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I work part time for my city doing field maintenance for baseball and softball games that are held during city leagues. It was a warm mid-July day and I was scheduled to work with Amy. She and I are pretty good work friends. We never have any problems working together and we can talk about almost anything, mostly just bs-ing around until the end of the shift. I mostly just listened to her sweet voice as she talked about this or that.
As the rain got heavier Amy and I ran out to the field to get the tarps down as fast as we could. The heavy winds made it more difficult and less than 5 minutes later we both were soaked to the bone. After 10 minutes of work we finally finished and made our way back into our building next to the field to wait for the rest of the storm to pass. It took another 30 minutes to pass and we got the go ahead from the team managers to take the tarps off and roll the water off the infield. That took about 40 minutes and by the end we were just ready to go back inside by our heaters and try to warm up.
Neither of us brought a change of clothes so we were stuck in our wet clothing until it the shift was over. But Amy did have a couple blankets in her trunk because she liked to take naps in her car or in our building there when she had the chance so she went out and grabbed them for us. When we got back inside we kicked on both space heaters we have and wrapped ourselves up in the blankets as she grabbed the TV remote, sat down next to me, and began flipping through the channels on the TV when she came to an episode of some survival type show. The first thing we saw the host did was jump into a small river to tell people what they should do if they get completely wet and are outdoors. So he jumped in then got out quickly and said something along the line of "you need to get out of the wet clothes quickly so your body can keep its temperature level more normalized." Amy and I said, pretty much in unison, "that makes sense" and we looked at each other and laughed. She said "Might as well do it, he is an expert." So I sat there under my blanket and watched her move around under her blanket some, take off her shoes and socks and put them a couple feet away from her, then she lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it onto the floor by her socks. "That feels a bit better" she said as she moved around some more and she dropped her wet pants on top of her shirt. She looked back at me, smiled, and said "trust me I feel warmer already. Don’t be scared." So I followed her lead and took off my shoes, socks, shirt, and shorts.
"Yeah, this does feel a bit better" I said with a matching smile. "See, I told you." She said. The next thing we heard him say was that you should try to find somewhere to make or hold a shelter and try to get a fire going for warmth. I said "Our space heaters will have to fill in for a fire because lighting a fire inside a city building is probably frowned upon." That got her to laugh and she reached out with her right hand and pushed me away saying "you’re such a joker." And when she did I caught a quick glimpse of her orange bra as I sat back upright. I know that’s not such a big deal, really, but in that moment it just hit me differently, and the expression on my face told her that I saw it as well. She just giggled and pulled her blanket back up over her shoulders. And we continued to watch the TV. When the show came back from commercials she scooted closer to me, nudged me with her shoulder, and giggled again. I know the TV show was playing but I couldn’t tell you what was happening on it because my mind was reflecting back on the orange flash I just saw when I felt some more movement coming from my left side. I didn’t want to turn my head to look so I just used my peripheral vision to see what she was doing.
About 30 seconds later she stops moving as much and drops her orange bra and a black pair of panties on top of her other clothes. I turn and ask her what she was doing and she said "I’m just following the expert’s instructions." And when I snapped back into reality I noticed that the host had censored blurs around his waist. I turned to look back at her and when I did she smiled and pointed her eyes downwards to the bottom of my blanket and without a second thought I took off my boxers and dropped them with the rest of my clothes. When I did she turned back to the TV. And we sat there watching without talking until the end of the episode, then she started channel flipping again. After a minute I felt her moving again and as I wondered what she could possibly be taking off now, I felt her hand reach under my blanket and move it over my left hand. I turned to look at her with a confused look on my face and she turned to me with a smile and a tiny lip-bite on hers as she grabbed my hand and moved it under her blanket. Without breaking eye contact she lifted he blanket off of her and I lifted mine up and she slid right in next to me and dropped it back over her left side.
