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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

hot girls cummingShe has never felt this hot in her life. Her entire body feels like it is on fire. White hot fire. When she brings one hand up to squeeze one of her little tits the pulse makes her ass hump the air and draws a groan from her lips. His eyes open at that. She smiles up at him. Ellie lets go of his cock and slowly climbs onto the other end of the couch. Laying on her back she spreads first her legs and then with her hands she spreads her sopping wet pussy open. Looking him in the eyes. "Eat me daddy. Lick my little pink pussy. Please." she begs. Martin is lost and he knows it because he does not even think about it. Rolling towards her his hands run down her thighs. Squeezing them as he leans down. One long lick. She tastes so hot and so sweet. She moans deeply and he takes another lick. Her cunt is dripping wet and he bends his neck so lick one of the wet lines on her thigh. "Ohhhh yesssss." she moans. He licks all the way back to her spread pink folds. Pushing his tongue into her and smashing his face against her crotch. Wet sex sounds. The scent flooding his senses. He stabs his tongue again and again into her as she grinds up against him. His hands slide up her body. Cupping both of her tits. First he squeezes them. Soft and yet firm. Then his fingers find the rock hard little pink buds on top. He pinches down on them and she smacks her crotch against his face. Licking up her slit he finds her clit. It is also pink and sticks out clearly from it's hood. He sucks it into his mouth and her moans get deeper and louder. Pulling on her nipples and sucking on her clit together. "Yessss daddy. DO IT! Do it hard." He does. Sucking and tugging. A fast rhythm. Her hips pumping. Breath coming in gasps. Cum bubbling up out of her burning cunt. Minutes pass. He is tugging hard on her nipples pulling even more gasps out of her mouth. Sucking violently on her pink clit. "Cummmminggggggg." She howls. Her whole body convulses smacking against his face hard. Cum gushing out of her. He moves his mouth down wide open. Tongue slurping and lips sucking. Drinking the flood. She moans and bucks and..... S C R E A M S! Ellie takes a huge gasping breath and pulls at him. Drawing him up and rolling her hips back. Both of her hands go to her sore ass. She has dripped down and the ring of her butt is wet and slippery. She forces two fingers from each hand into it. Pulling and groaning as she does. She can see his cock hard and thick again. "Do it daddy. Fuck my ass." He supports himself on one hand looking down. One hand grips his cock and aims it at her asshole. Her fingers slide back and wraps around his cock to pull it into her. He thrusts forward. Sinking in. Ellie lets go and wraps her arms and legs around him. Her strong trim legs pull him in deeper. "I am your slut now. Fuck me. Fuck me hard." she begs. Martin groans hips not resisting her efforts at all. So tight feeling the slippery cheeks pressing against him. His face is close to hers as he buries himself all the way inside. Her pretty features flushed. Eyes wide and filled with lust. "Nobody else touches you! Nobody!" he says strongly. "Nobody but you daddy. Ever!" she repeats. He kisses her, Mouths wide open. Tongues chasing each other. Deep and hot. A long pulsing kiss as his hips start to move. Her ass grips him tight but there is still cum leaking out of her pussy and he thrusts with long deep sweeps. He pounds into her. Kissing and she is urging him on every second. Her feet kicking against his back. Her butt lifting off the couch only to be slammed down again. Harder and faster with each passing moment. Both are drenched in sweat. The sounds echoing off the walls. Moans and grunts. Cries and groans. He drives into her over and over again. Wet hot flesh merged together. She pulls one hand down and rubs her clit hard. More wet sex sounds. With a mighty groan he stabs deep into her and sprays his hot sticky cum. She screams a moment later as she flings herself over the edge. Clamping down on him and shaking hard. It is an endless thing. Even as the spurts die down he keeps grinding. Lost in an ocean of pleasure and not wanting to stop. When he finally slumps down on her body she pulls her hand out from between her legs and clings to him. They both pass out. Locked together on the couch. The next morning... He wakes up on his side. Ellie is pressed up against him. Someone having grabbed a blanket in the night. Body sore. His eyes open slowly to find her looking at him. "Good morning daddy." she says softly. He smiles and lets his eyes close. Arm going across her chest to pull her in tight. Drifting. Slowly the events of last night play out in his mind. He starts to tense. Guilt. Oh dear god the guilt. How had he let this happen? How