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His eyes followed her around the track once again. Her butt popped up and down with every stride down the back stretch, and as she made the turn her beautiful breasts came bouncing into his gaze. He had to make a conscious effort to look away from her. He focused on the runners whose names he could barely remember until he saw her come bounding around the corner once again. She was toned. Her legs were powerful, and her butt was rounded and firm. He could see little spots of sweat soaking through her sports bra. She was a goddess, sexy and lusted over by all the boys at Overland high school and unbeknownst to her, lusted over by her track coach as well. She could feel his eyes staring bullets straight through her ass as she jogged down the back stretch. Or could she? Maybe she just wished that he was staring at her. She wanted him to want her, because she wanted him more than anything. All the other boys pursuing her were just that, boys. But he, he was a man. Muscular, handsome, tall, and she imagined him having a big cock as well. Many nights as she lay in her bed her mind would wander to him. Oh how she wished he could be there with her as she slid her hand into her shorts. She could see him in her mind, on top of her, taking control, running his hands over her body, thrusting and grunting. She would moan and buck her hips. But that would never happen. He had a girlfriend, and he was her track coach. He could get fired if anything happened between them. But hey, a girl could dream. Jack Thomas was hired as the track coach and gym teacher at his former high school just last year, but he felt out of place. He had gone to college on a full scholarship for track and field after being an all state runner at Overland. After an average college career he found himself back hd shaved pussy at his old stomping grounds. During a summer workshop he had met his girlfriend, Sarah or Ms. Reynolds as she was called around school. She was the stereotypical hot english teacher, ass looked nice in a skirt, just enough cleavage to keep the boys guessing, glasses and big brown eyes. They were the perfect high school teacher couple, and they were happy together. She was the only female at the school that was ever on his mind in a sexual way, that is until he met Molly. The loosely enforced dress code banning yoga pants and leggings was meant for her. He met her for the first time in his office near the beginning of the school year. She was one of the better sprinters on the team as well as a senior and team leader and wanted to introduce herself. Jack was sitting at his desk doing some paperwork when he heard a light and cheery voice "Coach Thomas?". Jack spun around in his chair and saw her beautiful face poking through his doorway, her long blonde hair draped down from her smiling face. She had the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen, full lips, nice cheek bones, and perfect teeth. "Um hello, can I help you?" he smiled at her. She stepped into the doorway and began to introduce herself, but he didnt hear a word she said. He took her body in as quickly as he could and tried to avoid staring. She was curvaceous as any high schooler he had ever seen. Her calves bulged out from her legs slightly, her quads just barely showed through her leggings, her hips came out wide from her waist and went back into her stomach, and then there were her tits. They were perky and filled her tight shirt extremely well. Jack wondered how any straight man could keep his eyes and his mind focused. "...and I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself". Jack snapped back to reality just in time. "Well its very nice to meet you Molly, I can’t wait for track season to start up in the spring, I"m sure it’ll be great!" He gave her his winningest smile. Why did he do that? He usually saved that smile for girls he was trying to sleep with. "Yeah! Well I guess I’ll see you around then coach" she giggled as she spun around and began to walk out the door. Jack then caught his fist sight of the ass he would later dream about. Her hair just barely reached down to it. It was perfectly round, big, and he imagined it would be firm as well because of her muscular build. He closed the door to his office and realized that he could not wait for track season to start. Molly had heard about him through one of her friends, actually several of them. They were all talking about the hot new track coach. She thought nothing of it until she saw him talking to Ms. Reynolds in the halls after school one day. She was immediately attracted to him and seeing him smiling and flirting with her english teacher drove her insane for some reason. She assumed it was some primal instinct making her jealous. She watched for a moment until they kissed goodbye and she quickly made her way to the parking lot to go home. She had to meet him. The next day she stopped by his office outside the gym. She poked her head in and saw him sitting at his desk. She said his name and he turned to look at her. He was handsome. Messy brown hair, green eyes, stubble on his chin, broad shoulders and biceps bulging out of his t shirt. She introduced herself as best as she could and avoided looking directly at him because if she did she would probably stutter and end up sounding like an idiot. When he smiled at her she practically melted