She closed her eyes and leaned her head into mine and she kissed me gently, just for a second but it was long enough for me quickly wrap my hands around her waist and pull her as close to me as I could and kiss her deeply and not let her go, but it was clear she wasn’t going to pull away. Instead she grabbed re-took my left hand with her right and brought it up to her chin, broke our kiss, gently kissed my fore and middle fingers, then put them in her mouth and licked and sucked them, then, as tenderly as she brought it up, she took my hand down, just brushing passed her full, firm breasts, and down to her eager pussy. She slowly ran my hand through her small patch of pubic hair before taking her hand off of mine, leaving me to continue from there. And not wanting to draw it out too long I continued down to her pussy where I could feel her warmth as my hand cupped over her lips and my thumb traced around and teased her clit. I could hear her moans through our kisses as I slowly slipped in my forefinger while gently rubbing her clit with my thumb. Then I slipped my middle finger which caused her lips to break away from mine as she leaned her head back and breathed out a soft "ohhh yesss" before meeting my lips once again as I continued to work my fingers in and out of her tight, warm, and wet pussy.
Before long I began to work my fingers faster which caused her to begin to move her hips around in relation to movements of my fingers. Her deep moans started slowly but quickly increased in volume until she pulled away from my lips once more and moaned "please don’t stop" over and over until I felt her body tighten and release with a loud moan of pleasure as I felt some of her warm juices flow passed my fingers and onto the carpet underneath us. She kissed me deeply again as she grabbed my hand away from her wet mound and back up to her mouth so she could taste her juices on my fingers.
Once she had licked all she could from them she got out from under the blanket and stood up in front of me giving me the view of her 5ft 4-ish frame that I always dreamt of; Her long strawberry blonde hair draped down a few inches below her shoulders, her bright blue eyes staring lustily right into mine, her beautifully perky breasts (size 32 C) looking just as perfect as I had always imagined with her small, pink, nipples looking hard and needing to be played with, her tight mid-section leading down to her perfectly proportionate hips, then I focused for half a minute on her mostly shaved pubic hair which was cut into a thin triangle with the point directed towards her clit, and finally I admired her beautifully toned legs.
"You like what you see?" She asked.
"Seeing is one thing, feeling however, that’s what I’d like better." I responded
"What are you waiting for then?" she said with a cute little smile.
So I stood up with the blanket still wrapped around me, stepped over to her and threw the blanket around her shoulders from mine and then kissed her lips once more, but just for a few seconds, I had the rest of her body to explore. So I kissed down from her lips to her neck as I brought my hands around her back and ran them across her firm ass cheeks, grabbing them and releasing with every few kisses. I moved down to her shoulders, passing them quickly which allowed me to focus more attention on her breasts and nipples. When I began teasing them with quick little flicks from my tongue, I brought my hands up from her ass and gently squeezed and caressed them and found they were just as perfect to the touch as they looked. I must have spent at least 10 minutes kissing, squeezing, licking, nibbling, pinching, and sucking on her breasts by the time she put one hand on my head and the other on my left shoulder gently guiding me downwards. So I kept my left hand on her left breast while my right returned to her soft ass as I slowly kissed my way down her midsection to her waist and then finally to her small patch of pubic hair once more. When I pulled back to look up at her she stepped back until she was leaning against a wall then spread her legs widely and motioned with a finger to follow her as she bit her lip once more. I quickly shuffled over and admired her beautifully beautiful pussy lips and clit. Her pink lips hung about half an inch down and I could see that her juices were still slowly dripping down from inside of her so I kissed her clit and lips trying to get as many of the droplets onto my lips and tongue as I could while she was pressing my head into her more strongly. After a bit I parted her lips with a my left hand and flicked my tongue around inside of her; making sure to slowly, yet firmly, draw it over her clit, then circle it a couple times, and poke it back inside her. It didn’t take more than 5 minutes for her to come to a second orgasm and since my mouth was still there I got to taste her sweet juices as they were freshly dripping down from inside of her. She then grabbed my hair with both hands and pulled me back onto my feet and immediately kissed me again, lashing her tongue into mine so she could taste her juices again.
