kwas hialuronowy cenyThis is an excerpt from a larger but incomplete story.
The premise being that a pair of immortal creatures make a wager on which of their chosen humans will abuse the powers they give them more. This is an excerpt from part of Nicoles day as a sex goddess The strange voice resonated in Nicoles head as she lay across the couch in her small apartment.

"I shall grant you a gift; a small measure of my power" The voice carried a different tone now: a sultry note, a sexual note. Suddenly, Nicole felt something completely new: a presence inside her. It pulsed inside of her as blood rushed to her crotch. Her fingers dug into the the casting couch couch cushions as a hard shaft was thrust in and out of her vagina.

Her back arched and she screamed in pleasure. Her tiny form writhed and bounced with the new, intense sensations coursing through her body. She moaned and twisted trying to gain more and more pleasure from her invisible lover. Her black sweatpants began to slide down her legs to reveal her pink panties.
Her nipples grew hard on her small, unrestrained breasts, poking gently through her t-shirt. A dark spot, wet and sticky, began to spread through the cloth of her underwear as she climaxed, a shriek tearing from her throat. As Nicole lay gasping, her eyes rolled up into her head, she felt the presence withdraw.

"More," she breathed. "I can give you no more, dearest Nicole. But you can get more for yourself. You have the power." With that final encouragement, the voice was gone. Nicole spent the rest of the morning struggling to justify or explain the strange waking dream she had experienced.
It felt real at the time, but it could just have been the uncomfortable lack of proper sleep in a proper bed. She went about her business making breakfast for herself when the doorbell rang out. She set aside the pan of scrambled eggs and turned off the heat before going to the door to see who it might be.

She was greeted by a delivery man in a brown UPS uniform with a name tag that read Tony. The moment she saw the ruggedly handsome man wearing a tight, well-fitted uniform, her eyes were drawn to his shorts that were just the right length, and the perfect nude casting amount of stubble to make the man seem adventurous.

Examining the specimen before her, she felt a twinge of arousal. This hunk of a man was delivering some hair dyes and shampoos she had ordered online, but really he was the package she suddenly wanted most. Could you sign for your package, Maam? he said in a voice that matched his dreamy exterior.
This has to be a joke, thought Nicole. Hot, sexy delivery men just dont exist. As long as Im dreaming, I wish he would just step inside, embrace me, and kiss me; overwhelmed and completely obsessed with my beauty... As if on cue, the delivery man suddenly snapped his gaze to Nicoles.

His eyes burned with a building lust and desire, and he stepped towards Nicole, took her into his arms and dipped her back into a deep passionate kiss, unable to control the sudden overwhelming burst of wanton need he felt for her at that moment. Nicole staggered backward from the passionate kiss, bewildered as to what had just happened.

Instantly her mind snapped to the recent memory of the waking dream and the strange voice that, until a moment ago, seemed only a figment of her imagination. The voice echoed in her head, You have the power... Her loins began to tingle with the gravity of what this could mean. I have the power...
Power over sex? But, just what were the extents of these powers? Could she manipulate anyone to fall for her like this unwitting delivery man? Tony just stared at Nicole with an unbridled lust in his eyes. Hes looking at me like a devoted sex slave, she thought, as her mouth began to slowly curl into a devilish smirk.

Perhaps it was time to test the limits of her newfound powers. Tony, who am I? she grinned, anticipating the answer. You are my mistress, of course, he replied, smiling at her pleasantly. I live to pleasure and sexually gratify you. His words dripped with sincerity, and just hearing such a hunk of a man say them brought Nicoles arousal higher.

Close the door and strip for me, she commanded. Tony complied and as soon as the door was shut, began to strip at once. Nicole was horrified to see how hairy Tonys chest was, as well as disappointed by the rather petite nature of his package. I guess it was too good to be true, she mumbled, thinking of how much more handsome Tony might be if he were hairless below the neck.

In that very instant, every trace of hair on Tonys body dissolved into a thin mist and dissipated into the air. Nicoles eyes lit up with radiant excitement. I can change anything! she shouted out loud, her loins stirring with newfound fervor. Her mind swam with all the erotic fantasies and kinky scenarios she had spent an adult lifetime playing out in her imagination. Now, she had the power to make them real.

Slave, she began, feeling an erotic tingle at the opportunity to command such devotion from a man she had just met; to address him as her own personal plaything. In fact, perhaps she was thinking too small? After all, she had amazing sexual powers awakening within her formally meek frame.

Why be a mistress when she could be a sexual Empress? Your Empress craves for her slave to have the body of a god... she began, her normally timid voice brimmed with a commanding confidence; her mind already hard at work sculpting and chiseling what Tonys personage might need to look like in order to fulfill her ultimate fantasy.