on the inside. She did her best not to blush and called him coach on her way out. She made sure to spin around and give him a good look at her ass. She couldn’t wait to see him on a daily basis. Jack watched as she rounded the final turn of her last lap. He made sure to savor it because it was Friday and he wouldn’t see her again until Monday. That’s as far as it went for him, his imagination. Sometimes when Sarah was blowing him he would imagine it was Molly, but he knew he would never be able to make a move on her. The risk was too great. As she got closer, legs flexed, boobs bouncing up and down, he made eye contact with her. Molly was focused on her running, a rare occurrence on relaxed days like these. She was usually able to let her mind wander and think about boys and school, but of course she mostly thought about Jack. She would see him each time she came around and he would give some encouragement or just look past her. She wished he would give her more attention, but for now he was out of her mind until she looked up and stared right into his eyes. The whole world stopped and the only thing she saw or thought of was him. Images of her sexual fantasies flashed through her head in an instant until she tripped and came crashing to the ground. All of sudden everything was in slow motion. Jack managed to ignore her boobs even though they looked like they could come flying out of her sports bra at any moment, and stared right into her eyes. In that moment she was all that mattered to him. He had to have her, and just then an opportunity presented itself. She misstepped, and fell to the ground in a sweaty and somehow sexy heap. Jack walked briskly over to her not trying to look to eager but before he could reach her Paul, who was never too far behind Molly, appeared by her side. When Jack reached them Paul was trying to comfort her but she only responded with "I’m fine, I’m fine". She had a very dazed look on her face until Jack spoke up "You okay Molly? That was quite the fall". Paul was on one knee holding her hand trying to help her up when she suddenly snapped back into reality "Oh yeah no I’m fine" she tried to play it off as best she could. "Here lets get you up" Jack said reaching out his hand. She let go of Paul’s hand and grabbed Jacks instead. She stood up slowly and when she put weight on her right leg she almost fell over again, but this time Jack was there to catch her. She winced in pain and fell into his arms. Her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Her skin was soft and he held both of her arms helping her steady herself "You okay there?" She looked up at him "Yeah I’m fine" she said softly "I just, I" she stuttered and laughed "I’ll be okay" She smiled and stepped back. Paul had a rather disappointed look on his face realizing that his track coach had just stolen Molly from him. She laid there for few moments trying to figure out what just happened. She looked up and saw Jack coming to her aid and she couldn’t have been happier about that until Paul appeared next her "Oh my gosh Molly are you okay?" Paul had been relentlessly pursuing her for quite some time, so she was sure he thought this was some chance to win her over, but there was only one man who she wanted help from. She looked up and saw Jack’s figure standing over her holding out his hand. She gladly reached up and grabbed it. His grip was powerful. She could see his arm flexing as he easily pulled her up to him. She felt a slight twinge of pain as she put weight on her right leg, but nothing too serious. However all she wanted was more physical contact with him, so she faked pain and fell into his arms as she stood up. He grabbed her arms and steadied her. He was strong and easily held her weight. The feeling of his touch caused her sexual fantasies to flash through her mind again. He saw him holding her in his arms, thrusting into her. She could hear herself screaming his name. She got goosebumps just thinking about it and then she heard his voice "You okay there?" She forced herself to stop thinking about her sexual fantasies. She managed to stutter out that she was okay. She let go of his arms and brushed some hair over her shoulder. She looked down at her knee. It was bleeding a little and swollen "Why don’t you go up to the training room and I’ll meet you in there in a few minutes and get you patched up." She smiled and said "Okay." As she made her way into the building her heart began to beat faster. The small amount of physical contact had turned her on to the point that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Jack opened the door to the school building. The training room was the first door on the left. He saw something in her eyes before she fell. He knew that there was mutual attraction, but he didn’t know what to do about it. Would he open the door and find her lying naked on the training table? Would she drop to her knees as soon as he got close? He took a deep breath and turned the door knob. She was sitting on the training table waiting patiently for him still in her sports bra and spandex shorts, sweat glistening on her body. She looked up at him and smiled slightly before looking back down again "What happened out there?" He asked as he got a bandaid for her "I’m just clumsy sometimes I guess" she said. Molly sat on the table swinging her legs back and forth. She looked at him and giggled. Her