After a couple more minutes of kissing she took one of her hands off of my head and slowly traced it down my face, down my shoulder, across my pectoral muscle, down my abs taking some time to trace around some of the defined muscles of my forming 6-pack, then finally through my trimmed down pubic hairs and finally to the base of my hard cock. She gently scraped up and down my 6 and a half in shaft with the back of her fingernails taking care to circle around its tip as I had circled her clit with my thumb. She then pushed my head back with her free hand, smiled, spun me around so that my back was to the wall now, then dropped down to her knees and gave me one more sexy look with her beautiful eyes, and began gently kissing my shaft as she kept tracing one hand along it while the other began gently caressing my balls. Only a few seconds later she slipped her mouth over just the tip of my cock and began flicking her tongue around it while taking the hand that was playing with my balls and gently stroking my shaft. Soon she began taking more and more if me into her mouth until she had all of me in her mouth and I could just feel the back of her mouth. Back and forth she went, driving me crazier and crazier with every stroke and tongue flick, a couple more minutes and it was all I could do to not release my load. After about a minute more I finally broke my silence and told her I was going to cum soon which caused her instantly to look up at me with those big blue eyes, release me from the warmth of her mouth, and stand up with one hand still on my cock and step so she was at my side. With our eyes locked once again she began stroking me slowly at first then quicker with every couple seconds until I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I broke our eye contact to watch her hand move up and down my cock and with a few loud groans I shot half a dozen spurts of cum onto the floor in front of me. When I lifted my head back up I noticed that she too had watched me cum and with my free hand I touched her chin and lifted her head back up so I could kiss her soft lips once more, but after a few heavenly seconds she squatted back down on front of me and quickly licked the remaining cum from the head of my cock, a few seconds later she was standing up again with our lips locked once more.
Without me realizing it Amy had slowly moved us over to the desk we have and as she sat down on the top of it she wrapped her legs around my hips and locked me into her even more than I was before (somehow). She broke off after a few seconds and began trying to say something but after every word I planted another kiss on her lips "Hold…on…enough…kissing…for now. I…need...to feel…you…inside me…again." So she released her legs from around my thighs and pushed me head back down to her wet pussy where I quickly picked up where I left off. Tongue and fingers eagerly working inside of her and out. A couple minutes is all it took for her to reach her third orgasm and this time she held my head in place while each wave of pleasure washed over her. "That was great" she said while breathing heavily, "but I wanted your cock inside of me."
"I knew that, but I needed to taste your sweet pussy juices again." I said as I stood up, went over to where we had left our blankets and laid them down on top of each other in the area next to the desk. "If you want it so badly come here and get it" I said with a smile as I laid down on my side on the blankets. She smiled widely as she slid off the desk, walked over to me, nudged me over onto my back and laid down on top of me. That view instantly brought me back to full hardness as she planted more sweet kisses on my lips while gently grinding her hips on mine. Every few rotations I could feel her wet lips graze against my thighs causing some of her juices to drip down them. Finally, I couldn’t take her teasing anymore, so I grabbed her ass with both hands, sat us up, and all but begged for her to slip me into her. Almost immediately she pushed me back down onto my back, slid down so her pussy was just over the tip of my cock, looked into my eyes once more and asked "is this what you want?" as she grabbed my cock and held it steady as she slowly eased herself down. "Oh god yes" I managed to groan out as she began to rotate her hips around while simultaneously grabbing my hands off her ass and moving them to her firm breasts once again. I was in pure ecstasy. With Amy switching between a slow, sensual rotation of her hips and slowly sliding her warm, wet, and tight pussy up and down on my cock, and my hands squeezing her breasts and playing with her nipples I still have no idea how I managed to hold my second load in for the 5 minutes I was inside her this far but I did. After a few minutes of me playing with her breasts she grabbed my hands off of them and just held them in hers off to either side of us giving me the cue to sit up so I could kiss her lips again. The distraction of her lips on mine brought me away from the edge, that is, until Amy started breaking from our kiss more and more in order for her to moan louder and louder as she built herself up to another orgasm. And as she built towards her I could no longer hold off mine. The feeling came in slowly, but it quickly got more and more difficult to hold off so I told her I was going to cum again. "Let’s cum together" she said. "You better hurry up then" I replied with a wide smile. Not a minute later and I couldn’t hold it in any longer so with the last bit of my self control I held off cumming just long enough so that I could pull her in close to me and flip her around so she was laying down on the bottom and with two slow, hard thrusts I came inside of her just as she entered her final orgasm. Another half dozen spurts is what I felt leave me as she bucked up against me with her legs wrapped around my ass, her fingernails scratching and digging into my back, and her tight pussy clenching and relaxing with each passing second.
As both of our orgasms wore down I laid down next to her, wrapped me arms around her as she entwined her legs with mine. We stayed locked in each others’ arms as we lay motionless listening to the sound of each other breathing occasionally planting quick kisses on the others’ lips. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way the sweat on her body glistened in the moonlight that streamed in through the windows.


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