My Free - The Importance Of Girl Cams

by KassandraHeaton03130 posted Oct 15, 2015


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So I work in sales and every year this company I worked for has an annual sales rally in another city. After the planned events everyone heads out to local bars and has a good time. Fast forward to Thursday night, the night before we fly out in the morning, and we are doing it again. It is almost midnight when one of my coworkers mentions to me he saw a strip club on the way over and asks me if I want to head over to check the place out.
Heck yeah, I'm in! We excuse ourselves from the bar, walk to an ATM, and call a cab. A few mins later we arrive at the club and head inside. This place is nice! If it weren't for the stages, blasting music, and half naked women in the room this could actually be a nice cocktail lounge. The hulking beast of a manager welcomes us and shows us the points of interest, the bar, VIP area, stages, and private rooms. He then seats us in the middle of the main floor.
Unlike most clubs, we actually get a few mins of peace before the first round of girls come by. The first girls to stop by are really cute, a blond whose name I can't recall and a brunette named Anna. Anna is incredible! My exact type... she is a thin athletic build and her face reminds me of a girl I dated in college.
Anna takes a seat on my lap and soon after a waitress comes around. I order us some drinks and we start to chat. She is in her young 20s, going to college, and just started working at the club. Yeah I know... stop me if you have heard this one before. We actually have a lot in common and are having a nice conversation. If you have read my previous story you know I love to flirt with women and of course this conversation is leading that way as well.
After probably 10mins of just talking she finally goes for it, telling me how much she would like to do a dance for me. I'm ready so I accept. Anna asks me if I would like to go to a more private area of the floor than the middle and I agree. At this point I was so into our conversation I didn't even realize my coworker has disappeared.
Anna escorts me off to some chairs in the back corner. I take a seat and she slips the straps off her shoulders. The black dress she was wearing falls to the floor. Her body is everything I had imagined. This girl might not have an ounce of fat on her. The only thing left to my imagination is what is underneath her thong. Yes, this is just a topless club.
Anna begins her dance and I am loving it. She is writhing around me and making me hard. I go gushy at this point and I can't stop telling her how hot she is. She is eating it up and returning the compliments while dancing all over me. I beg Anna to let me touch her but she insists the managers are very strict and I could get myself escorted out. So I order a few dances and I'm quickly approaching my budget. I treat strip clubs like I treat casinos. Take a set amount of money, have fun, and go home when you run out.
After we are done we head back to the middle of the floor. She sits back down with me and we continue to drink and talk. At one point she tells me, "Sorry but I need to go see when I am on set." I tell her that is no problem and then Anna asks me if I will wait for her to come back from her stage time. I am really enjoying her company so I assure her that I will. She gives me a hug, a peck on the cheek, and leaves.
Around this time two young looking kids are given a seat next to us. They are obviously a little uncomfortable and trying to play it off. The guy sitting next to me and I make eye contact at some point and introduce ourselves. I honestly cannot remember the kid's name. He tells me they are students about to graduate and have never been to a club. I give them a few pointers and the advice seems to help them relax. Soon they have girls of their own and are having a good time.
I had to waive several girls off but Anna finally returns after her stage work. She is elated that I do not have another girl sitting with me. Another hug, another peck on the cheek, and she is sitting back on my lap. Anna does another dance for me in the middle of the floor but I'm really tapped out at this point and I let her know. She says it is fine and she just wants to sit with me until I leave. I shoot my coworker a text asking him where he is and go back to talking to Anna.
The minutes pass by and still no coworker. The kids next to us are now my substitute friends. We are all chatting it up and the kid next to me asks why I am not getting any more dances, after all as he points out, Anna is beautiful! I joke with him that I already gave her all my money. The kid then steps up to the plate and orders a dance for me from Anna!
All of us continue to have a good time drinking and having the girls dance. After a few dances the kid's girl asks him if he wants to get a private room. He turns to me as if he is seeking my approval. I laugh and tell him it will be a great time but it is going to cost him! He replies that money is not a problem!
I laugh again and tell him to go for it then. "You and her go to!" he replies. I again have to tell him I'm tapped out, no more cash. I'm floored when the kid then offers to pay to get me and Anna a room. This is quite an offer, so I make sure this kid really knows what he is doing, and he still insists on paying.
Anna is also shocked but the four of us head over to the floor manager and the kid proceeds to pay for our rooms. I guess I should state at this point that a private room is a few hundred bucks, and this kid is paying for two. Nice guy! With the room paid for my imagination starts to go wild about what might happen next.