boobs bounced up and down as she laughed and Jack couldn’t help but glance down at them "What’s so funny?" He asked as he stepped towards her "I don’t know me I guess, I’m a klutz" she laughed again and again her boobs jiggled around "It happens to the best of us" he said. She brushed some hair over her shoulder and smiled as Jack unwrapped the band aid "Thanks coach, you’re the best" Jack looked at her. She was smiling and looking directly at him. I just want to fuck your brains out he thought to himself. He wanted to bend her over this training table and fuck her sweet little pussy. "Well you’re very welcome Molly" he said as he smoothed the band aid over her knee. He was standing directly in front of her, her bright blue eyes staring up at him. He didn’t realize it but his hand was still on her knee. The way he looked at her before he put the band aid on she knew he wanted her. It was almost the same look that some of the boys around school had given her. His hand lingered on her knee and they stared at each other for several seconds before she moved her hand on top of his. Her breathing got heavier and her heart practically leaped out of her chest as his hand rushed up her thigh and he leaned in to kiss her. His heart was pounding. Blood flowed straight to his cock as their lips met. They kissed hard for a few seconds, their lips locked together. He pulled away "I, I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me" She stared at him. His cock was pitching a tent in his shorts "You should just go" He turned and walked away realizing what a horrible decision this was. Molly sat there paralyzed for a few seconds. As Jack walked away she hopped down from the training table and followed him. He turned and she was right in front of him. He jumped a little, obviously surprised. She leaned up and kissed him lightly before whispering "I want you" They stared into each others eyes for a few moments contemplating what to do next before they pressed their lips together again, this time more passionately. She felt his arms wrap around her waist and pull her body into his. She grabbed at his neck as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Their lips opened and closed and their tongues fought each other for position. Their breaths were quick and Molly moaned in pleasure. Jack’s cock throbbed in his shorts. Her sweaty body slipped around in his arms. He moved his hands to pull her sports bra over her head. She happily obliged and smiled as she lifted her arms up. Her tits flopped out, happy to be free. He pushed his hands into her breasts as he kissed her again. They kissed more slowly this time. She smiled into their kiss and giggled a little as well. The feeling of his hands on her breasts was even better than she had dreamed. He squeezed and caressed them as she worked her hands into his shorts. Her hands found their target. His cock was long and pulsing with blood, and ready to be sucked in her educated opinion. Molly broke the kiss and dropped to her knees. She pulled his shorts and boxers down. His cock caught on the waistband as she pulled it down before springing out. Jack was shaven and his cock stood at attention in front of her face. Veins bulged out of it. She just stared for a few seconds, marveling at his cock which could have been ten inches long. Jack laughed "You like it?" His cock was inches from her face. She nodded. She was living her sexual fantasy right now. She looked up at him as she bit her lip and brought her hand up to his cock. His cock flexed and bulged as she began to stroke. She could feel the blood pulsing through his veins. His breath quickened. Molly had seen other boys reach this stage before and knew he wouldn’t last long, so she got to work. Suddenly his cock was in her mouth. He could already feel the cum building up at the base of his cock. Her tongue darted around on the tip of his cock and slid around the sides as she took more of him in. He groaned trying to hold back but he couldn’t. His cock flexed one final time and his whole body tensed up as Molly stroked the base of his cock and sucked his head. Molly dreamt of this moment ever since she met Jack. She thought it would never happen, but here she was with his cock ready to burst in her mouth. She felt the sudden warmness of his cum on the roof of her mouth. She could feel the veins pulsing on her tongue as she continued to slide it around his rock hard cock. His sweet cum continued to fill her mouth. His cock flexed several times as more and more drained out of him. She swallowed every drop. Jack felt like he might pass out. That was the most euphoric orgasm he had ever experienced. As Molly pulled his cock out of her mouth little strings of cum stuck to his still throbbing member. She licked them all off and opened her mouth to show she had swallowed it all. He smiled "You’re good" He was struggling to catch his breath "Oh I know" Molly said smiling. She stood up and grabbed her sports bra from the ground and slipped it back on. Jack pulled his shorts back up as his cock began to return to normal size "Let’s do this again sometime" He said seductively as he stepped towards her. He kissed her lightly on the lips. "Sounds like a good idea to me" she replied. She turned and walked out the door, hips swaying with a the biggest smile on her face. ratsonrats1896

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