could he ever undo it? Would she ever forgive him? "Honey." he says softly. "Don't" "Don't what?" "Don't say it was wrong or bad or anything. Just please don't." "Honey but..." "Please daddy don't. If you love me. Really love me, don't ruin it." "I.... " "Give it a week." "What?" "A week. We will both call in sick. Give it seven days. Then... Then if you still think it is wrong we will go back to the way we were. Promise." she says. "How long have you been awake?" "Long enough to think about it. To realize what you were going to say and to decide what I really want. All this time I thought I was trying to get you to go after other girls. But I realize now that was not want I really wanted. This is. Can I tell you a secret? When I let those other boys do things to me? I always thought about you. I just.... never admitted it to myself." He holds her close and considers. Thinking of how angry it made him to think of her with them. Images he did not want in his head. Torn. The guilt was still there. His innate sense of right and wrong was screaming at him. He could make it end now. force her to go back to just being his daughter. Find a way to protect her from those vile boys. He could do it. He should do it. He must... "One week. Then I will decide." he says slowly. She kisses him with a quick smack of the lips, "Goody! I want you to treat me like a slut. I want you to whip my ass and fill me with your cum. Put me on my knees. Bend me over the table. Anything and everything. I am your sex toy my beloved daddy." His cock stirs. Committed now. She giggles and reaches down to stroke his dick. "But I think we need a shower now. Will you wash me daddy? Wash your little fucktoy?" she says gently pumping his cock. "Oh hell yes." he says. In the shower... Humans are amazing creatures. They can convince themselves of anything. Martin has pushed all his doubts and fears off to one side. He tells himself in a week he will think about them again. Until then he is just going to go with it. Throw away all the rules and all the taboos. Just enjoy it. As they stand in the warm water he runs his hands over her trim young body. The water making it slick as she presses back into him. Her nipples hard from the water. Almost purring. He pours soap down her chest. The golden liquid smells sweet. His hand glide over her skin and produce foam. Down between her legs. She giggles a little and puts a foot up on the edge of the tub. "Better make sure I get really clean down there daddy." she says with a soft little laugh. "That is the plan princess." He spends a lot of time running his hands over her crotch and thighs. She is purring by the time he is done. Then he pushes her forward. Her hands go against the wall and he squirts soap down her back. She wiggles her bottom as he squeezes and works the soap over her. Pulling her upright he turns her around so the water will rinse off the soap. She is smiling as she reaches for the soap. A big squirt across his chest and he watches as she lovingly works it into a foam. Her hands working slowly down. Martin sighs just as little as her small hands wrap around his mostly soft cock. Ellie works the soap around into the hair at it's base and gently across his balls. She leans in and whispers in his ear, "This is mine now." "Yes. Yes it is." he whispers back. She kneels down. Working soap down his legs as his dick slow thickens. Ellie slides back and lets the water rinse the soap off. Then she takes his manhood back in her hands. Softly stroking it. She leans forward and kisses the tip. Running her tongue over it as her fingers move slowly. She sucks the head into her mouth as it gets harder. She keeps going until it is nice and hard. Then she makes him turn around. Spraying more soap down his back. Hands moving in big circles. She gets his back and then his ass all foamy. Down his legs. When her hand goes between his cheeks he almost jumps. Ellie giggles. When all the soap is rinsed off her arms snake around his body. One hand grabbing his dick and the other cradling his balls. She strokes him slowly. Very nice. But then he feels her pretty face pressing against his butt. He groans deeply when he feels her tongue snake between his cheeks to tease the tight ring of muscles. His cock gets really hard. "Told'ja I would do anything for you daddy. Even the slave kiss like this." she says. She pressed back and her tongue stabs into him a little. He closes his eyes and puts his hands on the walls of the shower because his legs suddenly feel a little rubbery. "You know there is one big thing we have not done yet." She says while her hands slowly move. "Oh?" "You have not fucked my little pussy yet. My hot teen pussy wants your cock. Bad." He reaches back and pull her to her feet as she stands up. He kisses her long and hard. Squeezing her ass. "Well then lets get you dried off. Cause daddy's