gets back and tells me I can swallow, I tell her this. "I’m happy for you, and believe me I can’t wait either." She picks up a fork and knife and begins cutting her turd like a summer sausage into bite size pieces. I was unsure how I would handle an entire turd off of a plate, but I knew I would not let Gina down. She picks up a piece with the fork and scoots closer to me, "Open your mouth. You may chew your food but you are never to swallow until I give you permission." I do as I’m told and the first piece enters my mouth. The flavor explodes in my mouth and I feel Gina’s hand reaching for my cock. "I’m going to keep you on the verge of cumming for the rest of your meal. This will condition you to associate my shit with pleasure." Soon enough I began feeling like I was going to cum, but Gina knew how to tell if I was going to cum and always stopped one stroke too soon. This went on for the entire meal, which lasted a lot longer than I thought it would because Gina kept forcing me to chew every piece excessively so that I could "truly savor every morsel", in her words. By the end of the meal, I was very full and my cock was ready to explode. When I was done eating and had licked the entire plate clean, Gina asked if I was doing okay. "Okay. Let’s drop the roleplay. You’ve been through a lot tonight, Michael. If you’re feeling alright, you’re welcome to fuck my ass now. You earned it." She said as she uncuffed me from the chair. I stand and stretch, the chair she strapped me in was very uncomfortable. After eating that entire turd I’m quite parched so I pick up the half full glass of her piss from earlier and finish it all in a couple quick gulps, sad that it’s no longer warm. Without saying a word, I come up behind her and push her onto the table, pushing her down into it hard. I kneel behind her and spread her cheeks and start tonguing her asshole again to get it ready for my cock. I can still taste her shit in my mouth and on her ass. Once she’s warmed up, I push my cock into her puckered asshole. Almost without effort, it swallows my cock whole. I began pumping and almost immediately came from the excitement of the night and her edging me for so long, but I didn’t care. I removed myself from her, and she turned around and gave me a big warm hug. She spoke softly "I love you. Now clean my asshole." nexrae

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