The manager then walks us over to the private rooms. If you imagine the club as an "L" the private rooms make up the bottom portion of the letter so they are set off on their own, kind of tucked away around the corner from the main action. The manager plants his giant hand on my shoulder, looks at my sternly, and reminds me to have fun but obey the club rules. He is a beast of a man and could probably knock me out 4 times over without breaking a sweat so my excitement turns to a bit of apprehension.
Anna and I go into ours and shut the thick curtain that gives us total privacy. I actually realize at this point I have no idea what the club rules are. Anna guides me to a loveseat and I sit down. I soon forget about the rules as she tells me how excited she is to have me as her first time doing a private dance as well (still not sure if I believe that one but hey, you go to a club to live out a fantasy). Moments later she is back to dancing all over me. She faces away, arches that sexy back, puts her head next to mine and says "you can use your hands now".
I waste no time. I have been craving this moment since the minute she sat down with me. I immediately caress her upper thighs, working my way up her fit stomach, and onto her breasts. I give them a gentle squeeze and run my fingers over her nipples. Moans and sighs escape her mouth as she continues to grind on me. I am hard as a rock at this point and she notices. She can now use her hands as well and she reaches down between our legs to find my dick. With my guy found, she starts stroking me through my pants.
Anna then stands up and faces me and does something unexpected. She leans in and kisses me full on. I'm not quite sure why this shocked me but it just seemed more intimate. After a good long kiss she stands back up in front of me. I kiss her stomach and place my hands on her hips, hooking my thumbs on her thong I start to pull down. I smiled and thought to myself, "well this is definitely breaking the rules".
Anna is now totally naked in front of me. I kiss her stomach again and slide my hand onto her pussy. I haven't put my fingers inside of her but she is already soaking wet. She moans with approval, tilts my head up, and kisses me on the forehead. I can't wait anymore and I slide a finger inside of her. She arches back and holds on to me for support. I start by using the "come here" motion and she is loving it. After a while she tells me her legs are getting weak so she lays down on the loveseat next to me. With her legs spread I have full access and I go to work with oral and my fingers. She is rubbing her body and making all those sexy noises women make.
"Stop, stop, stop!" she finally exclaims and grabs my hand, pulling me out of her. She lays there on the couch with her eyes closed for a few moments rubbing herself and I simply enjoy the spectacle of a woman having an orgasm. After a few moments, she opens her eyes and says, "my turn".
Anna stands in front of me and helps me out of my shirt. She then kneels down and starts kissing down my chest until she reaches my belt buckle. Undoing it, I lift up my ass and she pulls my jeans down to my ankles. Anna starts at the top again and kisses her way down my chest. This time she reaches my cock and holds it in one hand while kissing up my shaft. When she reaches my head she takes me into her mouth and starts to suck me. It feels amazing, I hold her hair and use my other hand to play with her perky tits. After a few minutes of stroking and sucking on me I tell her I am about to cum. She goes into overdrive, sucking harder and faster, and I explode in her mouth.
I lay back in post orgasm and Anna asks me to check the time. We had the room for 30mins and we are just about to run out of time. Shit, if that manager comes in now I'm royally screwed so we scramble and get our clothes back on. After getting dressed we are sitting on the loveseat together and I decide to go bold or go home. "Would you want to finish this back at my hotel?" I ask.
She smiles and eagerly agrees but still has an hour left on her shift. I plug her number into my phone and send her a text so she has my number. Just about out of time, we head out of the room and back into the main section of the club. My coworker is still missing and the kid is nowhere to be seen. I tell Anna I am going to take off and she gives me a big hug and another kiss on the cheek. She promises to call as soon as she is off.
I grab a taxi outside and head back to my hotel. I flip open my iPad, turn on the TV, and check the time until I can expect to hear from Anna. 3am can't get here soon enough.
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP is the next thing I hear. Fear rushes through me, I know that sound, that is my freaking alarm. I scramble to my phone and realize my worst fears. I passed out! Shit! I turn off the alarm and go to my messages. 3 missed calls, 3 missed voicemails, and a final text that read: "myname!!! It is Anna. Did u fall asleep??? I tried calling I had so much fun with you!! Plz call me if u get this!".
It was 6am and I had to get to the airport. We exchanged a few texts and promises to link up sometime. I quit the company for a better job a few months later and I have never seen her again.