big cock wants your hot cunt too." "Yea!" she exclaims. Out of the shower and big towels come into play. He noticed he does not even lose his hardon. Soon she is heading out of the bathroom. Without his saying a word she goes right into his bedroom. Climbing onto the bed on all fours she wiggles her cute little bottom at him. "God you are beautiful." he says in awe. Bending down her spreads her open. Licking down the crack of her ass and across the soft folds. Long slow licks and she sighs and presses her face against the blankets. It does not take very much effort before he starts to taste the sweet cream from inside her. When he pulls back and flips over and moves up to put her head on the pillows. Spreading her legs wide. Her hands running over her tits. Nipple hard little pink points. "Do me daddy. You know I am on the pill. Fill me with your cum. Please." she purrs. Lust thick in her voice. Martin moves onto the bed and between her legs. His cock so hard it almost hurts. It juts out of his body like a spike. His hands run over her body and then he leans down. Face only inches from hers. He wants to see her eyes as he takes her. One of his hands reaches down and puts the head of his cock against the entrance to her wet needy depths. She looks up at him. With a slow push he enters her. So tight. He works his hips back and forth a little as his hands come up into her hair pulling it back and tight against her head. She is already breathing a little hard and there are little groans and gasps as he slowly sinks into her. When his cock is buried all the way to the hilt her back arches and she grinds against him. "I love you daddy. Now fuck me. Fuck me hard." He kisses her hard and starts to thrust. Pulling all the way back and then sinking deep. Slow at first. enjoying every moment. She kisses him rough and messy. Tongues dancing and lips sliding over each other. Her hands grab his ass. Gripping him tight and pulling hard each time he stabs forward. Martin reaches down and strokes her crotch. Moving in time to his thrusts. She groans and her fingers dig into his ass. "oh god oh oh god oh god." the words are tumbling out of her mouth. Ellie has completely abandoned herself to this. She intends to have it last forever. She is going to convince him to fuck her every day. She is going to hold his cock every second she can and suck him off every time he will let her. A series of kinky images runs through her brain. Every porno she has ever watched. Nothing can compare to this. No toy. No boy. Not even Cassandra. She is creaming all over his cock as her climax approaches fast. "fuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!" She screams out as she explodes. Her pussy convulses around Martin's dick. Gripping him in a hot pulsing wet velvet vise. He strokes her slower and steady as she writhes and smashes her lips against him. He puts his arms around her and rolls onto his back. She sits up and grinds. "Now fuck me little girl. Ride me. Make daddy cum." he orders. She grins and starts to move. "Yes daddy." She starts to move. Lifting up about halfway on his shaft and then smacking down again. His hands go up to her pert tits and squeeze. "Do you like that daddy? Feeling my little butt smacking against your thighs?" "Oh god yes!" he groans. She starts to lift higher. Sliding up till just the head is inside her and then slamming back down again. Over and over and over she fucks him. "I love how your cock fills me." she says with a throaty whisper. His only response is a long low sigh. "Can I tell you a secret?" she says with a wicked little smile. "Yesssssss." he hisses totally lost in this. "That time when I was on the couch. I know you were awake. I can never cum without something inside me. But the way you were sitting I could see the head of your cock. I came really hard." "Ohhhh fuccccckkk.: he says as his hands slide down to her ass. Ellie starts to just pound him. Lifting up and smacking down. Impaling herself on his cock. Grinding down when their crotches touch. "Cum for me. Cum hard!" she demands. She fucks him even harder. He cannot hold back any more. Squeezing her little butt really hard he arches his hips up as she comes down and explodes. So hard. He sees spots before his eyes. For her it is no less. Feeling his cock pulse. Locked together. She rubs herself hard against him. Feeling the spurts. Totally overwhelmed by a huge orgasm. She screams and falls down on him. Their lips lock together as they grind out every last bit of pleasure. Neither will ever know how long it really lasted. Even after his balls are empty the feeling of her keeps little ripples running through his body. She feels complete. Knowing this is not going to end. "Mine." he whispers in the brief moment their lips are apart. "Yes." The End CyberTelepath comment

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