Tonys muscles rippled as they slowly swelled, filling out and giving him the well toned appearance of a Greek sculpture. At the same time, his cock began to grow, widening until it seemed to occupy the available space between his legs. It lengthened, stretching longer and longer until it hung almost as a forearm between his knees, so much so that Nicole imagined she might have a difficult time wrapping her hand all the way around it.

The vasculature expanded, rippling the surface with new veins as Tonys testicles began to swell in his scrotum, growing nearly to the size of limes; tightening the skin and descending further as they did so. When the changes were made, Nicole stood, examining her work and grinning like a giddy girl.
She anticipated what it would soon feel like to be fucked by such a monstrous god-cock, and her panties grew wet with the very thought of it. I want you to make love to your Empress, she ordered, adding, Passionate, but please be gentle at first. Itll take time to stretch me out.

Tony nodded, stepping forward and kissing Nicole passionately, lips only at first, but soon his tongue slithered into her mouth to greet and dance slowly across hers. His arms encircled her and traced lines on her back as one hand spread to her neck and then to her lower scalp; fingers spread through her hair.

His enormous cock pressed between them, flattening warmly against her stomach. He looked down and gazed in his new Empresss eyes, drinking her in for a long moment before stooping down and scooping her into his powerful arms and carrying her to the bedroom.
He set her gently on the bed, and fixed a strand of hair that had fallen across her face. At that moment, Nicole had a sudden pang of unworthiness to be doted on by the god-like man she had envisioned for herself. Her hair was so plain and unimpressive, and her breasts barely filled her meager B-cup bra.

Tony stood over her, smiling with blazing desire for her, but all she could feel was insufficiency. He deserves an Empress with long, flowing hair and thick, womanly curves... As her mind drifted to such thoughts, she felt a tightening in her bra, as a warm buzzing tingle spread through her body.

She was stretching! Her legs lengthened and her skin shimmered briefly until the skin was smooth, satiny, and perfect. With a gasp, she felt her bra cut into her skin before snapping from the pressure, and her bust filled out, stretching the black dress she wore and swelling to melon sized orbs that defied gravity as they hung from her chest beneath her dress in a soft, ripe teardrop shape.

Her hips widened and her thighs grew longer. With delight, she ran her hands along her new body, amazed at how smooth and sensitive her skin felt, before she felt a dangling tickle down her back as her hair grew longer and fuller, filling out until she had gorgeous long locks of her Auburn hair that reached the small of her back.

Oh ho, this is divine! she squealed, delighted by what had happened. She felt like the epitome of sex, and Tony couldnt have been happier. His erection pressed in front of him, well past his belly button, and stood as a thick heavy mast, ready to follow his Empresss wishes.
He gently, but firmly pulled her legs open, forming a V shape with her new, sexy body. His huge, erect god-cock hovered a few inches above her pussy, as a large amount of precum accumulated at the tip. He began to lubricate himself with it, sliding one hand up and down the full length of the shaft, spreading and smoothing the glistening substance into the stiff rod in front of him.

Each time he did so, another little glob of lubricant would appear, and he would spread that until his entire massive cock was slick and glistening. As he worked, Nicole hastily rid herself of her uncomfortably tight dress that couldnt fit her new generous curves. Nicole moaned as Tony leaned over and massaged her warm round breasts, spreading some of the lubricant across them, and squeezing thick handfuls of the recently expanded soft tissue.

As he did so, his cock rested across Nicoles slit, its substantial weight alone, applying a small amount of pressure to her swollen clit. He began to very slowly move his hips, and the god-cock slide up and down against her growing wetness. Nicole tingled with arousal, anticipating her first sampling of the largest cock in the world.

odżywka kolagenowa do włosówShe knew no normal woman could ever handle such a magnificent gift, but the Empress of Sex certainly could, and she grew more and more excited by the preamble to the most satisfying cock to ever enter a womans most intimate places. Tony placed his hands firmly on Nicoles shoulders, supporting his upper body as he moved his hips in a wider range, slowly sliding the entire length of his cock across Nicoles pussy.

After several more of these long strokes, he shifted his hips and lined up his massive girth against her vagina, leaking a small amount of slippery precum to coat the entrance and mix with Nicoles already flowing juices. Nicoles pulse quickened with his touch. She was an Empress, welcoming her faithful servants glorious god-cock into her waiting entrance.

Tonys eyes dilated and he let out sharp exhale as he pushed harder, losing his senses for a brief moment as more and more of his shaft stretched and eased into, in his mind, the most perfect woman, and one whom hed gladly serve and service whenever she desired. He pulled back the briefest of moment before shifting forward again, parting more and more of Empresss glorious, tight wet womanhood.

More and more slid into her, and he knew she truly embodied sex itself as she easily took all 14 inches of his massive cock. He let his weight rest against her chest and felt her full, fat breasts beneath him. Nicole moaned, extremely pleased. She had never felt pleasure like this before.
It hurt at first, but it was the most pleasurable sort of pain, as Tony stretched her; his cock filling every inch of her powerful, warm pussy. One of his strong hands parted her hair and clutched the top of her head while the other drove under her neck, cradling her.

Nicole spread her legs more, lifting them up to give Tony more room to build up a pace as he began to drive into her, faster and faster. Nicoles wet lips surrounded his mammoth rod as he leaned in for a passionate kiss, letting his tongue intertwine with hers as he slid into her again and again. Take me inside you, my Empress.

Grant me the grace of being your willing lover. Nicole grinned, enjoying every moment of her pure sexual influence and power over this Delivery Man, who clearly wouldnt be making his other deliveries this day, or any other. Tony belonged to her now. She willed her breasts to swell a little casting couch sex more, expanding another few cup sizes so her nipples could graze his chest as he continued to pummel into her with his monster cock.

The moments turned to minutes, which turned to nearly an hour of passionate ravaging. Tony held Nicole in numerous positions and places, driving his cock into her with endless endurance. It drove Nicole to orgasm after orgasm. The climax she had felt that morning, a gift from whatever disembodied spirit that had granted her this complete power over sex, was nothing compared to what she was feeling now.

The sex continued until she desired a little rest from the numbing pleasure of countless, endless orgasms. With a mere thought, she willed her doting slave to cum at last, spilling huge volumes of hot college porn cum deep inside her. It filled her with such deeply satisfying warmth, and spilled down the edge of Tonys shaft.

When it had at last subsided, Tony slid his softening cock from Nicoles pussy. Tony watched as Nicole slid off of the bed and stood up. She had just experienced the most satisfying and intense fucking of her life, but in her mind, it wasnt enough. She wanted more; More men, and more pleasure slaves to trip over themselves for the chance to even gaze at her majesty.

She was the Empress of Sex, after all. No, that title seemed too small for her now. She was so much more. She was a Goddess of Sex. She cleaned herself up briefly and went to her closet and looked through her dresses. Most of them were far too modest to properly adorn a Goddess of Sex, but she did spot one skimpy cocktail dress, far in the back.

She had never worn it before. The old Nicole was too meek and shy to wear it before, but the new Nicole squeezed tightly into it, her cleavage spilling out obscenely. She had no bras that could fit her impressive breasts now, but her glorious new tits were so perky and firm that she no longer needed one.
She chose the highest heels she owned; a pair of sexy black stilettos that she had only wore once, but had stumbled so often in them that they had been exiled to the back of the closet. Now was their time to make their return debut. She commanded Tony to remain by her bedside until her return, and think only of new ways to please his Goddess.

He dutifully obeyed, and as he watched her leave, his body ached to be in her presence again. Nicole sashayed down the road, her long, smooth legs elevated by the 5-inch heels, and her round, bodacious ass swaying back and forth with every step. She was magnificent and she knew it.
Her breasts proudly jutted forward as her dress hardly covered her entrancing, succulent thighs. She walked through the city, attracting stares and looks of desire or lust from every passerby. To the women who smiled at her, she would grant them a boon, willing their breasts to grow and swell by several sizes until their bras were ready to snap.

To those who looked at her with envy, shed cackle in her own sultry way, as their sexual assets shriveled away to almost nothing. She had the power to grant the blessing of sex to anyone she desired, and the feeling was incredible. Nicole fluffed her long, luxurious hair, and gazed in the direction of a thin, awkward looking teen that was nervously trying to talk to an equally awkward girl.

With little more than a thought of her mind, the two dropped their discussion and approached the ravishing woman in the black dress. Nicole leaned in and kissed the boy square on the lips, driving her tongue into his mouth and giving him the greatest kiss of his life.
In that instant, his complexion smoothed, his body strengthened, and he felt a bulge growing in his pants. By kolagen na twarz the time he was done kissing him, he was a handsome, incredible specimen of a man. Pleased by her blessing on the awkward teen, she turned to the girl with greasy hair, braces, and glasses.

Nicole slid a smooth, perfectly formed hand to caress the girls cheek before kissing her as well. The girl stared at Nicole, stunned, as her hair fell down around her shoulders in luscious, thick strands of golden blond hair, and the braces on her teeth dropped off as her smile straightened and her lips plumped.

All while this happened, the guy watch with stunned silence as the awkward girl he had been talking to began to transform into an incredible vixen. Her previously flat-chested, practically non-existent breasts ballooned outward, stretching her t-shirt and stretching the fabric as the swelled and blossomed into fat, full breasts that would easily require a 38DDD bra to contain. A gift from your Goddess, she whispered, looking at the two of them, and willed them to begin to kiss passionately, watching with glee as the newly enhanced woman pinned her man to the wall and began to passionately kiss him, reaching into his pants to grab and fondle her new mans hardening cock.

Pleased with her gifts, Nicole continued her walk. She was going to bless the entire city with gifts. Afterall, she was their goddess; their Goddess of Sex. SapphireDreams

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